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icon8.gif   User passwords not configurable with loacl passwordfile, posted by KaterKarlo99 on Tue Feb 27 15:11:23 2018 


Tryed windows an linux version. On booth the "Register new User" dialog is not displaying a password line.
so what password is used for the new user? Further the user can't change his password, because he didn't know the old one.

And if an admin user trys to change the password of an other user, a error is displyed that the old password of the admin user is
wrong and nothing happens with the password of the non-admin user.

elog console (admin user awrzkrz changes the password of testuser1):

GET /demo/?cmd=Config&config=TestUser1&cfgpage=1&admin=1&cfg_user=TestUser1&active=1&new_user_name=TestUser1&new_full_name=TEST+User& HTTP/1.1
Returned 1032 bytes
GET /demo/?config=TestUser1&newpwd=test1234&newpwd2=test1234 HTTP/1.1
Returned 20 bytes
GET /demo/?cmd=Change%20password&config=awrzkrz&fail=1 HTTP/1.1
Returned 1215 bytes

Thanks for help!


icon8.gif   Unformatted Appearance of Elog, posted by Greg Christian on Thu Mar 17 18:22:37 2022 Capture.PNG

I recently ported an elog over to a new server running Ubuntu 20.10. Everything is working okay, except sometimes I get a strange unformatted appearance when I go to the elog page (see attachment). The happening of this seems random. For example, yesterday, when I started the elogd daemon everything looked fine, but when I log in today I get the unformatted appearance. Also, yesterday when I was setting things up, sometimes certain logbooks would have the formatting issue, and I could make this go away with a kill...restart cycle of elogd.

I downloaded the source code from here:, selecting the elog-latest.tar.gz file.

I have tried viewing the elog on 3 different browsers (firefox, IE, Edge), result is the same every time.

Any thoughts about what the problem is?

icon8.gif   Anyone else running elogd on redhat ES 8 having random crashes?, posted by mathew goebel on Tue Oct 4 20:43:28 2022 

For the last couple of months we are getting a random elogd crash once in a while we are getting something like the following in the middle of the night

> Sep 29 20:45:07 elog kernel: server_name686835]: segfault at 7ffd7f5a0000 ip 00007fceaeabbf06 sp 00007ffd7f577348 error 6 in[7fceaea8a000+1bc000]

I'm going to try and see if it will leave a coredump file, just thought I would ask if anyone else had seen this before?





icon8.gif   issue where not all users are able to log into their sessions, posted by cheref mohamed lamine on Tue May 2 02:57:45 2023 Login.PNG

I have an issue where not all users are able to log into their sessions and they are still settling on the login page

    icon8.gif   Re: File/App associations for attachments, posted by Evinrude Motor on Thu Aug 24 19:31:03 2023 

Hold on I'm having a senior moment

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Below are the MIME types hard-coded into elogd. As you can see there is neither .ods nor .eml. If you give me the MIME type, I can add that easily. I wonder however why both work differently for you. I believe this is a browser setting.



struct FILETYPE {
   char ext[32];
   char type[80];
} filetype[] = {
        {".AI",   "application/postscript"},
        {".ASC",  "text/plain"},
        {".BZ2",  "application/x-bzip2"},
        {".CFG",  "text/plain"},
        {".CHRT", "application/x-kchart"},
        {".CONF", "text/plain"},
        {".CSH",  "application/x-csh"},
        {".CSS",  "text/css"},
        {".DOC",  "application/msword"},
        {".DVI",  "application/x-dvi"},
        {".EPS",  "application/postscript"},
        {".GIF",  "image/gif"},
        {".GZ",   "application/x-gzip"},
        {".HTM",  "text/html"},
        {".HTML", "text/html"},
        {".ICO",  "image/x-icon"},
        {".JPEG", "image/jpeg"},
        {".JPG",  "image/jpeg"},
        {".JS",   "application/x-javascript"},
        {".KPR",  "application/x-kpresenter"},
        {".KSP",  "application/x-kspread"},
        {".KWD",  "application/x-kword"},
        {".MP3",  "audio/mpeg"},
        {".OGG",  "application/x-ogg"},
        {".PDF",  "application/pdf"},
        {".PNG",  "image/png"},
        {".PS",   "application/postscript"},
        {".RAM",  "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RM",   "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
        {".RPM",  "application/x-rpm"},
        {".RTF",  "application/rtf"},
        {".SH",   "application/x-sh"},
        {".SVG",  "image/svg+xml"},
        {".TAR",  "application/x-tar"},
        {".TCL",  "application/x-tcl"},
        {".TEX",  "application/x-tex"},
        {".TGZ",  "application/x-gzip"},
        {".TIF",  "image/tiff"},
        {".TIFF", "image/tiff"},
        {".TXT",  "text/plain"},
        {".WAV",  "audio/x-wav"},
        {".XLS",  "application/x-msexcel"},
        {".XML",  "text/xml"},
        {".XSL",  "text/xml"},
        {".ZIP",  "application/x-zip-compressed"},
        /* Open XML file types */
        {".DOCM", "application/"},
        {".DOCX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"},
        {".DOTM", "application/"},
        {".DOTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template"},
        {".PPSM", "application/"},
        {".PPSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow"},
        {".PPTM", "application/"},
        {".PPTX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"},
        {".XLSB", "application/"},
        {".XLSM", "application/"},
        {".XLSX", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"},
        {".XPS",  "application/"},
        {"",      ""},


icon8.gif   elog server crashed due to cookies send by client, posted by Heinz Junkes on Mon Sep 18 13:49:05 2023 

Our elog instance (elogd 3.1.4 built Jan 13 2021, 20:44:20 revision ce2a48e9) has been running for years without any problems.

We have a new user who consistently crashes the elog:

GET /Omicron-STM-XPS/?rsort=Record%20date HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: max-age=0
DNT: 1
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
sec-gpc: 1
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
Sec-Fetch-User: ?1
Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
sec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="117", "Not;A=Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="117"
sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
sec-ch-ua-platform: "Linux"
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: el-GR,el;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Cookie: ufnm=Sotirios Tsatsos; urem=1; elmode=full; elattach=1; sid=CD2B04E2C3F02EA4; googtrans=/en/en;
Connection: Keep-Alive

Received unknown cookie "googtrans"
Received unknown cookie "amp_6e403e"
*** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated
Abort (core dumped)

icon8.gif   Draft saved after ~15 minutes, then anything entered a few hours later is ignored, posted by Celeste Torkzaban on Tue Mar 12 09:12:32 2024 


I've noticed that many times, I start an elog and continue editing adding to a few hours later, then I submit and it deletes everything I entered after the last time a draft was saved. I paid more attention and saw that it saves a draft after about a few minutes, and if I wait too long before submitting, it doesn't let me re-save the draft. My workaround is to copy all text before I submit, so if it ignores whatever I entered after the last saved version, I can edit it and paste it back in. Is there a setting someplace that I can change to fix this problem?


icon8.gif   Record date isn't set to current date when replying to elogs, posted by Celeste Torkzaban on Tue Mar 12 09:20:14 2024 


I started using the record date feature in one logbook, since we plan to copy over old entries Joplin/Onenote. When starting a new entry, I see that the record date is automatically set to the current date, but when I reply to an elog, the record date is automatically set to the record date of the elog I'm replying to. Is there a way to fix this?


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6