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  541   Tue May 11 19:35:11 2004 Reply Marc Neigerm.neiger@synergie-inf.comBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Extendable options
> > The snapshot version you sent me seems to be locked onto port 80 and does not honor 
> > the port directive in elog.cfg....
> Thank you, I fixed that and updated the file.

Tested and working, thx.
  540   Tue May 11 11:18:24 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Extendable options
> The snapshot version you sent me seems to be locked onto port 80 and does not honor 
> the port directive in elog.cfg....

Thank you, I fixed that and updated the file.
  539   Tue May 11 11:08:33 2004 Reply Marc Neigerm.neiger@synergie-inf.comBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Extendable options
> > Is it possible to have a conditionnal attribute depend on an extendanble one ?
> In principle yes, but I never tried it...

The snapshot version you sent me seems to be locked onto port 80 and does not honor 
the port directive in elog.cfg....
  538   Tue May 11 10:44:55 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Extendable options
> Is it possible to have a conditionnal attribute depend on an extendanble one ?

In principle yes, but I never tried it...
  537   Tue May 11 10:42:44 2004 Reply Marc Neigerm.neiger@synergie-inf.comBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Extendable options
Hi Stefan,

Many thanks, it works. I'm impressed by your reactivity ! thanks again.

Is it possible to have a conditionnal attribute depend on an extendanble one ?

> > the use of extendable options in the global section seem to "crash" elogd 
> > when creating a new entry.
> > My elogd.cfg is included
> > the problem attribute is "Client"
> > Should it be possible to have it extendable only in one specific logbook ?
> Actually it was never foreseen to have extendable options in the [global]
> section. I added now this functionality. The new windows version can be obtained
> under
  536   Mon May 10 21:57:49 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Extendable options
> the use of extendable options in the global section seem to "crash" elogd 
> when creating a new entry.
> My elogd.cfg is included
> the problem attribute is "Client"
> Should it be possible to have it extendable only in one specific logbook ?

Actually it was never foreseen to have extendable options in the [global]
section. I added now this functionality. The new windows version can be obtained
  535   Mon May 10 00:00:06 2004 Warning Marc Neigerm.neiger@synergie-inf.comBug reportWindows2.5.2Extendable options

the use of extendable options in the global section seem to "crash" elogd 
when creating a new entry.
My elogd.cfg is included
the problem attribute is "Client"
Should it be possible to have it extendable only in one specific logbook ?

Are extendable and conditionnal "compatible" on the same set of attributes ?

  534   Wed May 5 17:38:12 2004 Reply Stefan Linux2.5.2Re: safari browser issue
> we've experienced a problem when using the safari browser to do a search in
> our elog. whenever you do a search, the logbook returns an error and the
> elog deamon crashes. when we first experienced this problem we were running
> version 2.3.9. however, an upgrade to version 2.5.2 doesn't seem to fix the
> problem. searches with other browsers (mozilla, internet explorer, ...) go
> off without a hitch.
> has anyone else observed a similar problem or have any ideas on how to
> resolve this issue.
> thanks for the help.

I finally found some time to address this problem. It was related to the way I
do the page redirection. The "Location:" in the HTTP header used a relative
path, although the standard requires an absolute (full) path, which I just
discovered. Although most browsers accept a relative path, the safari browser
obviously does not. 

I changed the redirection to absolute paths, the new version can be obtained
via CVS.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886