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  67483   Fri Apr 26 22:29:50 2013 Idea Ryan Blakesleerb@blakesys.netQuestionLinux2.5.2Auto-Generate new logbook daily


I am currently using ELOG as a daily logbook for work performed for customers.  This is a critical tool and process for 1. Showing customers work history 2. having a searchable knowledge base for future reference.  

Currently, I will create a new log entry, assign the customer using a custom ROPTION in my elog.conf.  This process all works fine, mostly, except I run into the following obstacles (that are all human related.)

1. Many days, there are no log entries to be created for a PARTICULAR customer, and other days there are no long entries to be created for ANY customer.

2. Many days when there is a log entry to be created, it's created by me much later then when the work was performed.  For example, I do a bunch of work Tuesday and Wednesday, but I don't have time to enter all my entries until Thursday.  

2A. In this case, I have to manually go back and edit the log entries with text-editor to adjust the times, dates, and such.

2B. In this case, I have log files with a file-name of THURSDAY (042513a.log) for work entries done on Tues and Wed, so I have to go back and rename the log files for consistency sake (mv 042513a.log 042313a.log).  ** I know this is not a requirement of the program, but I like to have the log filenames consistent with the dates contained in them.


All these I admit are human error -- but as a small business owner, I just can't always get to the log entries every day.


To overcome this, the manual solution would: at the beginning of each day, create a new log entry -- regardless of work to be performed and updated later.  This would serve as sort of a place holder.

However, I can't commit myself to always create a log entry for every day either.  Again, human error.


Is what I would like to be able to do is create a new log entry, every single day, automatically.  I would then have a growing log dir of daily log entries (files) for ever day of the week, most blank but some would then contain data that I enter later-- either at the end-of-day or on a day I have downtime and can commit to administrative work.

My thought is I could probably schedule a cron job do to this, but i'm not completely sure how I would go about auto-populating the incremental ID's, dates, etc.  Second, I don't know if there is a way to do this within ELOG itself, or if there is a built-in mechanism that already covers this.


Has anyone run into this, or solved this problem, or can someone kindly point me in the right direction or how I can implement the daily auto creation of logs?


Thank you very much in advance!




  67551   Wed Jul 24 02:19:17 2013 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAllALLELOG moved to GIT

The ELOG repository has been moved from Subversion to GIT. While the old repository will be visible for some time, all new development is done on the GIT repository. To download the repository, do a

git clone
git clone

or access it online at


  67585   Wed Oct 16 16:53:55 2013 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportWindows2.9.2Re: Importing XML/CSV

Barend wrote:

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Barend wrote:
Hi Stefan,
I'm experiencing problems importing XML (.csv is not working at all for me).
My logbook contains 3 date-attributes besides the system DATE (entry time), date-format is defined as %d %b %y.
The XML file hold the date format "DD.MM.YYYY"
- During "preview" I see that all entries are listed.
- During the import I get the "wrong date format" error.
- When I review the Summary, I see that only the first XML entry (all 3 date-attributes hold a date) was imported.
- When I try to re-import the XML from the second entry (after removing the 1st entry from XML - this second entry hold NO date-value on one of the date-attributes) the elogd.exe crashes and I get the "Service Temporarily Unavailable" error page.
- When I try to re-import the XML from the modified second entry (after removing the 1st entry from XML - this second entry holds date-value on all of the date-attributes) the elogd.exe crashes and I get the "Service Temporarily Unavailable" error page.

Any suggestion what could be wrong? Is it the missing date-value?

 Can you post your elog configuration file (elog.cfg)?

Detect language » English

 Hi Andreas,

I had to filter-out some other logbook. Please find attached the configuration section for the affected logbook "UMOWY".

Looking forward to your review.

