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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  573   Wed Jul 7 17:43:22 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportLinux2.5.2 - 2.5.3Re: User/Admin privlege question
> I also have this problem, when a non admin user logs in he does not have access to
> the config file but if he logs out he can then access the config file as non logged
> user.

If he logs out, how can he access a logbook at all? He should be presented a login
screen, nothing else...

> I also tried to upgrade to version 2.5.3 but running under this version does not ask
> for passwords so I reverted to 2.5.2.

Better first let's fix this problem. Under what circumstances does 2.5.3 not ask for
passwords? Maybe you can get the newest version from CVS (see download page) and try
again, I had problems when using the -DHAVE_CRYPT functionality, but I guess you did not
have that, do you?

So once you tried the latest snapshot, and still have problems, describe them carefully,
send me your configuration file, and I will have a look.

- Stefan
  572   Wed Jul 7 16:43:52 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindowsv2.5.3Re: Only show log entries for logged-in user
> For a large class it might be a bit cumbersome to set it up this way.

What you can do is put most of the configuration options into the [global] section,
such as

Attributes = ...
Password file = ...
Admin user = teacher

Login user = john
Login user = joe
Login user = fred

In this case, each logbook only requires two lines, while all the other options are
inherited from the [global] section. The "login user" restricts logins only to a
single student, which the teachis has admin rights for all logbooks. The teacher can
reply to individual students by writing into their "personal" logbook, or he can set
up a dedicated teacher logbook which everybody can read (Just omit the 'login user').
  571   Wed Jul 7 16:00:10 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionAll2.5.3Re: Formatting parameters for attributes
> I have some problems of understanding how the "Format <attribute>" parameter
> is working. It may be, that there was a similar question in the forum, but I
> didn't find it. I'm sorry if I come back with an old question.
> I would like to have 2two attributes in the same line. As ex. PersonName,
> PersonCity.
> If I understand the handbook correctly, it should be posslible with "Format
> <attribute> = 1". However, I'm not able to use the "Format <attribute>"
> correctly because I do not understand how to use it correctly in the cfg file.
> Is there a possibilty of an example by Stafan or does anybody else already
> use this feature successfuly and is able to post a example here?

This forum uses that feature. As you can see, if you display a single entry, the
author, subject etc. are on a single line. This is achieved with

Format Author = 1
Format Author email = 1
Format Category = 1
Format OS = 1
Format ELOG Version = 1

Note that in the entry form, each attribute is on a separate line no matter what
the format specifiers are. The single line option only works for the display page.
  570   Tue Jul 6 23:37:02 2004 Question Glevineg@med.govt.nzQuestionLinux | Other2.5.3ELOG & Selection Page
Hello to all,

I'm trying to get ELOG to run several separate logbooks which will
eventually have their own password/user files and other little things.
The problem I have is I want to have a main selection type page so when a
user enters ELOG they see this page with links on it to main logbook groups.

So, for my example I'd have a main page INDEX1.HTML which has links to:

but I want those top groups to just show standard ELOG generated logbook
list once you select a link on index1.html page.
Unfortunately "Selection page = index1.html" if defined in [global] just
gets used everywhere, so once I click on a link to go to
http://elog.blah.internal/Server_Logbooks it just shows the same index1.html
selection page. So I never get to the actual logbook list...
I could make separate selection pages for each top logbook group,
but that means that I have to alter those HTML files every time I add or
remove a logbook. I'd ruther have ELOG generate those pages on the fly.

Is there any way to do this?
Could I tell ELOG not to use a selection page at all for a particular group
of logbooks, and just show the logbook list.

Thank you very much.


//ELOG on FreeBSD 5.2//
Attachment 1: elogd_cfg_sample.txt
Usr = elog
Grp = elog
logbook tabs = 1
port = 80
SMTP host = mail.blah.internal
Use Email From = elog@elog.blah.internal
Theme = default
Reverse Sort = 1
Time format = %e/%m/%y %k:%M
Display Email recipients = 0
Logbook dir = /usr/store/elog_logbooks/
Resource dir = /usr/local/elog/
Display mode = threaded
Main Tab = HOME
Selection page = index1.html

## Server_Logbooks Groups
Group AKB = akb01, akb26
Group AKC = akc03, akc19

## Other_Logbooks Groups
Group VC = akb-VC, chb-VC

Top group Server_Logbooks = AKB, AKC
Top group Other_Logbooks = AD, DNS, Network, VC

[global Server_Logbooks]
Logfile = srv_logbook_accesslog

Comment = akb01 - other server
Subdir = akb/01
Attributes = Work done by, Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm), Downtime duration, Planned
Preset Work done by = $short_name
Preset Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm) = $date
Preset Downtime duration = 0 min
Options Planned = Yes, No
Required Attributes = Work done by, Planned

Comment = akb26 - some server
Subdir = akb/26
Attributes = Work done by, Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm), Downtime duration, Planned
Preset Work done by = $short_name
Preset Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm) = $date
Preset Downtime duration = 0 min
Options Planned = Yes, No
Required Attributes = Work done by, Planned

