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  Discussion forum about ELOG, Page 731 of 796  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject
  68738   Wed Feb 7 14:26:01 2018 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Re: Entries disappear after editing + UTF16 problem

Tell me your current seven digit number and I can check if your version is too old.

Peter K wrote:

yes, that is exactly where I got this V3.1.2-bd75964 version!

Do you recommend to download it again from your site and compile?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The -bd... number must be from the .apk package, which I don't have control over. You have to check the elog git hash code. You see it at the bottom of each elog web page. For this forum server, it's ELOG V3.1.2-7933898 with 7 digit number at the end.

Peter K wrote:

We installed our elog from .apk in November 2017.

Version V3.1.2-bd75964

I suppose it already contains List drafts feature.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You might have to update to the current elog version. This feature was implemented in Dec. 2016. 


Peter K wrote:

Dear Stefan,

Thanks for quick reply.
I checked List drafts = 1 in config file - it does not show drafts in the list in my case.
Can it be blocked by any other option?
I have these options enabled:

Use Lock = 1
Save drafts = 1
List drafts = 1


Stefan Ritt wrote:

The message is not lost, but becomes a "draft". This works similar in most email systems. When you edit an email and son't send it, it stays in your "draft" email folder and does not show up in your "sent" folder. Same here. You are suppost to "submit" you entry, the "save" is just a temporary safety backup. If you do not submit (if you press BACK or your browser crashes), the entry is not submitted to the system, but stays around as a draft. If you create a new message, the system asks you to edit and finish your draft, so that it does not get lost. So always hit "submit" if you are finished editing a message, not just "save". 

If you want to see the draft message, they are rendered in red in the normal message list if you have

List drafts = 1

in your config file. No ide where your cluttering comes from. 


Peter K wrote:

I found a sequence which hides the message from the list.
In addition this sequence corrupts UTF encoding of the text.

  1. create new message
  2. submit it
  3. Edit this message again
  4. click SAVE and then exit the editor (click Logbook name in the header or BACK in the browser)
  5. message disappeared from the list!
  6. by clicking NEW message I found my lost one in the drafts, but all text was corrupted.

I've made small GIF presentation on this issue (attached, open in new window), may be this helps.











  68739   Wed Feb 7 15:28:47 2018 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Re: Entries disappear after editing + UTF16 problem
Hi Stefan,
I think there is a misunderstanding: there is an ELOG commit with the GIT ID bd75964.
It is from Sep. 2016, so: Peter, you should download a newer version.

Stefan Ritt
Release 3.1.2-1
Stefan Ritt wrote:

Tell me your current seven digit number and I can check if your version is too old.

Peter K wrote:

yes, that is exactly where I got this V3.1.2-bd75964 version!

Do you recommend to download it again from your site and compile?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The -bd... number must be from the .apk package, which I don't have control over. You have to check the elog git hash code. You see it at the bottom of each elog web page. For this forum server, it's ELOG V3.1.2-7933898 with 7 digit number at the end.

Peter K wrote:

We installed our elog from .apk in November 2017.

Version V3.1.2-bd75964

I suppose it already contains List drafts feature.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You might have to update to the current elog version. This feature was implemented in Dec. 2016. 


Peter K wrote:

Dear Stefan,

Thanks for quick reply.
I checked List drafts = 1 in config file - it does not show drafts in the list in my case.
Can it be blocked by any other option?
I have these options enabled:

Use Lock = 1
Save drafts = 1
List drafts = 1


Stefan Ritt wrote:

The message is not lost, but becomes a "draft". This works similar in most email systems. When you edit an email and son't send it, it stays in your "draft" email folder and does not show up in your "sent" folder. Same here. You are suppost to "submit" you entry, the "save" is just a temporary safety backup. If you do not submit (if you press BACK or your browser crashes), the entry is not submitted to the system, but stays around as a draft. If you create a new message, the system asks you to edit and finish your draft, so that it does not get lost. So always hit "submit" if you are finished editing a message, not just "save". 

