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  Discussion forum about ELOG, Page 788 of 796  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  109   Thu Aug 15 20:21:17 2002 Idea tony summerfeltsnowzone25@yahoo.comRequest  logging
is it possible to add ip information into the logging? that's something i was working on already but never that there's logging already added :)
  108   Thu Aug 15 18:00:36 2002 Reply Marcel   Re: problems by defining the password file
in Unix:
i fixed the problem by defining a password file entry like 'user1::::'. 
then i defined 'admin user = user1' in elogd.cfg.
then i connected with login name 'user1' and created new user (as admin).

in Windows2000:
if i do this steps and i save the new user, it fails. the server service 
crash down.

> i work on Windows2000
> part of my elog.cfg:
>     Passwort file = c:\elog\passwd.txt
>     Self register = 1
>     Guest user commands = config, admin, logout
> file system:
>     - i created an emty file with name passwd.txt
> problem:
>     - if i use the link "Register as new user" on login, it does not work.
>     - if i login as guest user and choose the menu config, it only 
>     display  the attributes Login_name, Full_name and Email.    
>     So i kann not create user.
> what should i do ?
> what are my mistakes ?
> Can you attache as sample password file ?
  107   Thu Aug 15 13:00:20 2002 Question Marcel   problems by defining the password file
i work on Windows2000

part of my elog.cfg:

    Passwort file = c:\elog\passwd.txt
    Self register = 1
    Guest user commands = config, admin, logout

file system:

    - i created an emty file with name passwd.txt


    - if i use the link "Register as new user" on login, it does not work.
    - if i login as guest user and choose the menu config, it only 
    display  the attributes Login_name, Full_name and Email.    
    So i kann not create user.

what should i do ?
what are my mistakes ?

Can you attache as sample password file ?
  106   Wed Aug 14 19:45:56 2002 Idea tony summerfeltsnowzone25@yahoo.comInfo  Re: elogd.cfg for this demo site
> Just since some people asked for: Here is the elogd.cfg for this demo 

quite a few things i wanted to do were in that config :)

the only feature i can think of now is a link on the subject in threaded display mode. 

i really crank up the resolution on my monitor, so i tend to miss clicking on the icon (or message number...
  105   Wed Aug 14 13:44:12 2002 Reply Stefan Siegelssiegel@lucent.comBug report  Re: Error while trying to change password (elogd 2.1.0)
> > When logging in with a username and password; then trying to logout or 
> > change password one gets the following message:
> > 
> > Error: Parameter value too big. Please increase VALUE_SIZE and recompile 
> > elogd ; Please use your browser's back button to go back 
> > 
> > (up to now I have not yet tried to recompile - may be it works then)
> That's strange. This error should only occur if someone uses a user name or 
> password with more than 256 characters, which I hope is not the case. Have 
> you tried changing your password etc. in this forum? It also runs 2.1.0 on 
> Linux.
> I made a version under 
> http://midas/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/elog/elogd.c?rev=2.67&content-
> type=text/plain
> which has improved error output for this problem, maybe this helps.


changed the VALUE_SIZE from 256 to 512. That seems to fix the problem.


