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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67539   Wed Jun 26 10:10:45 2013 Warning Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionLinux2.9.2Re: Image attachments null in e-mails. Error log?

Daniel Campora wrote:

 Hi there :)

I'm having a problem with the e-mail notification on my installation of elog. I'm testing the attachment upload with images, and it seems to work seamlessly. However upon posting, the e-mail notification sends a null attachment, instead of the image I would expect.

Is there an error log I can check for this? I started the elog process without the daemon option, but I can't see any error coming up.


This is one of the few exceptional cases where reading the documentation can actually help:

Detect language » English


You can turn on logging using the "Logfile=<filename>" command in the elogd.cfg configuration. With "Logging level=3" you see all elog access, but sending email is in the log anyway.

  67571   Tue Oct 8 18:14:20 2013 Warning Barendoffice@amtc2.comBug reportWindows2.9.2Importing XML/CSV

Hi Stefan,

I'm experiencing problems importing XML (.csv is not working at all for me).

My logbook contains 3 date-attributes besides the system DATE (entry time), date-format is defined as %d %b %y.
The XML file hold the date format "DD.MM.YYYY"

- During "preview" I see that all entries are listed.

- During the import I get the "wrong date format" error.

- When I review the Summary, I see that only the first XML entry (all 3 date-attributes hold a date) was imported.

- When I try to re-import the XML from the second entry (after removing the 1st entry from XML - this second entry hold NO date-value on one of the date-attributes) the elogd.exe crashes and I get the "Service Temporarily Unavailable" error page.

- When I try to re-import the XML from the modified second entry (after removing the 1st entry from XML - this second entry holds date-value on all of the date-attributes) the elogd.exe crashes and I get the "Service Temporarily Unavailable" error page.


Any suggestion what could be wrong? Is it the missing date-value?

Attachment 1: import.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
		<DATE>Mon  07 Oct 2013 11:41:42 +0200</DATE>
		<Kontrahent>AAAAAAAA BBBBBBBBBB</Kontrahent>
		<DATE>Mon  07 Oct 2013 11:41:42 +0200</DATE>
		<Nazwa_dokumentu>CCCCCC DDDDDDDD</Nazwa_dokumentu>
  67628   Tue Nov 26 16:24:39 2013 Warning Stephenswgallman@bpa.govBug reportWindows2.9.2Crash report involving propagate and replies

Using Elog 2.9.2

Elog crashes when making 10 replies, I narrowed the crash down to the Propagate Attributes setting.

I have an attribute "Status" that can be toggled between "Open" and "Closed" and that propagates all replies.  On the 10th reply the application crashed, this is repeatable 100% of the time.  Without the propagate option everything works fine.

Attached is my config file parsed down.

Is there a way around this, or is there a way on reply to change the attribute of the log note you replied to from open to closed without using the propagate option?

Attachment 1: elogd.cfg
port = 443
SSL = 1
SMTP host = *******
URL = ******
; URL = ******
Allow passwordchange = 1
Self Register = 0

Logfile = D:\ELOG\Log\Logging.txt

[CSM Log]
; Main settings
Password file = D:\ELOG\Password\Admin.xml
Theme = default
List Menu commands = New, Find, List, Config, Change password, Logout, Last Day

; E-mail

; Look and Feel
Use Lock = 1
Fix text = 0
Propagate Attributes = Status
Allow Delete = Noone
; Allow Edit = Noone
Allow Duplicate = Noone
Allow Import = Noone
Allow Select = noone
; Suppress default = 1
Sort Attribute Options System = 1
Sort Attribute Options Sub-System = 1
List after submit = 1
Display mode = summary
Quote on reply = 1
Entries per page = 30
Refresh = 240
Default Encoding = 1
Quick filter = Date, Type, System, Sub-System, Status, subtext
Time format = %A, %B %d, %Y, %H:%M
Page Title = ELOG - $type
Reverse sort = 1
Restrict edit time = 24
ID Display  = $message id
Extendable options = System, Sub-System
Type Time of Event = datetime
Preset Time of Event = $date
List Display = ID, Time of Event, Author, Type, System, Sub-System, Status
Allow branching = 0
Reply String =    
Summary lines = 5
Prepend on reply = \nAdded on $date by $long_name\n\n

; Log Header
Preset Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author
Preset on reply Author = $long_name
Required Attributes = Author, Type, System, Status, Time of Event
Preset on reply Time of Event = $date
Preset on edit Author = $long_name

Attributes = Time of Event, Author, Type, System, Sub-System, Status, 
Options Type = Test1{1}, Test2{2}, Test3{3}, Test4{4}, Test5{5}
Style Type Shift Change = background-color:yellow

{5} Preset Status = Closed
Options Status = Open, Closed
Cell Style Status Closed  = background-color:#1f9400
Cell Style Status Open  = background-color:#a10000

; Event Time options
; Type Event Time = datetime
; Subst Event Time = $date

; Options
{1} Options System = Test

; Options
{2} Options System = Test

; Options
{3} Options System = Test

; Turnover
{5} MOptions System = Test
{5} MOptions Sub-System = Test

  67678   Thu Mar 13 11:34:58 2014 Warning Markus Grosse-KockM.Grosse-Kock@reken.deQuestionWindowsV2.9.2Problem with ELOG


we have a problem. After windows updates, the elog service doesn´t start:


What can we do?

