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  69605   Wed Jan 4 11:39:39 2023 Reply Andrey Pashninkowaraj4stuff@gmail.comBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493wrap "pre" tag in a "div" with fixed width
I'm sorry for being annoying... 
but I have tried to wrap the <pre> tag in a <div> and it seems to do the trick
(the text is a single line with repeating aaa-b-cc sequence)

In the READ mode, the width is limited by the div's width 
(see the first attachment)

In the EDIT mode, the width is only limited by the textarea width
(see the second attachment)

All this is with "wrap=hard" removed. 
Attachment 1: (READ)_single_long_line.png
Attachment 2: (EDIT)_single_long_line.png
  69611   Wed Jan 4 12:17:46 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493wrap "pre" tag in a "div" with fixed width
Didn't work for me. The text is just truncated after the width and no extra lines are added.
Attachment 1: Screenshot_2023-01-04_at_12.16.47_.png
  69614   Wed Jan 4 14:05:25 2023 Reply Andrey Pashninkowaraj4stuff@gmail.comBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493wrap "pre" tag in a "div" with fixed width
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I also added some styles to the <pre> tag:
style="white-space: normal"
(see the screenshot on my previous post)
  69615   Wed Jan 4 14:23:12 2023 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493wrap "pre" tag in a "div" with fixed width
> Sorry, I forgot to mention that I also added some styles to the <pre> tag:
> style="white-space: normal"
> (see the screenshot on my previous post)

Actually the

style="white-space: normal"

makes the difference, the <div> is not necessary at all!

But I'm not sure that "white-space: normal" is what we want. All manual line breaks in an entry are collapsed and you get just one text block without any new line. See here

I guess we want "white-space: pre-wrap" which keeps the old line breaks.

You can try that out by changing elog.css:

--- a/themes/default/elog.css
+++ b/themes/default/elog.css
@@ -475,6 +475,7 @@ td {

 .messagepre {
   font-family:'lucida console',courier,monospace;
+  white-space:pre-wrap;

and see the effect. If you like it, just keep it. No need to recompile elogd.cxx.

  421   Mon Aug 4 14:02:52 2003 Warning Heiko Scheith.scheit@mpi-hd.mpg.deBug fixLinux2.3.9.width of the textarea is too large (after reply)
The width of the textarea after pressing reply is too large. 
The problem is that the algorithm that searches for the longes line
looks for the next '\r' which it does not find and therefore takes the
number of characters in the text to be the width of the longest line.
To search for '\n' instead should solve the problem.  Please find the 
diff output below.

$ diff -c elogd.c elogd.c~
*** elogd.c     Mon Aug  4 13:57:35 2003
--- elogd.c~    Fri Aug  1 13:13:09 2003
*** 6028,6035 ****
      p = text;
!       /*      pend = strchr(p, '\r'); */
!       pend = strchr(p, '\n');
        if (pend == NULL)
          pend = p+strlen(p);
--- 6028,6034 ----
      p = text;
!       pend = strchr(p, '\r');
        if (pend == NULL)
          pend = p+strlen(p);
  66579   Fri Nov 6 12:49:22 2009 Question Fabio Rossirossi.f@inwind.itQuestionLinux2.7.7.1width of the Text column in the summary list view

I have "Summary lines = 1" in the config file. The first line visualized in the summary list, in the Text column, is truncated. I'm using the default style.

Which is the way to set the number of character displayed?

  69616   Wed Jan 4 14:38:54 2023 Reply Andrey Pashninkowaraj4stuff@gmail.comBug fixAllELOG V3.1.4-493white-space: pre-wrap"
> I guess we want "white-space: pre-wrap" which keeps the old line breaks.

Yep. You're right. Thanks!
  458   Wed Dec 3 06:32:09 2003 Idea Etienne Van Caillieetienne.vancaillie@mba.beRequestWindows whishlist direct shortcut to select a files or folder (not http)

an entry like
will open IE with these current adresse

Stef could you add a logbook  
'subgroup' contribution/icons
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6