If you want to see the draft message, they are rendered in red in the normal message list if you have

List drafts = 1

in your config file. No ide where your cluttering comes from. 


Peter K wrote:

I found a sequence which hides the message from the list.
In addition this sequence corrupts UTF encoding of the text.

  1. create new message
  2. submit it
  3. Edit this message again
  4. click SAVE and then exit the editor (click Logbook name in the header or BACK in the browser)
  5. message disappeared from the list!
  6. by clicking NEW message I found my lost one in the drafts, but all text was corrupted.

I've made small GIF presentation on this issue (attached, open in new window), may be this helps.












  68740   Thu Feb 8 15:09:42 2018 Reply Peter Kpkravt@gmail.comBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Re: Entries disappear after editing + UTF16 problem

Dear Stefan and Andreas,

We have updated our elog to V3.1.3-7933898, now I see the drafts in the list!

Thanks a lot for your help!

Andreas Luedeke wrote:
Hi Stefan,
I think there is a misunderstanding: there is an ELOG commit with the GIT ID bd75964.
It is from Sep. 2016, so: Peter, you should download a newer version.

Stefan Ritt
Release 3.1.2-1
Stefan Ritt wrote:

Tell me your current seven digit number and I can check if your version is too old.

Peter K wrote:

yes, that is exactly where I got this V3.1.2-bd75964 version!

Do you recommend to download it again from your site and compile?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The -bd... number must be from the .apk package, which I don't have control over. You have to check the elog git hash code. You see it at the bottom of each elog web page. For this forum server, it's ELOG V3.1.2-7933898 with 7 digit number at the end.

Peter K wrote:

We installed our elog from .apk in November 2017.

Version V3.1.2-bd75964

I suppose it already contains List drafts feature.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You might have to update to the current elog version. This feature was implemented in Dec. 2016. 


Peter K wrote:

Dear Stefan,

Thanks for quick reply.
I checked List drafts = 1 in config file - it does not show drafts in the list in my case.
Can it be blocked by any other option?
I have these options enabled:

Use Lock = 1
Save drafts = 1
List drafts = 1


Stefan Ritt wrote:

The message is not lost, but becomes a "draft". This works similar in most email systems. When you edit an email and son't send it, it stays in your "draft" email folder and does not show up in your "sent" folder. Same here. You are suppost to "submit" you entry, the "save" is just a temporary safety backup. If you do not submit (if you press BACK or your browser crashes), the entry is not submitted to the system, but stays around as a draft. If you create a new message, the system asks you to edit and finish your draft, so that it does not get lost. So always hit "submit" if you are finished editing a message, not just "save". 

If you want to see the draft message, they are rendered in red in the normal message list if you have

List drafts = 1

in your config file. No ide where your cluttering comes from. 


Peter K wrote:

I found a sequence which hides the message from the list.
In addition this sequence corrupts UTF encoding of the text.

  1. create new message
  2. submit it
  3. Edit this message again
  4. click SAVE and then exit the editor (click Logbook name in the header or BACK in the browser)
  5. message disappeared from the list!
  6. by clicking NEW message I found my lost one in the drafts, but all text was corrupted.

I've made small GIF presentation on this issue (attached, open in new window), may be this helps.













  68741   Fri Feb 16 09:18:56 2018 Question Matej Sedejmsedej@hotmail.comBug reportWindowsELOG V3.1.3-fd7Problem with special character "č"


First of all, thank you for this great piece of software! For now it seems to perfectly cover our need to log very basic events, there was a setting for everything we wanted to set.

However we have one problem and that is the saving of the letter "č" (Slovenian) into the log files. That is unicode character U+010C and U+010CD When writing to the log file it is replaced with "Č" and "č". Is there a known fix for this?

Thank you and best regards,


  68742   Fri Feb 16 09:36:18 2018 Reply Matej Sedejmsedej@hotmail.comBug reportWindowsELOG V3.1.3-fd7Re: Problem with special character "č"

I see the same problem exists on this board as well. Actuall it appears only the attribute fields are affected. The č character was incorrectly written to the log file from the subject field above, but correctly from the body text below.

