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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject
  68579   Wed Mar 15 16:42:35 2017 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.1Re: Possible misuse of email headers Message-Id and In-Reply-To

Pull-request merged.

fbretel wrote:

Pull-request posted. Cheers.


  68608   Fri Apr 21 02:21:59 2017 Reply Xuan reportWindows3.1.2Re: Elog crashes with null Username

We also meet this issue occasionally, so how can we get rid of this?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Ups. This bug must have lingered there since the beginning of time. Funny that nobody noticed in the last ten years or so. I have fixed it in the current git revision.

Alan Grant wrote:

I haven't found any reporterd issues in the forum similar yet, but it appears there is a bug in Elog when logging into logbooks. If I leave Username and Password null and click Submit the daemon crashes. We've been having this problem off and on and after some verbose logging level 3 I was drawn to these recurring lines in the log:

16-Dec-2016 18:20:22 [] {SER Reports} LOGIN user "" (attempt)
16-Dec-2016 23:15:52 [] Server listening on port 8080 ..
16-Dec-2016 23:18:05 [] {Daily Request Log} LOGIN user "dmorrison" (attempt)



  68610   Fri Apr 21 05:27:35 2017 Reply Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caBug reportWindows3.1.2Re: Elog crashes with null Username

Are you using the current git revision Xuan?

Xuan Wu wrote:

We also meet this issue occasionally, so how can we get rid of this?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Ups. This bug must have lingered there since the beginning of time. Funny that nobody noticed in the last ten years or so. I have fixed it in the current git revision.

Alan Grant wrote:

I haven't found any reporterd issues in the forum similar yet, but it appears there is a bug in Elog when logging into logbooks. If I leave Username and Password null and click Submit the daemon crashes. We've been having this problem off and on and after some verbose logging level 3 I was drawn to these recurring lines in the log:

16-Dec-2016 18:20:22 [] {SER Reports} LOGIN user "" (attempt)
16-Dec-2016 23:15:52 [] Server listening on port 8080 ..
16-Dec-2016 23:18:05 [] {Daily Request Log} LOGIN user "dmorrison" (attempt)




  68611   Fri Apr 21 08:19:05 2017 Reply Xuan reportWindows3.1.2Re: Elog crashes with null Username

No, We are using the released version 3.1.2

How to use the current git revision or is it a long time to wait for the next release?

Alan Grant wrote:

Are you using the current git revision Xuan?

Xuan Wu wrote:

We also meet this issue occasionally, so how can we get rid of this?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Ups. This bug must have lingered there since the beginning of time. Funny that nobody noticed in the last ten years or so. I have fixed it in the current git revision.

Alan Grant wrote:

I haven't found any reporterd issues in the forum similar yet, but it appears there is a bug in Elog when logging into logbooks. If I leave Username and Password null and click Submit the daemon crashes. We've been having this problem off and on and after some verbose logging level 3 I was drawn to these recurring lines in the log:

16-Dec-2016 18:20:22 [] {SER Reports} LOGIN user "" (attempt)
16-Dec-2016 23:15:52 [] Server listening on port 8080 ..
16-Dec-2016 23:18:05 [] {Daily Request Log} LOGIN user "dmorrison" (attempt)





  68612   Fri Apr 21 10:57:07 2017 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows3.1.2Re: Elog crashes with null Username

I made a new release for you 3.1.3

Xuan Wu wrote:

No, We are using the released version 3.1.2

How to use the current git revision or is it a long time to wait for the next release?

Alan Grant wrote:

Are you using the current git revision Xuan?

Xuan Wu wrote:

We also meet this issue occasionally, so how can we get rid of this?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Ups. This bug must have lingered there since the beginning of time. Funny that nobody noticed in the last ten years or so. I have fixed it in the current git revision.

Alan Grant wrote:

I haven't found any reporterd issues in the forum similar yet, but it appears there is a bug in Elog when logging into logbooks. If I leave Username and Password null and click Submit the daemon crashes. We've been having this problem off and on and after some verbose logging level 3 I was drawn to these recurring lines in the log:

16-Dec-2016 18:20:22 [] {SER Reports} LOGIN user "" (attempt)
16-Dec-2016 23:15:52 [] Server listening on port 8080 ..
16-Dec-2016 23:18:05 [] {Daily Request Log} LOGIN user "dmorrison" (attempt)






  68613   Fri Apr 21 12:18:57 2017 Reply Xuan reportWindows3.1.2Re: Elog crashes with null Username

Awesome!It's appreciated. Many Thanks!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I made a new release for you 3.1.3

Xuan Wu wrote:

No, We are using the released version 3.1.2

How to use the current git revision or is it a long time to wait for the next release?

Alan Grant wrote:

Are you using the current git revision Xuan?

Xuan Wu wrote:

We also meet this issue occasionally, so how can we get rid of this?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Ups. This bug must have lingered there since the beginning of time. Funny that nobody noticed in the last ten years or so. I have fixed it in the current git revision.

Alan Grant wrote:

I haven't found any reporterd issues in the forum similar yet, but it appears there is a bug in Elog when logging into logbooks. If I leave Username and Password null and click Submit the daemon crashes. We've been having this problem off and on and after some verbose logging level 3 I was drawn to these recurring lines in the log:

16-Dec-2016 18:20:22 [] {SER Reports} LOGIN user "" (attempt)
16-Dec-2016 23:15:52 [] Server listening on port 8080 ..
16-Dec-2016 23:18:05 [] {Daily Request Log} LOGIN user "dmorrison" (attempt)







  68619   Thu May 4 17:20:36 2017 Entry Michal reportLinux | Windows2.9.2-245MIME-version header duplicated in e-mail messages.

When there are attachments in an entry, logbook is adding additional "MIME-Version" header to e-mail messages.

Spam filter in our university system is mostly giving warnings:

  • X-Amavis-Alert: BAD HEADER SECTION, Duplicate header field: "MIME-Version"

But sometimes it is not redirecting further the message.

  • Remote Server returned '< #5.6.0 smtp; 554 5.6.0 Bounce, id=27666-07 - BAD HEADER>'

In code I noticed there is always "MIME-Version" header added to the message and additionaly it is added again when a file is attached. I think it is not neccessary to add again this header.

  68627   Wed May 31 13:28:51 2017 Warning Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinux3.1.1Re: inactive users
> Hi,
>   I reopen this old thread since I'm having a similar problem.
> I'm running ELOG V3.1.1-0767eb0 on ubuntu with webserver authentication, and I'd like to remove 'active' checkbox as well.
> The problem that we found is that if any user click on the [Set None] button at the bottom of the Config page in order to unsubscribe from all mail notification,
> *all* the checkbox are toggled, not only those for the email notification. And this includes also the "active user" as well.

I can confirm that this bug is present even in this forum and in my current version (ELOG V3.1.3-aded4ae).
And I am positive that this is a bug: it was certainly not the intended behaviour.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886