[global Other_Logbooks]
Logfile = other_logbook_accesslog

Comment = Active Directory
Subdir = misc/AD
Attributes = Work done by, Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm), Downtime duration, Planned
Preset Work done by = $short_name
Preset Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm) = $date
Preset Downtime duration = 0 min
Options Planned = Yes, No
Required Attributes = Work done by, Planned

Comment = DNS System
Subdir = misc/DNS
Attributes = Work done by, Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm), Downtime duration, Planned
Preset Work done by = $short_name
Preset Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm) = $date
Preset Downtime duration = 0 min
Options Planned = Yes, No
Required Attributes = Work done by, Planned

Comment = Network changes - LAN, WAN
Subdir = misc/Network
Attributes = Work done by, Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm), Location, Downtime duration
Preset Work done by = $short_name
Preset Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm) = $date
Preset Downtime duration = 0 min
Options Planned = Yes, No
Required Attributes = Work done by, Planned

Comment = AKB Video
Subdir = misc/VC/akb-VC
Attributes = Work done by, Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm), Downtime duration, Planned
Preset Work done by = $short_name
Preset Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm) = $date
Preset Downtime duration = 0 min
Options Planned = Yes, No
Required Attributes = Work done by, Planned
Display Email recipients = 1

Comment = CHB Video
Subdir = misc/VC/chb-VC
Attributes = Work done by, Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm), Downtime duration, Planned
Preset Work done by = $short_name
Preset Work done at (dd/mm/yy hh:mm) = $date
Preset Downtime duration = 0 min
Options Planned = Yes, No
Required Attributes = Work done by, Planned
Display Email recipients = 1
  569   Tue Jul 6 13:08:51 2004 Question Geogorilla@yahoo.comQuestionWindows2.5.3Admin right
I have setup top group in my elog . I will want to restrict the different 
admin user on the global and the global on top groups .
But however i am not able to use the configuration on "admin user" on the 
global portion to strict admin of top group to access the main global 
config .
Did i configure it wrongly or is there a way?

And for email notification , is there a way which i can select who to email 
it to ? like check box etc.

And is there a way which i can setup the summary page to refresh every 
15mins , so that new entry can be shown ?

And can i make the message id unique , when i move the messages from one 
log book to another log book , the messages id change accorddingly based on 
the number or messages . Anyway for me to make it fixed even i moved to 
another log book , i need the running number still .

Sorry for the many questions
Thanks for your help
  568   Fri Jul 2 22:20:37 2004 Question Todd Corsatcorsa@bnl.govQuestionLinux2.5.3Locking the Text field
Is there a way to disable editing of the textarea, but still allow editing 
of other fields in the entry? (e.g. Fixed Attributes Edit = Text)
Also, is the data entered in that field accessible through a variable like 
$author? I tried $text, but that doesn't seem to work.


By the way... Nice work on this. It has a lot of good features.
  567   Fri Jul 2 15:18:20 2004 Warning Alexandre Camsonnecamsonne@jlab.orgBug reportLinux2.5.2 - 2.5.3Re: User/Admin privlege question
I also have this problem, when a non admin user logs in he does not have access to
the config file but if he logs out he can then access the config file as non logged
I also tried to upgrade to version 2.5.3 but running under this version does not ask
for passwords so I reverted to 2.5.2.

Besides these few details, your software is great !

Thank you,


> > For some reason if I define a "login user" that is allowed the configure
> > option he is also allowed to change the configuration file. According to the
> > documentation it seems like this should NOT be the case. Any ideas as to
> > what the problem might be? 
> Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your problem. This leaves few possibilites:
> - any login user CAN change his/her full name, email address etc. but only admin
> users can change ALL OTHERS as well. Admin users should see a "change elogd.cfg"
> button on the config page, whil normal users will not
> - are you sure you logged out as admin user and loggin in again as non-admin
> user? Under some circumstances, the browser keeps old cookies which can confuse
> things. Best is if you delete all browser cookies and try again (Tools/Internet
> Options/Delete Cookies in IE).
> - Stefan
  566   Wed Jun 30 14:59:06 2004 Question Ralph Kuehnr.e.kuehn@larc.nasa.govQuestionWindowsv2.5.3Re: Only show log entries for logged-in user
One way would be to create a seperate logbook for each student including the
teacher. It should then be fairly simple to set up the permissions however you
would like. For a large class it might be a bit cumbersome to set it up this way.
Ralph Kuehn

> Hi,
> Is it possible to restrict the display of logbook entries to the entries 
> created by the currently logged-in user?
> I'm thinking of using the ELOG system in a school laboratory environment: 
> students must write entries in the logbook about their excersises, but I 
> would like that students can not "see" what other students have written. To 
> make it even more complicated, I would like that students can see their own 
> entries and the teacher entries.....
> Is something like this possible?
> Thanks in advance
> Bartjan Wattel
> the Netherlands
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6