Matej Sedej wrote:


First of all, thank you for this great piece of software! For now it seems to perfectly cover our need to log very basic events, there was a setting for everything we wanted to set.

However we have one problem and that is the saving of the letter "č" (Slovenian) into the log files. That is unicode character U+010C and U+010CD When writing to the log file it is replaced with "Č" and "č". Is there a known fix for this?

Thank you and best regards,



  68743   Fri Feb 23 21:27:12 2018 Warning Ales NovakCortana.Alert@gmail.comBug reportWindowsV3.1.3-fd7f1e2BSOD


I have been using elog for a few years and it is a wonderfull software and has been one that I can't go without. So thank you very much for making it. smiley

After about a year, I upgraded to the latest version. I noticed that it causes the system to crash. It doesn't seem to happen that often. 

I have installed this on 2 machines, one Windows 10 and one on Windows 7. Over the last week I got one BSOD on each OS. 

The elogs have different configs and logbooks. One is a simple elog that doesn't have any attachments or anything funky. Just straight text.

Please see attached a screenshot of the Memory.DMP which has happned seconds after an schedule restarted the elog service on my PC. 

I will keep monitoring and see if will happen again. But I thought I log it here anyway.




Attachment 1: MemDmp.png
  Draft   Mon Feb 26 18:16:35 2018 Reply Stefano Lacaprarastefano.lacaprara@pd.infn.itBug reportLinux3.1.1Re: inactive users
  sorry to bother again on this issue, but it is causing me some trouble, as many of my users are using the "SetNone" button in their config page, and doing so they deactivate their account, which I have to re-activate manually.

The warning about "Are you sure you want to deactivate your own account ..." is actually triggered only when someone toggle the "active" radio button, but not when the "SetNone" function is used. In that case no warning is present, and the user just deactivate his/her account. I'm sure that this is not the intended behavior.

I attach a modified version of elogd.c (based on git c1866af75bb2fe62aa868c4cf562f43a08e4b499 ) with the modified javascript I proposed earlier in this thread.

Attachment 1: elogd.c

   Name:         elogd.c
   Created by:   Stefan Ritt
   Copyright 2000 + Stefan Ritt

   ELOG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   ELOG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
   permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
   OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
   individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
   including the two.
   You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
   for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify
   file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
   version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so.  If you
   do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
   version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source
   files in the program, then also delete it here.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with ELOG.  If not, see <>.

   Contents:     Web server program for Electronic Logbook ELOG


#include "elogd.h"
#include "git-revision.h"

const char *_git_revision = GIT_REVISION;

BOOL running_as_daemon;         /* Running as a daemon/service? */
int elog_tcp_port;              /* Server's TCP port            */

static void (*printf_handler) (const char *);   /* Handler to printf for logging */
static void (*fputs_handler) (const char *);    /* Handler to fputs for logging  */
static FILE *current_output_stream = NULL;      /* Currently used output stream  */

char *return_buffer;
int return_buffer_size;
int strlen_retbuf;
int keep_alive;
char header_buffer[20000];
int return_length;
char host_name[256];
char referer[256];
char browser[256];
char config_file[256];
char resource_dir[256];
char logbook_dir[256];
char listen_interface[256];
char theme_name[80];
char http_host[256];
char http_user[256];

char _param[MAX_PARAM][NAME_LENGTH];
char _value[MAX_PARAM][NAME_LENGTH];
char _mtext[TEXT_SIZE];
char _cmdline[CMD_SIZE];
char *_attachment_buffer;
int _attachment_size;
int _max_content_length = MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH;
struct in_addr rem_addr;
char rem_host[256];
char rem_host_ip[256];
int _sock;
BOOL use_keepalive, enable_execute = FALSE;
BOOL ckedit_exist, image_magick_exist;
int _verbose_level, _current_message_id;
int _logging_level, _ssl_flag;

LOGBOOK *lb_list = NULL;

