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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
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  67188   Sat Feb 11 22:19:07 2012 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug fixLinux | Windows2.9.0Re: ssl problems

Christian Herzog wrote:

Andreas Luedeke wrote:


Hi everyone,
it appears that many people have this problem. I believe this is simply a problem of your firewall settings. There are two simple checks you can do to test if I'm right or wrong:
  • Run your logbook on the standard port 443 and retry. If the special port has been opened on the firewall, it has been likely only opened for specific clients like firefox 3.6, IE 7, etc. If you use a different client (FF 10, IE 9) the port can be blocked.
  • Or just run the browser that does not work on the ELOG server. If it works to access ELOG via localhost, then you know for sure that it is the firewall.
I've actually tested it here at my institute: I've downloaded firefox 10 and could access ELOG on port 443 but couldn't access it on port 444, unless I've started FF10 on the ELOG host.
To John, Olaf and Christian: If you need to be able to use a special port and a certain set of browsers then just contact your computing division or whoever maintains your firewalls.

[...] it is NOT the firewall. First off, I don't use a firewall. 2. I AM our computing division. 3. if it were the firewall blocking the access, why do I see "TCP connection broken" in the elog log file? 4. it's not working on port 443 either.
Something's flaky in elog's https implementation. For me it's not a big deal any more, as I use an apache reverse proxy in production now anyway, but other people may not. [...]

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Just for curiosity: did you try to start the non-working web-browser locally on the server?

  67190   Sat Feb 11 22:37:34 2012 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug fixLinux | Windows2.9.0Re: ssl problems
> well it's not a server but my laptop, but yeah, the elog server and the browser ran on the same machine, no iptables.

Strange: I thought I was able to reproduce your problem, but no: whatever browser I try I can access ELOG with SSL if
browser and ELOG are running on the same host. Same as you: clean install but no problem occurs. I haven't tried on a
newer operating system yet. Still I tend to believe that it would not reproduce your problem. Maybe I'll try at home
with ubuntu. Let's first wait what the other two report: if those problems are not related to firewall issues, Stefan
will likely see into it anyway.
  67196   Tue Feb 14 14:54:06 2012 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug fixLinux | Windows2.9.0Re: ssl problems

John Doroshenko wrote:


[...] The elog server is running SL5.5 (updates applied).  As you suggested, I ran firefox 3.6.26 on the elog server via https://localhost:port and it worked fine.   Downloaded firefox 10.0.1 and retried

on elog server and get error again:  The connection was Reset; The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.


Finally I was able to reproduce the problem. I don't know why FF10 worked locally on the ELOG host last weekend, maybe I shouldn't have worked on it during a night shift. I can now confirm that ELOG has problems with firefox 10.0.1.

For those who need a quick workaround: you can set-up apache to access elog via a reverse proxy (like I do and like Stefan does for the ELOG forum does). That 'll work fine with new browsers like FF10.0.1 (at least for apache 2.2) ;-)

Some guidance how to set it up can be found here:

A shorter (but may be incomplete) summary:

  • add in httpd.conf
    • Listen 443
      LoadModule proxy_module modules/
    • ServerName <fully-qualified-host-name>
  • add in ssl.conf
    • <VirtualHost _default_:443>

ErrorLog logs/ssl_error_log
TransferLog logs/ssl_access_log
LogLevel warn
SSLEngine on
SSLProxyEngine on
ProxyPreserveHost On
<Location />
    ProxyPass         https://<fully-qualified-host-name>:444/
    ProxyPassReverse  https://<fully-qualified-host-name>:444/
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2
SSLCertificateFile "<cert-file>"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "<cert-key-file>"

  • And in the ELOG configuration [global] section
    •  port = 444
    • URL = https://<fully-qualified-host-name>                 



Detect language » English
  67290   Wed Jun 20 16:16:56 2012 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionLinux2.9.1-2435Re: author field in reply

Ken Harvey wrote:

A. Tuttle wrote:
Look in
Fun things to set are:
Preset on first reply <attribute> = <string>
Preset on reply <attribute> = <string>

I am a newbie to being the administrator to ELog, but have used it for a while now. We just updated and have the same issue with the reply now. Unfortunatley I am not much of a programmer, yet, still learning. In our config file it has "Preset Name = $long_name", "Preset Author = $long_name", "Preset on reply Author = $long_name". By looking in the Syntax of elogd.cfg section, it seems to be correct, but I am not sure. Can you give me a suggestion on how it should look? Or tell me why it is not working and lead me in the right direction on how to correctly set it up? Thank you for your time.

