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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Authorup Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  67408   Thu Dec 27 01:33:11 2012 Question ValentinValentin.Kozlov@kit.eduQuestionAll2.92How to put "Quote text" _below_ new message?

Hi there,

It seems that by default in a message created as "reply" of another message, the "quoted text" of the original entry is put at the _TOP_ of the new entry and not movable (Firefox 17, elog 2.92). I would strongly like to have it opposite, i.e. that one is able to create a new text first and only then has the "quoted text" since people are interested to see a new information and only then the previous messages as sort of "reminder". It was like this in older (2.6?) version but now I did not find how to change this default behavior. Did I miss something?



  Draft   Mon Jul 4 12:32:01 2022  Vasiovasio.william@gmail.comInfoWindows Paid version

Good day all ,

does Elog has a paid version that is not open soureced 



William Vasio 

  69539   Mon Jul 4 12:34:13 2022 Question Vasiovasio.william@gmail.comInfoWindows3.1.3Paid version

Good day all ,

does Elog has a paid version that is not open soureced 



William Vasio 

  Draft   Fri Apr 23 18:53:16 2021  Vinzenz Bildsteinvbildste@uoguelph.caQuestionLinuxa0924c1cd54913b 
  67374   Wed Nov 7 12:56:12 2012 Agree Vinícius Ferrãoviniciusferrao@if.ufrj.brRequestLinux2.9.2Support for modern Linux

Hello folks,

Can we have a better support under modern Linux distributions?

I'm trying to install elog in our webserver and it's becoming a boring task. First of all theres only RPM packages. And we really don't like the Red Hat method, so we use Debian Servers. More package mainteners would be nice.


The software appears to be working correctly, but there are some bugs (or perhaps missing dependencies?); the init script put in /etc/rc.d/init.d is broken under Debian:

First of all because it's in /etc/rc.d.


The second problem is in this line:


# Source function library.

#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

The file doesn't even exists.


The third problem is the echo_success; echo_failure commands that doesn't even exist. As I can see it's definitions are sourced in the functions file that doesn't exist.


After removing this missing commands or files from the init.d; I can call elogd script and start the daemon under root. Appears to be working...


And last but not least; there's a way to standardize the init script to run in other Linux distros, so we can put it to start automatically at boot time?


Many thanks in advance,

Vinícius Ferrão 


PS: I'm not asking to support any creepy distros, but to support the .deb package format and system style.




  68898   Tue Feb 26 14:26:13 2019 Warning Vladimir Travaljavlt@hll.mpg.deQuestionLinux3.1.2Migration from 3.1.2 version to 3.1.4


sorry for bugging you with this, but I could not find any information for making migration of elog system from one server to another.
The migration should be done from one server version (CentOS 6.10 to CentOS 7.6). Also we are talking about migration from one subdomain to another. Example to Old elog application version is 3.1.2 and I would like to migrate to the latest version 3.1.4 

Is the migration from one system to another possible?  What are the prerequisites for migration?
Are there any instructions how to do it?

Thank you in advance and have yourself a lovely day,
Warmest regards

  65854   Fri Apr 25 14:49:41 2008 Question W.KosterW.Koster@rug.nlQuestion  configuration of rss feeds
Is it possible to change what is being shown in the rss-feed ? (like only name, date and subject in the list and text and other attributes in the text-pane below the rss-feed list (I hope you can figure out what I mean). Regards, W.
  65862   Mon Apr 28 13:37:01 2008 Reply W.KosterW.Koster@rug.nlQuestion  Re: configuration of rss feeds
> Have you tried the RSS Title option?

doh ... thanks, works perfectly (well apart from the lost end-of-lines in the text portion)
ELOG V3.1.5-fe60aaf