#define VERBOSE_URL     1
#define VERBOSE_INFO    2
#define VERBOSE_DEBUG   3

#ifdef HAVE_SSL
SSL *_ssl_con;

char *mname[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September",
   "October", "November", "December"

char type_list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH] = { "Routine", "Other" };

char category_list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH] = { "General", "Other",

char author_list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH] = { "" };

char attr_list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH];
char attr_options[MAX_N_ATTR][MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH];
int attr_flags[MAX_N_ATTR];

char attr_list_default[][NAME_LENGTH] = { "Author", "Type", "Category", "Subject", "" };

char attr_options_default[][MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH] = { {""}, {"Routine", "Other"},
{"General", "Other"}, {""}

int attr_flags_default[] = { AF_REQUIRED, 0, 0, 0 };

struct {
   char ext[32];
   char type[80];
} filetype[] = {

   ".AI", "application/postscript"}, {
   ".ASC", "text/plain"}, {
   ".BZ2", "application/x-bzip2"}, {
   ".CFG", "text/plain"}, {
   ".CHRT", "application/x-kchart"}, {
   ".CONF", "text/plain"}, {
   ".CSH", "application/x-csh"}, {
   ".CSS", "text/css"}, {
   ".DOC", "application/msword"}, {
   ".DVI", "application/x-dvi"}, {
   ".EPS", "application/postscript"}, {
   ".GIF", "image/gif"}, {
   ".GZ", "application/x-gzip"}, {
   ".HTM", "text/html"}, {
   ".HTML", "text/html"}, {
   ".ICO", "image/x-icon"}, {
   ".JPEG", "image/jpeg"}, {
   ".JPG", "image/jpeg"}, {
   ".JS", "application/x-javascript"}, {
   ".KPR", "application/x-kpresenter"}, {
   ".KSP", "application/x-kspread"}, {
   ".KWD", "application/x-kword"}, {
   ".MP3", "audio/mpeg"}, {
   ".OGG", "application/x-ogg"}, {
   ".PDF", "application/pdf"}, {
   ".PNG", "image/png"}, {
   ".PS", "application/postscript"}, {
   ".RAM", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"}, {
   ".RM", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"}, {
   ".RM", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"}, {
   ".RM", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"}, {
   ".RPM", "application/x-rpm"}, {
   ".RTF", "application/rtf"}, {
   ".SH", "application/x-sh"}, {
   ".SVG", "image/svg+xml"}, {
   ".TAR", "application/x-tar"}, {
   ".TCL", "application/x-tcl"}, {
   ".TEX", "application/x-tex"}, {
   ".TGZ", "application/x-gzip"}, {
   ".TIF", "image/tiff"}, {
   ".TIFF", "image/tiff"}, {
   ".TXT", "text/plain"}, {
   ".WAV", "audio/x-wav"}, {
   ".XLS", "application/x-msexcel"}, {
   ".XML", "text/xml"}, {
   ".XSL", "text/xml"}, {
   ".ZIP", "application/x-zip-compressed"}, {

      /* Open XML file types */
   ".DOCM", "application/"}, {
   ".DOCX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"}, {
   ".DOTM", "application/"}, {
   ".DOTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"}, {
   ".PPSM", "application/"}, {
   ".PPSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"}, {
   ".PPTM", "application/"}, {
   ".PPTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"}, {
   ".XLSB", "application/"}, {
   ".XLSM", "application/"}, {
   ".XLSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"}, {
   ".XPS", "application/"}, {

"", ""},};

struct {
   char language[32];
   char abbrev[32];
} lang_table[] = {
   { "brazilian",    "br"},
   { "bulgarian",    "bg"},
   { "czech",        "cz"},
   { "danish",       "dk"},
   { "dutch",        "nl"},
   { "french",       "fr"},
   { "german",       "de"},
   { "indonesia",    "id"},
   { "italian",      "it"},
   { "japanese",     "jp"},
   { "polish",       "pl"},
   { "ru_CP1251",    "ru"},
   { "slowak",       "sk"},
   { "spanish",      "es"},
   { "swedish",      "se"},
   { "turkish",      "tr"},
   { "zh_CN-GB2314", "zh"},
   { "zh_CN-UTF8",   "zh"},
   { "", "" }

char _convert_cmd[256];
char _identify_cmd[256];

