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ID Date Icon Author Author Emaildown Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  245   Tue Mar 11 18:40:39 2003 Question Aamir  Compile on AIX 5L
Dear Friends,

Anyone managed to compile elog on AIX 5.2 or 5.1 ... is there a binary 

new to "C"

kind regards Aamir
  1929   Thu Sep 7 22:06:00 2006 Smile Arno Teunissea.teeling3@chello.nlQuestionWindows elog perl script and the command prompt and eof

Just wrote a quick and dirty perl script ( See Attachment ) that let's you enter a record into the database. Put it into the directory where the config file is located. It look's at the "attributes = " and the "required attributes = "
within a section in the elog configuration file. The script is using elog.exe to accomplish this.

One problem with the script is that you must press Control_Z ( ^Z ) to store the data into the database.
Does anybody know how to prevent this ? It works also when redirecting the data into the script with a file input.txt. ( confgi.cfg logbook < input.txt )

I Know this is NOT an elog question but maybe someone is happy with the script and has the answer for me.
  67249   Sun Apr 15 22:53:41 2012 Question Aldo field in reply

I was wondering what is the correct way so that the author field when a reply is made shows the author of the
person making the reply.
In version 2.6, the field was filled correctly but since upgrading to ELOG V2.9.1-2435 due to the ssh problem
the field just keeps the author of the original post.

I have a tried a number of subst on reply Author = $long_name with no luck.

Any ideas?

  1032   Tue Mar 29 13:29:56 2005 Reply Alex Ha.herrmannsynergie-inf.comBug reportWindowsV2.5.8-1Re: Preset text Dont work more!
> > I'am using Elog V2.5.8-1 and the "Preset Text" option don't work more 
> > I've updated Elog. could you fix it?
> I tried with the example elogd.cfg and it worked there, so it must have 
to do
> with your special configuration. Can you send me your elogd.cfg so that I 
> reproduce your problem?
> - Stefan

Hello Stefan,
Here is my elogd.cfg.
I hope this will help you :)

when we be released the next elog version who correct the crash of Protect 
Selection page = 1 ?
thanks for all
  1041   Wed Mar 30 17:09:27 2005 Reply Alex Ha.herrmannsynergie-inf.comBug reportWindowsV2.5.8-1Re: Preset text Dont work more!
> > Here is my elogd.cfg.
> > I hope this will help you :)
> Yes it did. You were the first one using an attribute containing a dot inside a
> required attribute ("Maint."). This crashed JavaScript. I found a workaround and
> implemented it.
> > when we be released the next elog version who correct the crash of Protect 
> > Selection page = 1 ?
> I just release 2.5.8-2 which contains both fixes.

I've change my Attribute "Maint." to "Maint" in my elogd.cfg and in my Logbook too 
but the problem is the same, I have restarted the service but the problem is still 
here. Any idea? o_O
  1043   Thu Mar 31 09:37:12 2005 Reply Alex Ha.herrmannsynergie-inf.comBug reportWindowsV2.5.8-2Re: Preset text Dont work more!
> > I've change my Attribute "Maint." to "Maint" in my elogd.cfg and in my 
Logbook too 
> > but the problem is the same, I have restarted the service but the 
problem is still 
> > here. Any idea? o_O
> Have you upgraded to 2.5.8-2 ? After the upgrade, "Maint." (with the dot) 
should also work.

Yes I have upgraded Elog to 2.5.8-2.
I submit my new elogd.cfg file maybe it will help you.
I have try the preset text under Firefox (the last), avant browser 10.0 
(build 165) and IE 6 SP1.

Thanks for help :o)
  1045   Thu Mar 31 10:33:10 2005 Agree Alex Ha.herrmannsynergie-inf.comBug reportWindowsV2.5.8-2Re: Preset text Dont work more!
> > Yes I have upgraded Elog to 2.5.8-2.
> > I submit my new elogd.cfg file maybe it will help you.
> > I have try the preset text under Firefox (the last), avant browser 10.0 
> > (build 165) and IE 6 SP1.
> I tested your config file under Firefox (the last) and it worked fine. On the
> "Liste Routeurs & Firewall", I click "New", then select FWL1, then see the text
> "FLW1.txt" in the main body. I don't have that file, so elog by default just
> shows the file name.
> I also realized that you have double entries in your config file (like two
> "Attributes = " and "Options Type = " lines. However this should not be a
> problem, elog just chooses the first one.
> If your preset text does not work, it could be that you have switched off
> JavaScript. In Firefow, you can open the JavaScript console (Tools/JavaScript
> console). Maybe you see any error there.
> - Stefan

Ok I have fix the problem :)
Options Type = FWL1{1}, FWL2{2}, FWL4{3}, VPN1{4},VPN2{5}
{1} Preset text = FWL1.txt
{2} Preset text = FWL2.txt
{3} Preset text = FWL4.txt
{4} Preset text = VPN1.txt
{5} Preset text = VPN2.txt
I have delete the "" for example FWL1.txt instead of "FWL1.txt" and I've delete 
the double entries too. In fact I don't know why, ELOG has take the second Options 
Type instead of the one :)! Now It work fine :)

Thanks a lot Stefan ;)
  65848   Wed Apr 23 10:53:58 2008 Idea Willem KosterW.Koster@rug.nlRequest  Request: elog as a "web service" ? (xml / soap)

We're using elog as our CMDB, but now management wants us to employ "web services" and I fear going to another tool (elog is fitting the admins like a glove, so we'd rather keep it)

Is it possible to configure elog to be able to run as a web-service ?  (basically getting xml-output according to a specific (SOAP) schema instead of html output)

A 'Web service' (also Web Service) is defined by the W3C as "a software system designed to support interoperable Machine to Machine interaction over a network." Web services are frequently just Web APIs that can be accessed over a network, such as the Internet, and executed on a remote system hosting the requested services.

The W3C Web service definition encompasses many different systems, but in common usage the term refers to clients and servers that communicate using XML messages that follow the SOAP standard. Common in both the field and the terminology is the assumption that there is also a machine readable description of the operations supported by the server written in the Web Services Description Language (WSDL). The latter is not a requirement of a SOAP endpoint, but it is a prerequisite for automated client-side code generation in many Java and .NET SOAP frameworks (frameworks such as Spring and Apache CXF being notable exceptions). Some industry organizations, such as the WS-I, mandate both SOAP and WSDL in their definition of a Web service.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6