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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OSdown ELOG Version Subject
  437   Sun Oct 12 08:37:00 2003 Warning Christopher Jonescjjones@zombieworld.comBug reportWindows2.3.9Elogd.exe Crashes When There are too Many Replies to Replies...

  We have been using Elog successfully as a shiftlog book for over a month 
now, but I recently ran into an annoying bug, I think.
  We had a thread that was created and was being replied to over several 
days.  We first replied to the original thread and then each subsequent 
reply was a reply of the previous reply.  When the thread reached above 13 
of these, the elogd.exe would crash everytime a user attempted to select 
the logbook that contained the enormous thread.  
  I found the only workaround was to manually delete the offending entry 
from the log file and to instruct my users to not reply to replies unless 
absolutely necessary.  I have been able to replicate this error across the 
rest of my logbooks as well.  If there is any more information you may 
need, please feel free to contact me.

Chris Jones
  445   Sun Oct 26 17:04:59 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.3.9Re: Elogd.exe Crashes When There are too Many Replies to Replies...
>   We have been using Elog successfully as a shiftlog book for over a month 
> now, but I recently ran into an annoying bug, I think.
>   We had a thread that was created and was being replied to over several 
> days.  We first replied to the original thread and then each subsequent 
> reply was a reply of the previous reply.  When the thread reached above 13 
> of these, the elogd.exe would crash everytime a user attempted to select 
> the logbook that contained the enormous thread.  
>   I found the only workaround was to manually delete the offending entry 
> from the log file and to instruct my users to not reply to replies unless 
> absolutely necessary.  I have been able to replicate this error across the 
> rest of my logbooks as well.  If there is any more information you may 
> need, please feel free to contact me.

Sorry my late reply, I was pretty busy these days...

I tried to reporduce your problem, but without success. Have a look at

where I replied 20 times producing a very long thread without any problem. So 
can you reproduce your problem? I suspect that there was some other problem, 
since the number of replies is internally not limited in any way. If you 
again get into a situation where elodg.exe crashes on the *DISPLAY* of some 
message, you can send me the offending file xxxxxxa.log directly by email and 
I can analyze it. Only if I can reproduce a problem, I can fix it.

- Stefan
  448   Tue Nov 11 13:49:50 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.3.9Re: Elogd.exe Crashes When There are too Many Replies to Replies...
I found a stack overflow if there are too many replies. This has been fixed in 
the current CVS verson of elogd.c and will be incorporated into the next release.
  449   Wed Nov 12 07:52:45 2003 Question Etienne Van Caillieetienne.vancaillie@mba.beBug reportWindows12/7/2003elog.exe
impossible to create the moptions with 

-a Type#0="%D1%"
-a Itel#0="%zItel%"

the variable are set to 
set D1=Tel
set zItel=Tel.gif

other standard option work fine

does anybody has good experience with elog.exe command ?

elog -h 'my site elo' -p 83 -l 'my logbook' -a Phone="%2" -a Contact="%3 %
4" -a Type#0="%D1%" -a Cat="%5" -a Itel#0="%zItel%" "%6 %7 %8 %9"

----------------------------- here are the config in elog
Comment = PhoneList 
Find menu text = menu/titiphone_top.html

Data dir = prive_Etienne/PhoneList
Guest Menu commands = Help
Find Guest Menu Commands = Help
Attributes = Phone, Itel, Dossier, Ext_direct, Societe, Contact, Cat,Type, 
Prive, Email, Adress, City, Relation, By

Quick filter = Itel,Type,Dossier,Date,Prive
Roptions Prive = no,CD,EC,MD,NB,TR,TV,AH,NW,JW,Manon

IOptions Itel = Tel.gif, TelDirect.gif, Fax.gif, Gsm.gif, Tel2.gif, 
ROptions Type = Tel,TelDirect,Fax,Gsm,Tel2,Home,Combine,TelHelp

Preset Itel = Tel.gif
Preset Type = Tel
Preset Prive = no
Preset Email = 
Display mode = Summary
Thread Icon = Itel
Thread display = $Phone,$Contact,$Dossier,$Societe($Type/$prive)
  453   Wed Nov 19 09:06:11 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows12/7/2003Re: elog.exe
> impossible to create the moptions with 
> -a Type#0="%D1%"
> -a Itel#0="%zItel%"
> the variable are set to 
> set D1=Tel
> set zItel=Tel.gif
> other standard option work fine

Sure it works. But in your elogd.cfg, you have ROptions, not MOptions! I 
changed this to 

IOptions Itel = Tel.gif, TelDirect.gif, Fax.gif, Gsm.gif, Tel2.gif, 
MOptions Type = Tel,TelDirect,Fax,Gsm,Tel2,Home,Combine,TelHelp

Then I added a batch file elog_submit.bat with following contents:

elog -h 'my site elo' -p 83 -l 'my logbook' -a Phone=%1 -a Contact="%2 %3" -a 
Type#0="%TYPE% -a Cat="%4" -a Itel#0="%ITEL%" %5 %6 %7

Then I made a 

set TYPE=Tel
set ITEL=Tel.gif

and a 

elog_submit 123 a b CAT Test Message

ans all worked fine. Please change your ROptions to MOptions and try again.
  456   Fri Nov 21 07:59:50 2003 Reply Christopher Jonescjjones@zombieworld.comBug reportWindows2.3.9Re: Elogd.exe Crashes When There are too Many Replies to Replies...
> I found a stack overflow if there are too many replies. This has been fixed in 
> the current CVS verson of elogd.c and will be incorporated into the next release.

Many thanks for your quick reply to this issue.  I have also noticed that when 
moving a log entry that contains as few as 4 replies to replies with the "Move to" 
command that the elog server will crash.  I ran into this issue many times when I 
created a new logbook and was trying to move some of the longer threads into it.  
Please let me know if you would like me to send some sample entries from our 
logbook that illustrate this.

  458   Wed Dec 3 06:32:09 2003 Idea Etienne Van Caillieetienne.vancaillie@mba.beRequestWindows whishlist direct shortcut to select a files or folder (not http)

an entry like
will open IE with these current adresse

Stef could you add a logbook  
'subgroup' contribution/icons
  459   Wed Dec 3 09:18:25 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequestWindows Re: whishlist direct shortcut to select a files or folder (not http)
> an entry like
> file:///E:/Dossier\!!shorcut
> will open IE with these current adresse

Yes it does, and what is your question?

> Stef could you add a logbook  
> 'wishlist'
> 'subgroup' contribution/icons

If you have any icons, just put it under the contributions logbook. There 
are only few entries, so no deed to make a subgroup.

As for wishlist, start with the "Forum" Logbook. If a wish gets "accepted", 
I put it on the official web page.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6