#ifdef OS_WINNT
int run_service(void);

#ifdef OS_UNIX
gid_t orig_gid;                 /* Original effective GID before dropping privilege */
uid_t orig_uid;                 /* Original effective UID before dropping privilege */
char pidfile[256];              /* Pidfile name                                     */

#ifdef __CYGWIN__               /* bug in cygwin, 'timezone' not linked automatically */
long _timezone;

/*---- Funcions from the MIDAS library -----------------------------*/

#define my_toupper(_c)    ( ((_c)>='a' && (_c)<='z') ? ((_c)-'a'+'A') : (_c) )
#define my_tolower(_c)    ( ((_c)>='A' && (_c)<='Z') ? ((_c)-'A'+'a') : (_c) )

BOOL strieq(const char *str1, const char *str2)
   char c1, c2;

   if (str1 == NULL && str2 == NULL)
      return TRUE;
   if (str1 == NULL || str2 == NULL)
      return FALSE;
   if (strlen(str1) != strlen(str2))
      return FALSE;

   while (*str1) {
      c1 = *str1++;
      c2 = *str2++;
      if (my_toupper(c1) != my_toupper(c2))
         return FALSE;

   if (*str2)
      return FALSE;

   return TRUE;

BOOL strnieq(const char *str1, const char *str2, int n)
   char c1, c2;
   int i;

   if (str1 == NULL && str2 == NULL && n == 0)
      return TRUE;
   if (str1 == NULL || str2 == NULL)
      return FALSE;
   if ((int) strlen(str1) < n || (int) strlen(str2) < n)
      return FALSE;

   for (i = 0; i < n && *str1; i++) {
      c1 = *str1++;
      c2 = *str2++;
      if (my_toupper(c1) != my_toupper(c2))
         return FALSE;

   if (i < n)
      return FALSE;

   return TRUE;

char *stristr(const char *str, const char *pattern)
   char c1, c2, *ps, *pp;

   if (str == NULL || pattern == NULL)
      return NULL;

   while (*str) {
      ps = (char *) str;
      pp = (char *) pattern;
      c1 = *ps;
      c2 = *pp;
      if (my_toupper(c1) == my_toupper(c2)) {
         while (*pp) {
            c1 = *ps;
            c2 = *pp;

            if (my_toupper(c1) != my_toupper(c2))
... 30944 more lines ...
  68745   Mon Feb 26 18:27:09 2018 Reply Stefano Lacaprarastefano.lacaprara@pd.infn.itBug reportLinux3.1.3Re: inactive users
  sorry to bother again on this issue, but it is causing me some trouble, as many of my users are using the "SetNone" button in their config page, and doing so they deactivate their account, which I have to 
re-activate manually.

The warning about "Are you sure you want to deactivate your own account ..." is actually triggered only when someone toggle the "active" radio button, but not when the "SetNone" function is used. In that 
case no warning is present, and the user just deactivate his/her account. I'm sure that this is not the intended behavior.

I attach a modified version of elogd.c (based on git c1866af75bb2fe62aa868c4cf562f43a08e4b499 ) with the modified javascript I proposed earlier in this thread.

Attachment 1: elogd.c

   Name:         elogd.c
   Created by:   Stefan Ritt
   Copyright 2000 + Stefan Ritt

   ELOG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   ELOG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
   permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
   OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
   individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
   including the two.
   You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
   for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify
   file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
   version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so.  If you
   do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
   version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source
   files in the program, then also delete it here.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with ELOG.  If not, see <>.