A common mistake is to think that "Author" is some kind of keyword: it is not.
You can use any defined attribute, if you want to use "Author" this attribute needs to be defined in the "Attributes=" command line.
Attributes = Author, ...
Then you can use the "Preset" command.
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset on reply Author = $long_name

I've just tested it with 2.9.0-2435 and it works fine.
If the following 4 line minimal logbook configuration does not work for 2.9.1, then please post again:
Attributes = Author
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset on reply Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author

  67297   Wed Jul 4 14:04:10 2012 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionWindows2.9.0-2396Re: Problems with Autorization

Michael Dannmeyer wrote:


we used Admin and write passwords. Now this is no longer supported in ELOG 2.9.0 and I tried to change to File or Kerberos Autentication. But nothing worked. I tried the following lines in elog.cfg

Authentication = File
Password file = C:\Program Files\ELOG\logbooks\Serverlogbuch\pwd.txt
Self Authentication = 1

So the self Autentication site opens and I can put in all informations. But if I click on save he tries to save the information in the password file and after a time he stops and Internet Explorer says that the page cannot be reached.

The file is not saved. If I remove the 3 lines the logbook opens without any problems.

I tried also kerberos but it didn't work. But there I think some entries in the krb5.ini are wrong.

Would you please help solving the File password problem?


Just two hints:

  • The file mentioned as "Password file" should be writeable for the "elogd" process. It is needed for both, Kerberos and File authentication. Better not specify the full path, it should assume the file in the logbook directory.
  • The command "Self Authentication = 1" does not exist. Maybe you mean "Self register = 1"?
  67298   Wed Jul 4 14:18:21 2012 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionLinux2.8.1-2350Re: move a type of entries to another logbook

Ze Li wrote:

[...] I have logbook A and logbook B.  Is it possible to move one type of entries in logbook A to logbook B?  If yes, may I know how you do it?  Thank you.[...]

  •  You can add the "Move to = B" command in logbook A.
  • Then you add "select" in "List Menu commands = ..., select, ...".
  • Now you "Find" all entries of the type you want (for convenience choose "Display 9999 entries per page").
  • You press "toggle all" and then "Move to B"
  67307   Fri Aug 10 11:47:49 2012 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chQuestionLinux2.9.0-2411Re: Authentication problem with wget and links (text browser)

cowden wrote:


I'm not able to authenticate to a logbook using my text based browser links, so I've started investigating with wget hoping solving the problem one will lead to a solution for the other.  I've seen some examples on how to use wget to parse logbook entries in this forum, but my attempts keep returning the login page.  Any advice would be helpful and appreciated.  Here are a couple of the command line arguments I've tried:

wget --save-cookies cookie.txt --keep-session-cookies -d "http://hostname/LOGBOOK?unamee=YYY&upassword=XXX" -O elog.txt

wget --save-cookies cookie.txt --keep-session-cookies -d --post-data="redit=&uname=YYY&upassword=XXX&remember=1" -e robots=off "http://hostname/LOGBOOK" -O elog.txt

After these executions, my cookies.txt file remains empty.  Running subsequent command with "--load-cookies=cookies.txt" still points me to the login page.

Many Thanks,


I've just checked that 'wget --no-check-certificate --save-cookies cookie.txt --keep-session-cookies -d "" -O elog.txt'

created a file cookie.txt. The file contains three lines of data if uname and upassword are a valid login, and it is empty (beside of three comment lines) if they are not a valid login (wrong user or wrong password).

Could it be related to the set-up of your particular logbook?

  67334   Wed Sep 12 10:50:40 2012 Reply Andreas Luedekeandreas.luedeke@psi.chBug reportWindows2.9Re: Type <attribute> = Date - Issue

Garret Delaronde wrote:

 I haven't found anything in the forums about this. Apologies if its a duplicate.

I am fairly familiar with ELog, use it for multiple purposes on 5 different Virtual Servers at work. 

Currently looking to do some updates to one of the instances with the Date Type setting.

We have 17,000 entries all which have had manual entries for a Date Attribute for the last year and 8 months.

Due to regular entry errors on part of our contractors using it, (Eg: using "Aug" instead of "08", or using "-" instead of "/"), I want to change over to using the date type attribute (Type <attribute> = Date).

However the problem i found, the moment i save this in the config, and go to the list of entries, the date has changed on all of the entries to 12/31/1969. Which is BAD for our operation. So after removing the Type Date Setting the dates go back to normal.

Is there anyway to retain those dates so they display as they are and then only new entries would fall under the new date type setting?

Syntax manual didn't help much for this issue.

The problem is, that the existing entries have a string content for this specific attribute.
An attribute with a "date" type content should contain a integer number, which represents the seconds of the epoch (starting with zero on 1-Jan-1970 at 00:00:00).
What you need to do is writing a script that reads all *a.log files in the logbook directory and converts lines of the type:
<attribute>: <text>
to lines like
<attribute>: $(date -d "<text>" +%s)
Unfortunately elog does not provide you with such a tool.
But since you have to write it now anyway now, you could submit your code to this forum
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