Best regards,


  67683   Sat Mar 29 12:14:11 2014 Warning David reportLinux2.9.2-a738Defunct daemons
Hi Stefan and Andreas

Yesterday I reported I had some issues with the latest elog: but now I can reproduce one.  
elog 2.9.2-a738232

I started a new entry, and attached three pdf files.  I did not get the problem of not seeing the png thumnbnail
this time, although that is annoying if you want/need to adjust the thumbnail image before submitting.

However, if I then look at the running processes, I have the following listed (ps -A)

23677 tty1     00:00:04 elogd
23809 tty1     00:00:00 elogd <defunct>
23825 tty1     00:00:00 elogd <defunct>
23847 pts/0    00:00:00 ps

23677 was when I started the elogd daemon, having killed off the previous daemon etc for test purposes.

23809 and 23825 appeared after a couple of pdfs were added (second and third ones to be precise).  They can only
be killed off by killing off the original running daemon.  It appears that attaching a second and further pdf
attachments to any entry generates an elogd <defunct> in the processes list, although attaching a jpg in the
middle of a list of pdfs didn't (but the next pdf did).  This is happening while adding attachments, that is the
Submit button has yet to be pressed, so it seems to be generated  when the pdf file is being processed for some

You can end up with quite a stack of these in the process list!

I never saw this behaviour with the previous version I was running, SVN2475 I think.

By the way, I still cannot send an attachment over to this server (showing a screenshot) without the 502 error.
  67709   Fri Oct 24 12:51:00 2014 Warning Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fixAllALLPOODLE vulnerability


Recently the POODLE vulnerability has been announced: 

ELOG is prone to this vulnerability if it runs directly the SSL protocol and can be accessed from the internet. If ELOG runs behind an Apache proxy, and the Apache server has been correctly configured (disabled the SSLv23 protocols), ELOG is safe as well.

To fix this vulnerability, ELOG needs to be recompiled after the attached patch has been applied. This prohibits ELOG to fallback to the insecure SSLv2 & v3 protocols and only use the safe TLSv1 protocol.

If you do not know how to recompile ELOG, please do not run ELOG directly accessible from the internet until the next binary release has been published.

/Stefan Ritt

Attachment 1: elogd.patch
diff --git a/src/elogd.c b/src/elogd.c
index fac34f8..13c619f 100755
--- a/src/elogd.c
+++ b/src/elogd.c
@@ -2342,7 +2342,7 @@ int ssl_connect(int sock, SSL ** ssl_con)
-   meth = (SSL_METHOD *) SSLv23_method();
+   meth = (SSL_METHOD *) TLSv1_method();
    ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth);
    *ssl_con = SSL_new(ctx);
@@ -28902,7 +28902,7 @@ SSL_CTX *init_ssl(void)
-   meth = (SSL_METHOD *) SSLv23_method();
+   meth = (SSL_METHOD *) TLSv1_method();
    ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth);
    if (getcfg("global", "SSL Passphrase", pwd, sizeof(pwd))) {
  67715   Wed Nov 12 11:03:37 2014 Warning Ciaran Whiteciaran.white@pfizer.comBug reportWindows2.7.6Elogbook on windows 8

i have been using elogbook V2.7.6 on my XP machine for a number of years. I ahve recently upgraded to windows 8 and the reply function on my entries has changed. I can now see the previous entrys in HTML format rather than the reply box which used to appear and also my ability to upload attachments and paste working linls is removed. Do i need to upgrade to the latest version and do i ned to back up my previous entries and how do i do this?


Thank you

  67756   Tue Jan 20 00:58:58 2015 Warning David Configure default time range in 'Find'

It has just occurred to me that you may also have to check the non-English files, (./resorces/eloglang_xxxx) as this change introduces a new term "All time" that would need translation into the other lexicons.


By the way, in further testing, the "Show last" selection over-rides whatever two dates are selected, so if you ask for any entry in Dec 2014, but the "Show last" selects "week", nothing is found - very quickly.  I trust that is what you're after, Eoin.  I'll keep my change to the coding, but that's personal choice.


David Pilgram wrote:

Hi there, In the "Find" page, I changed the default of the "Show last" drop down box in the Entry Date section from the (unstated) "All time" to "Day", and added back in an "All Time" option at the very bottom.  This gives a default of searching the last day, and one has to think and select the period of time to search back on.

I did this on my 2.9.2-2475 version, recompiled and it works.  Two lines of code changed and even my cr*ppy coding was up to the task.  I don't know if Stefan would want to put this into the Master copy (I'll forward the changes if you want Stefan, but it's pretty easy if I can do it), but if you can edit and recompile (Eoin) I can tell you which to lines for immediate functionality.  Back up everything first, though!

Eoin Butler wrote:

Yes, this works, but users inevitably forget to select "last week" or whatever, and just leave it blank, which means their search unintentionally takes a long time. It would be much better if one could configure it to default to something "fast".

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Have you tried in the "Find" page to set a start date, or select "Show last: Month". This shoudl speed up searching quit a bit.



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6