   Contents:     Web server program for Electronic Logbook ELOG


#include "elogd.h"
#include "git-revision.h"

const char *_git_revision = GIT_REVISION;

BOOL running_as_daemon;         /* Running as a daemon/service? */
int elog_tcp_port;              /* Server's TCP port            */

static void (*printf_handler) (const char *);   /* Handler to printf for logging */
static void (*fputs_handler) (const char *);    /* Handler to fputs for logging  */
static FILE *current_output_stream = NULL;      /* Currently used output stream  */

char *return_buffer;
int return_buffer_size;
int strlen_retbuf;
int keep_alive;
char header_buffer[20000];
int return_length;
char host_name[256];
char referer[256];
char browser[256];
char config_file[256];
char resource_dir[256];
char logbook_dir[256];
char listen_interface[256];
char theme_name[80];
char http_host[256];
char http_user[256];

char _param[MAX_PARAM][NAME_LENGTH];
char _value[MAX_PARAM][NAME_LENGTH];
char _mtext[TEXT_SIZE];
char _cmdline[CMD_SIZE];
char *_attachment_buffer;
int _attachment_size;
int _max_content_length = MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH;
struct in_addr rem_addr;
char rem_host[256];
char rem_host_ip[256];
int _sock;
BOOL use_keepalive, enable_execute = FALSE;
BOOL ckedit_exist, image_magick_exist;
int _verbose_level, _current_message_id;
int _logging_level, _ssl_flag;

LOGBOOK *lb_list = NULL;

#define VERBOSE_URL     1
#define VERBOSE_INFO    2
#define VERBOSE_DEBUG   3

#ifdef HAVE_SSL
SSL *_ssl_con;

char *mname[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September",
   "October", "November", "December"

char type_list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH] = { "Routine", "Other" };

char category_list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH] = { "General", "Other",

char author_list[MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH] = { "" };

char attr_list[MAX_N_ATTR][NAME_LENGTH];
char attr_options[MAX_N_ATTR][MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH];
int attr_flags[MAX_N_ATTR];

char attr_list_default[][NAME_LENGTH] = { "Author", "Type", "Category", "Subject", "" };

char attr_options_default[][MAX_N_LIST][NAME_LENGTH] = { {""}, {"Routine", "Other"},
{"General", "Other"}, {""}

int attr_flags_default[] = { AF_REQUIRED, 0, 0, 0 };

struct {
   char ext[32];
   char type[80];
} filetype[] = {

   ".AI", "application/postscript"}, {
   ".ASC", "text/plain"}, {
   ".BZ2", "application/x-bzip2"}, {
   ".CFG", "text/plain"}, {
   ".CHRT", "application/x-kchart"}, {
   ".CONF", "text/plain"}, {
   ".CSH", "application/x-csh"}, {
   ".CSS", "text/css"}, {
   ".DOC", "application/msword"}, {
   ".DVI", "application/x-dvi"}, {
   ".EPS", "application/postscript"}, {
   ".GIF", "image/gif"}, {
   ".GZ", "application/x-gzip"}, {
   ".HTM", "text/html"}, {
   ".HTML", "text/html"}, {
   ".ICO", "image/x-icon"}, {
   ".JPEG", "image/jpeg"}, {
   ".JPG", "image/jpeg"}, {
   ".JS", "application/x-javascript"}, {
   ".KPR", "application/x-kpresenter"}, {
   ".KSP", "application/x-kspread"}, {
   ".KWD", "application/x-kword"}, {
   ".MP3", "audio/mpeg"}, {
   ".OGG", "application/x-ogg"}, {
   ".PDF", "application/pdf"}, {
   ".PNG", "image/png"}, {
   ".PS", "application/postscript"}, {
   ".RAM", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"}, {
   ".RM", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"}, {
   ".RM", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"}, {
   ".RM", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"}, {
   ".RPM", "application/x-rpm"}, {
   ".RTF", "application/rtf"}, {
   ".SH", "application/x-sh"}, {
   ".SVG", "image/svg+xml"}, {
   ".TAR", "application/x-tar"}, {
   ".TCL", "application/x-tcl"}, {
   ".TEX", "application/x-tex"}, {
   ".TGZ", "application/x-gzip"}, {
   ".TIF", "image/tiff"}, {
   ".TIFF", "image/tiff"}, {
   ".TXT", "text/plain"}, {
   ".WAV", "audio/x-wav"}, {
   ".XLS", "application/x-msexcel"}, {
   ".XML", "text/xml"}, {
   ".XSL", "text/xml"}, {
   ".ZIP", "application/x-zip-compressed"}, {

