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  167   Mon Nov 25 18:10:04 2002 Question Stephan EgliStephan.Egli@psi.chRequest  Show all common attributes
In the "find" command, when searching over all logbooks, it
would be nice to see ALL attributes, which are common for all
logbooks (e.g. typically the author name), not just
logbook name, date and text.
  169   Tue Nov 26 18:04:43 2002 Question Stephan EgliStephan.Egli@psi.chQuestion  Re: Show all common attributes
> > In the "find" command, when searching over all logbooks, it
> > would be nice to see ALL attributes, which are common for all
> > logbooks (e.g. typically the author name), not just
> > logbook name, date and text.
> That depends on how you specify what gets displayed in a search (with 
> the "Display search" option for example). If you try the following link:
> you see that all attributes are displayed from the three logbooks in this 
> installation.

How does the corresponding elogd.cfg entry look like for the
display search command ? - I can't reproduce this behaviour...
  Draft   Thu Sep 24 00:13:31 2015 Warning Stefano Linux3.1.0Elog command not working properly
  68124   Thu Sep 24 00:14:49 2015 Warning Stefano colafranceschiStefano.Colafranceschi@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.0Elog command not working properly

<p>I have a problem running elog command from php script. Basically in the php I call system(&quot;elog -h etc etc.. And from the php command line works but not in the browser apparently without errors (php apache logfile no problem), any suggestions?</p>
  2147   Thu Mar 1 15:46:59 2007 Idea Robert-Jan SchrijversRobert-Jan.Schrijvers@isoft.nlQuestionWindowsV2.6.3-176Finding conditions in Search page.
Hi all,
My config file (a part of it) looks like this:

Options Locatie = Intern{a}, Extern{b}, Demo/Ontwikkel{c}, Hardware{d}, ---------------------, Anders

{a}Options Sessies = p-zis-pr1{1}, p-szh-pro{2}, p-dia-pro{3}, a-zis-ac1{1}, a-zis-ac2{2}, a-dia-acc{3}, ---------------------, Anders
{b} Options Sessies = FSC Pro{4}, FSC Acc{4}, Risc/Bus/Sms Pro{5}, Risc/Bus/Sms Acc{5}, ---------------------, Anders
{c} Options Sessies = BAO, BEH, BAOMPSO, BEHMPSO, Demonstrator, AFS, PTG, BSN, ---------------------, Anders
{d} Options Sessies = Wijziging, Storing

{1} Options Orgus = AZS, IZR, HPZ, iSOFT
{2} Options Orgus = VZL, Trombo, iSOFT
{3} Options Orgus = Diac, iSOFT
{4} Options Orgus = AMG, ZHH/Tergooi, ZNB
{5} Options Orgus = GOZL, MCA, MZG, SEH, SJD, ZGN

This is my question: when i use the "search/find" page and select the first drop down menu "Locatie", the next field "Sessies" will not be displayed (and all following fields either). On the other hand, when i create a new entry, it works perfect, select "Locatie", field "Sessies" displays his content and so on. I hope that someone can help me with this.
  2148   Thu Mar 1 15:55:52 2007 Warning Robert-Jan SchrijversRobert-Jan.Schrijvers@isoft.nlBug reportWindowsV2.6.3-176Bug
when i was editting my Admin file, by mistake i typed the next line:

[a}Options Sessies = p-zis-pr1{1}, p-szh-pro{2}, p-dia-pro{3}, a-zis-ac1{1}, a-zis-ac2{2}, a-dia-acc{3}, ---------------------, Anders
{b} Options Sessies = FSC Pro{4}, FSC Acc{4}, Risc/Bus/Sms Pro{5}, Risc/Bus/Sms Acc{5}, ---------------------, Anders
{c} Options Sessies = BAO, BEH, BAOMPSO, BEHMPSO, Demonstrator, AFS, PTG, BSN, ---------------------, Anders
{d} Options Sessies = Wijziging, Storing

the next thing happened was that eLog created a new log which wasn't editable at all, the only thing i could do was deleting it (i created a monster...;-)
The first line/rule with the [ become the title, all other entries in the Admin file were used as a new Admin file.
  2152   Fri Mar 2 09:40:28 2007 Agree Robert-Jan SchrijversRobert-Jan.Schrijvers@isoft.nlQuestionWindowsV2.6.3-176Re: Finding conditions in Search page.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Robert-Jan Schrijvers wrote:
This is my question: when i use the "search/find" page and select the first drop down menu "Locatie", the next field "Sessies" will not be displayed (and all following fields either). On the other hand, when i create a new entry, it works perfect, select "Locatie", field "Sessies" displays his content and so on. I hope that someone can help me with this.

This was never meant to work like that. On the find page, conditional attributes are not evaluated for following reason: Assume you want to search for Orgus = ZGN. Currently you simply type ZGN in the Orgus field and you're done. With drop down lists, you first would have to select Locatie = extern, then Sessies = Risc/Bus/Sms Pro, and only then you could select Orgus = ZGN. That would require three steps. Technically it's however possible to implement what you want, but I would wait until more people request this.

Hi Stefan,
tnx for the quick reply/feedback, i'm just a newbee in eLog, but working with it is a nice challenge and gives much pleasure for me and my colleagues. Tnx again and have a nice weekend!
  66167   Mon Jan 26 14:07:02 2009 Question Robert-Jan SchrijversRobert-Jan.Schrijvers@isoft.nlQuestionWindowsV2.6.3Default value radio button

hi there,

Is it possible to attach a default value for a radio button when submitting a new form/record, for example: 
I now have an item "Confirmed" Yes/No, and I want the "no" option to be selected by default when a new form/record is created.
Does anyone know how to arrange this?

Thanks in advance!



ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886