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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  68725   Mon Jan 29 09:14:35 2018 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Re: Entries disappear after editingDrafts are message which somebody started
to edit, but did not complete, like leaving
the page without saving. If you don't
  68726   Tue Jan 30 14:26:24 2018 Reply Peter Kpkravt@gmail.comBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Re: Entries disappear after editingThanks for fast response!

I LIKE locking and saving drafts.
The only problem is that the locked
  68727   Tue Jan 30 14:35:23 2018 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Re: Entries disappear after editingI also experienced various sproradic issues
with locking, so I usually keep it off.

  68728   Wed Jan 31 09:06:10 2018 Question Peter Kpkravt@gmail.comBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Entries disappear after editing + UTF16 problemI found a sequence which hides the message
from the list.
In addition this sequence corrupts
  68731   Thu Feb 1 10:34:42 2018 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Re: Entries disappear after editing + UTF16 problemThe message is not lost, but becomes a
"draft". This works similar in
most email systems. When you edit an email
  68732   Thu Feb 1 14:55:24 2018 Reply Peter Kpkravt@gmail.comBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Re: Entries disappear after editing + UTF16 problemDear Stefan,

Thanks for quick reply.
I checked List drafts
  68734   Fri Feb 2 08:31:35 2018 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Re: Entries disappear after editing + UTF16 problemYou might have to update to the current
elog version. This feature was implemented
in Dec. 2016. 
  68735   Tue Feb 6 10:15:29 2018 Reply Peter Kpkravt@gmail.comBug reportLinuxV3.1.2-bd75964Re: Entries disappear after editing + UTF16 problemWe installed our elog from .apk in November

Version V3.1.2-bd75964
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6