      /* Open XML file types */
   ".DOCM", "application/"}, {
   ".DOCX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"}, {
   ".DOTM", "application/"}, {
   ".DOTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"}, {
   ".PPSM", "application/"}, {
   ".PPSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"}, {
   ".PPTM", "application/"}, {
   ".PPTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"}, {
   ".XLSB", "application/"}, {
   ".XLSM", "application/"}, {
   ".XLSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"}, {
   ".XPS", "application/"}, {

"", ""},};

struct {
   char language[32];
   char abbrev[32];
} lang_table[] = {
   { "brazilian",    "br"},
   { "bulgarian",    "bg"},
   { "czech",        "cz"},
   { "danish",       "dk"},
   { "dutch",        "nl"},
   { "french",       "fr"},
   { "german",       "de"},
   { "indonesia",    "id"},
   { "italian",      "it"},
   { "japanese",     "jp"},
   { "polish",       "pl"},
   { "ru_CP1251",    "ru"},
   { "slowak",       "sk"},
   { "spanish",      "es"},
   { "swedish",      "se"},
   { "turkish",      "tr"},
   { "zh_CN-GB2314", "zh"},
   { "zh_CN-UTF8",   "zh"},
   { "", "" }

char _convert_cmd[256];
char _identify_cmd[256];

#ifdef OS_WINNT
int run_service(void);

#ifdef OS_UNIX
gid_t orig_gid;                 /* Original effective GID before dropping privilege */
uid_t orig_uid;                 /* Original effective UID before dropping privilege */
char pidfile[256];              /* Pidfile name                                     */

#ifdef __CYGWIN__               /* bug in cygwin, 'timezone' not linked automatically */
long _timezone;

/*---- Funcions from the MIDAS library -----------------------------*/

#define my_toupper(_c)    ( ((_c)>='a' && (_c)<='z') ? ((_c)-'a'+'A') : (_c) )
#define my_tolower(_c)    ( ((_c)>='A' && (_c)<='Z') ? ((_c)-'A'+'a') : (_c) )

BOOL strieq(const char *str1, const char *str2)
   char c1, c2;

   if (str1 == NULL && str2 == NULL)
      return TRUE;
   if (str1 == NULL || str2 == NULL)
      return FALSE;
   if (strlen(str1) != strlen(str2))
      return FALSE;

   while (*str1) {
      c1 = *str1++;
      c2 = *str2++;
      if (my_toupper(c1) != my_toupper(c2))
         return FALSE;

   if (*str2)
      return FALSE;

   return TRUE;

BOOL strnieq(const char *str1, const char *str2, int n)
   char c1, c2;
   int i;

   if (str1 == NULL && str2 == NULL && n == 0)
      return TRUE;
   if (str1 == NULL || str2 == NULL)
      return FALSE;
   if ((int) strlen(str1) < n || (int) strlen(str2) < n)
      return FALSE;

   for (i = 0; i < n && *str1; i++) {
      c1 = *str1++;
      c2 = *str2++;
      if (my_toupper(c1) != my_toupper(c2))
         return FALSE;

   if (i < n)
      return FALSE;

   return TRUE;

char *stristr(const char *str, const char *pattern)
   char c1, c2, *ps, *pp;

   if (str == NULL || pattern == NULL)
      return NULL;

   while (*str) {
      ps = (char *) str;
      pp = (char *) pattern;
      c1 = *ps;
      c2 = *pp;
      if (my_toupper(c1) == my_toupper(c2)) {
         while (*pp) {
            c1 = *ps;
            c2 = *pp;

            if (my_toupper(c1) != my_toupper(c2))
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