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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown
  1817   Thu May 4 16:01:29 2006 Question Tim Fowlertimfowler1@gmail.comBug reportWindows2.6.1-1681Elogd.exe crashes on windows
I have elog setup to send emails based on the priority of one of the attributes. When a new entry is created, the emails are sent successfully, however if the entry is edited or if you changed the attribute, elogd.exe will crash with a memory access error.

I have tried this and received the same results on different computers and different versions on Elog down to versions 2/6.0 beta 5. (it works correctly in that version).

The attribute in question is setup something like below:

Attributes = Ticket #, Site, Shift, Type, Area, System Name, Description, Priority, Status, Total Down Time, Last Revision

...(omitted config)

Options Priority = High, Medium, Low

...(omitted config)

Use Email Subject = $Site -- $System Name $Description
Use Email From =

;Send email if priority is set to high
Email Priority High =

Display Email recipients = 1
Email Format = 14
  65935   Tue Jul 29 17:50:51 2008 Warning jhjon.huang@ses-americom.comBug reportWindows2.73-1.exeElogd.exe crashes almost everyday

My Elog running on windows 2003 sp1 is crashing with this error "  Faulting application elogd.exe, version, faulting module elogd.exe, version, fault address 0x00061330."  the version of elogd.exe is  has a built date of 2/22/2008.  Will upgrading to the latest windows binary resolve this issue?    Thanks!!


  437   Sun Oct 12 08:37:00 2003 Warning Christopher Jonescjjones@zombieworld.comBug reportWindows2.3.9Elogd.exe Crashes When There are too Many Replies to Replies...

  We have been using Elog successfully as a shiftlog book for over a month 
now, but I recently ran into an annoying bug, I think.
  We had a thread that was created and was being replied to over several 
days.  We first replied to the original thread and then each subsequent 
reply was a reply of the previous reply.  When the thread reached above 13 
of these, the elogd.exe would crash everytime a user attempted to select 
the logbook that contained the enormous thread.  
  I found the only workaround was to manually delete the offending entry 
from the log file and to instruct my users to not reply to replies unless 
absolutely necessary.  I have been able to replicate this error across the 
rest of my logbooks as well.  If there is any more information you may 
need, please feel free to contact me.

Chris Jones
  67906   Thu May 14 02:35:15 2015 Question Francois CloutierFrancois@fcmail.caQuestionWindows3.1.0Elogd synchronisation with remote server
I came accross the admin guide and I was reading / searching for a way to sync logbooks across sites...
elogd mention "-m" and "-M" ... not elog but elogd... with that description :
synchronize logbook(s) with remote server

Does it sync all logbooks ? is there any examples somewhere or advice ?

Thanks :)
  66879   Thu Aug 19 15:26:35 2010 Warning Mike Zubermdz0739@yahoo.comBug reportWindows2.8Elogd service crashes on "reply" with percent character in subject line

My logbook kept crashing whenever I tried to reply to an existing entry. I found that the percent sign "%", when used in the subject line, will crash the elogd service when you try to reply to the entry. This appears to only happen with windows installations. I tested this on your Linux logbook and it didn't crash.

Here is the message taken from the Windows event viewer after the crash:
An unhandled win32 exception occurred in elogd.exe [5224].

Thank you for Elog, you have done a good job with it.  It is a great logbook.


  67366   Tue Oct 30 22:47:15 2012 Question David Walliswallis@aps.anl.govQuestionLinux2.9.2Elogd hangs while uploading bmp attachment

I'm running elog 2.9.2 on a Red Hat 6.3 server. This installation has been running for some time on a Solaris server, and was recently moved to the RHEL server.

When a user tries to upload a .bmp attachment, the upload never completes, eventually timing out with a proxy error. At that point, the elogd process stops responding to requests and needs to be restarted. Nothing is in the log file other than a "Listening" message when elogd starts up. Png and pdf attachments seem to work fine. I was able to convert an image from .bmp to .png and upload, but that's not practical for my user.

ImageMagick 6.5.4-7 is installed on the server. Everything else seems to be working normally.

Is this a known problem, or have I missed something that needs to be installed on the RHEL server?

  66065   Fri Nov 21 10:53:09 2008 Warning Niklasniklas@hoglund.pp.seBug reportLinux2.7.5 2142Elogd crashes with: *** stack smashing detected ***



elogd sometimes crashes when there are large cookies. Or I'd guess it has something to do with the cookies, elogd crashed over and over again until I cleaned out cookies and authenticated sessions in firefox, then it stopped.


When I run "elogd -v" in gdb, and someone does:


GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: urem=0; TWIKISID=ecaa5a39e8446a27ec5a34bcbb9d4bcb; unm=erirone; upwd=c3w5MTg1; ipplanNoAuth=yes; SMSESSION=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

*** stack smashing detected ***: /root/elogd_2.7.5_2142 terminated



*** stack smashing detected ***: /root/elogd_2.7.5_2142 terminated

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb7dad875 in raise () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#2  0xb7daf201 in abort () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#3  0xb7de4e5c in ?? () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#4  0x00000000 in ?? ()





  66651   Thu Dec 10 16:05:59 2009 Question Cliff reportWindows2.7.8Elogd crashes when submitting replies

Hi Stefan,

I recently installed the latest Elog 2.7.8 revision 2277 after running Elog 2.7.7 revision 2246 for several months without any problems. However once I submit an entry by using the Reply command Elog crashes and Windows XP reports an error message screen. This also stops the elogd service.

I have pinpointed it down to the command "subst on reply Subject = $Subject" by removing my whole configuration file and just added the line "subst on reply Subject = $Subject" to your demo configuration file.

Elog seems to also stops the elogd service with any "subst on reply" command.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you,


Cliff Shaw

ELOG V3.1.5-fe60aaf