Regards, Barend

Hi Barend,

I can confirm that this is a bug of the ELOG import function: if you have a field that is defined as type "date" or "datetime", then elogd requires the value of the field to be of a matching format.
It is not even allowed to omit the time in "datetime" format. If the field is not required in an entry, then it is therefore possible to create an entry that cannot be imported.
I've attached a minimal example elogd.cfg and XML import file to reproduce the problem.
I'm afraid you'll either need to wait for a patch, or you can add dummy dates for all your empty date fields in the XML import file. Just do a "replace all" with your favourite editor; in my example you would e.g. replace all "<D></D>" strings with "<D>01-01-1970</D>" before the import.
Detect language » English

Cheers, Andreas

Detect language » English
Detect language » English
Attachment 1: elogd.cfg
port = 8080

Attributes = D
Type D = date
Attachment 2: imp.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
		<DATE>Mon  07 Oct 2013 11:41:42 +0200</DATE>
		<DATE>Mon  07 Oct 2013 11:41:43 +0200</DATE>
  67705   Wed Sep 17 17:45:18 2014 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chInfoAll V2.9.2-24Re: Sort by date prior to 2002

Chris Jennings wrote:

Chris Jennings wrote:

I have an attribute formatted as a date (but not labeled as date) and is sorted as second priority. The sort works fine until I enter a date older than Jan 1st 2002. When I do this it is sorted as the latest. Is this a bug or simply not designed to use dates this old?

Thanks in advance,


 Sorry, my mistake. The cutoff date is anything before September 9th 2001 does not sort.

I think I remember that this has been discussed earlier: it is a little bug in elogd.
You can see where it comes from if you type in the little command 'date -d "9-Sep-2001 3:46:40" +%s'
Converted to "seconds of the epoche" (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) the date "9-Sep-2001 3:46:40" has one digit more than "9-Sep-2001 3:46:39".
Since elog makes a string comparison, suddenly 1'000'000'000 is less than 999'999'999; therefore the wrong sorting.

Workaround: you can modify your old entries and add a leading zero to all entries where your specific date field starts with a '9'.

Stefan: you should fix it at least well before 20-Nov-2286 18:46:40, when the same bug strikes again!
  67755   Mon Jan 19 17:17:32 2015 Idea David Configure default time range in 'Find'

Hi there, In the "Find" page, I changed the default of the "Show last" drop down box in the Entry Date section from the (unstated) "All time" to "Day", and added back in an "All Time" option at the very bottom.  This gives a default of searching the last day, and one has to think and select the period of time to search back on.

I did this on my 2.9.2-2475 version, recompiled and it works.  Two lines of code changed and even my cr*ppy coding was up to the task.  I don't know if Stefan would want to put this into the Master copy (I'll forward the changes if you want Stefan, but it's pretty easy if I can do it), but if you can edit and recompile (Eoin) I can tell you which to lines for immediate functionality.  Back up everything first, though!

Eoin Butler wrote:

Yes, this works, but users inevitably forget to select "last week" or whatever, and just leave it blank, which means their search unintentionally takes a long time. It would be much better if one could configure it to default to something "fast".

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Have you tried in the "Find" page to set a start date, or select "Show last: Month". This shoudl speed up searching quit a bit.


  67799   Tue Feb 3 06:48:32 2015 Idea Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindows3.0.0Re: SMTP Host Error
Hey, great: I've learned something new about elog! I always took great care to get the capitalization of the options correct wink
Stefan Ritt wrote:

That's not correct. Any option in the configuration file is case-insensitive. It should also not matter if the statement is under the logbook or in the [global] section. 

What you probably made wrong is to write "supress email to users =1" instead "suppress email to users =1". Note the second "p". So English in the end DOES matter, at least here wink

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

You need to specify "Suppress Email to users=1" in the [global] section of the configuration. And it does matter if the letters are capitalized on not.

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:

sorry for may bad english, not my natives :D

for first question, I'll make it clear,

after sometimes running elog, suddenly SMTP host error occured.

I dont have SMTP host= on my configuration, but that error keep show up.

how to disable email notification completely for my elog? or at least how to disable those SMTP Host error?

I'll try supress email users =1 to my elog.cfg and error still exist. where I should place supress email users flag to make it works?

on the picture attached, it is said there is no smtp host defined in global setting.

could it be because members check automatic email notification on their setting?


for second question I'll attach my csv file, and you will see <p> </p> tags still there, and inconsistency when open it to ms excel (see picture)

you can see that portion of text file (second line of text file and soon, placed in "id pesan")


please help us.


Andreas Luedeke wrote:

If you have more than one topic it is better to do more than one post.

I did not understand your first question. You should not have a line "SMTP host= " if you don't want to send any email. Have you tried "Suppress Email to users=1" to get rid of the error message?

If you export in cvs format, then it is the correct behaviour that multiple lines of text in the body are put into quotation marks and printed as multiple lines in the output. Every spreadsheet program (Excel, Openoffice, Libreoffice, ...) should be able to read that into a table. I've tested it, it works fine. If you have a problem, then you'll need to attach your elogd.cfg file and the exported file in the forum and some screenshots of what your MS Excel does with it.

Banata Wachid Ridwan wrote:


first of all, congrats for bring back the forum after down for sometimes, :D

but seems my old account is broken, I cant login with that anymore, so I make new account and strangely I can make identical account like the old one ahahahaha


okay first question :

Recently my elog setup got smtp host error, everytime someone submit log, error result that SMTP host is not found in global setting.

I dont't set mail server on my server so I cant use smtp host function, and I use register type 1 to avoid email function, but after sometimes those error occured, it seems some members accidentally check ëmail notification option

so, how to completely disable this function or maybe some work around on this error? I dont have mail server right now,



When we export logbook to CSV and open to microsoft excel, html tags still there, how to ommit html tags completely during export? and how to make nice table data from csv in elog? I saw many inconsistency there, especially on comment data

for example if I make more than two lines of logbook, second line will place in first column , not in the last column, just like the first line of comment.






  67855   Thu Apr 2 15:44:33 2015 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfoAll3.1.0ELOG Version 3.1.0 announcement

This is an announcement for the ELOG version 3.1.0 being released just now. Among several bug fixes and an improved Drag & Drop interface for attachments, it contains a long awaited "autosave" feature.

Let's assume that you write an ELOG entry, and keep the window open for a longer time (like to write some shift notes over several hours). If your browser crashes or closes for some reason, you will loose your entered text. To avoid that, ELOG starting from version 3.1.0 has an autosave feature. Whenever you enter some text, it is saved in the background as a draft message to the server. If your browser is closed by accident, you always can go back to the logbook, click "New" and ELOG will tell you that there is a draft message and asks you if you want to edit it. When you edit and regularly submit this message, it becomes a "normal" entry and the draft flas is removed. In addition to the background saving, there is now also a "Save" button so you can manually save your text to the draft entry.

I have tested this to some extent, but I might not have seen all browser/OS combinations, so in case there is a problem, please report it here.

Happy Easter,

  67882   Wed May 6 11:00:14 2015 Idea Christof Hankehanke@rzg.mpg.deRequestAll3.1.0logout to external page

Hi Stefan,

I am happy to see that you include the webserver authentication.
So I can now login at some other page and then access elog.
However, I would also need some means of logging out some where else.

For this I propose a new Configuration option "Logout to page" which redirects to another page if set and "Logout to main" is 0.

See the attached patch (against git HEAD)


Does this make sense to you ?



PS: Many thanks for the autosave mode,  I already used it ;-)

Attachment 1: logout_to_page.patch
diff --git a/src/elogd.c b/src/elogd.c
index 601639c..0f976be 100755
--- a/src/elogd.c
+++ b/src/elogd.c
@@ -27975,6 +27975,11 @@ void interprete(char *lbook, char *path)
       if (getcfg(lbs->name, "Logout to main", str, sizeof(str)) && atoi(str) == 1) {
          sprintf(str, "../");
          setparam("redir", str);
+      } else {
+         getcfg(lbs->name, "Logout to page", str, sizeof(str));
+         if (str[0]) {
+             setparam("redir", str);
+         }
       set_sid_cookie(lbs, "", "");
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6