  104   Wed Aug 14 00:22:57 2002 Reply sam smithsmith@lkpd.orgInfo  Re: elogd.cfg for this demo site
Thank you very much!

> Just since some people asked for: Here is the elogd.cfg for this demo 
> logbooks:
> ========= cut here ===================
> [global]
> logbook tabs = 1
> tab cellpadding = 2
> SMTP host =
> URL =
> user = midas
> group = midas
> [Linux]
> Theme = default
> Comment = General linux Tips & Tricks
> Data dir = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/Linux
> Attributes = Author, Type, Icon, Category, Subject
> Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, 
> Configuration, Tips & Tricks, Info, Other
> IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, icon3.gif, icon4.gif, icon5.gif, icon6.gif, 
> icon7.gif, icon8.gif, icon12.gif, icon13.gif, icon14.gif
> Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Applications, 
> Shell, Account, Packages, Daemons, Other
> Required Attributes = Author
> Subst Author = $author
> Summary on default = 1
> Summary lines = 0
> Email all =
> Email message body = 1
> [Database]
> Theme = default
> Comment = Demo of database-like elog
> Data dir = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/database
> Attributes = Type, Operating system, Location, Status, Comment
> Required Attributes = Type, Operating system, Location, Status
> Options Type = PC, Router, Bridge
> Options Operating system = Linux, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, 
> Windows ME, Embedded
> Options Location = Building1, Building2, Building3
> Options Status = working, defect, in repair
> Show text = 0
> Start page = ?cmd=Search&mode=summary
> Display search = #, Type, Location, Status
> Summary lines = 0
> Find menu commands = New, Find, Last
> Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find, Config, Help
> Number Attachments = 0
> Suppress default = 2
> Entries per page = 10
> [Forum]
> ; general options
> Password file = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/forum/passwd
> Admin user = stefan
> Self register = 2
> Theme = default
> Comment = Discussion forum about ELOG
> Data dir = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/forum
> Display mode = threaded
> Start page = ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded
> Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Reply, Find, Last day, Last 10, Admin, 
> Config, Logout, Help
> Find menu commands = New, Find, Last x, Admin, Config, Logout, Help
> Guest menu commands = Back, Find, Login, Help
> Guest find menu commands = Find, Login, Help
> Number Attachments = 1
> Message comment = <img src=icons/icon6.gif> Please enter only serious 
> messages here, for testing use the <b>Linux</b> Logbook:
> Filtered browsing = 0
> Entries per page = 8
> Reverse sort = 1
> Restrict edit = 1
> ; Attributes
> Attributes = Icon, Author, Author Email, Category, Subject
> IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, icon2.gif, icon3.gif, icon4.gif, icon5.gif, 
> Options Category = Info, Bug report, Bug fix, Question, Request, Comment, 
> Other
> icon6.gif, icon7.gif, icon8.gif, icon12.gif, icon13.gif, icon14.gif
> Required Attributes = Author, Author Email, Subject, Icon
> Subst on reply subject = Re: $subject
> Thread display = $subject, posted by $author on $Entry date
> Thread icon = Icon
> Remove on reply = Author, Author Email
> Date format = %B %d, %Y
> Preset Author = $long_name
> Preset Author Email = $user_email
> Locked Attributes = Author
> ; Email notification
> Email message body = 1
> Display Email recipients = 0
  103   Wed Aug 14 00:04:44 2002 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chInfo  elogd.cfg for this demo site
Just since some people asked for: Here is the elogd.cfg for this demo 

========= cut here ===================

logbook tabs = 1
SMTP host =
user = midas
group = midas

Theme = default
Comment = General linux Tips & Tricks
Data dir = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/Linux
Attributes = Author, Type, Icon, Category, Subject
Options Type = Routine, Software Installation, Problem Fixed, 
Configuration, Tips & Tricks, Info, Other
IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, icon3.gif, icon4.gif, icon5.gif, icon6.gif, 
icon7.gif, icon8.gif, icon12.gif, icon13.gif, icon14.gif
Options Category = General, Hardware, Software, Network, Applications, 
Shell, Account, Packages, Daemons, Other
Required Attributes = Author
Subst Author = $author
Summary on default = 1
Summary lines = 0
Email all =
Email message body = 1

Theme = default
Comment = Demo of database-like elog
Data dir = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/database
Attributes = Type, Operating system, Location, Status, Comment
Required Attributes = Type, Operating system, Location, Status
Options Type = PC, Router, Bridge
Options Operating system = Linux, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, 
Windows ME, Embedded
Options Location = Building1, Building2, Building3
Options Status = working, defect, in repair
Show text = 0
Start page = ?cmd=Search&mode=summary
Display search = #, Type, Location, Status
Summary lines = 0
Find menu commands = New, Find, Last
Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find, Config, Help
Number Attachments = 0
Suppress default = 2
Entries per page = 10

; general options
Password file = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/forum/passwd
Admin user = stefan
Self register = 2
Theme = default
Comment = Discussion forum about ELOG
Data dir = /usr/local/elogdemo/logbooks/forum
Display mode = threaded
Start page = ?cmd=Search&mode=threaded
Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Reply, Find, Last day, Last 10, Admin, 
Config, Logout, Help
Find menu commands = New, Find, Last x, Admin, Config, Logout, Help
Guest menu commands = Back, Find, Login, Help
Guest find menu commands = Find, Login, Help
Number Attachments = 1
Message comment = <img src=icons/icon6.gif> Please enter only serious 
messages here, for testing use the <b>Linux</b> Logbook:
Filtered browsing = 0
Entries per page = 8
Reverse sort = 1
Restrict edit = 1

; Attributes
Attributes = Icon, Author, Author Email, Category, Subject
IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, icon2.gif, icon3.gif, icon4.gif, icon5.gif, 
Options Category = Info, Bug report, Bug fix, Question, Request, Comment, 
icon6.gif, icon7.gif, icon8.gif, icon12.gif, icon13.gif, icon14.gif
Required Attributes = Author, Author Email, Subject, Icon
Subst on reply subject = Re: $subject
Thread display = $subject, posted by $author on $Entry date
Thread icon = Icon
Remove on reply = Author, Author Email
Date format = %B %d, %Y
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email
Locked Attributes = Author

; Email notification
Email message body = 1
Display Email recipients = 0
  102   Mon Aug 12 17:04:30 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: Error while trying to change password (elogd 2.1.0)
> When logging in with a username and password; then trying to logout or 
> change password one gets the following message:
> Error: Parameter value too big. Please increase VALUE_SIZE and recompile 
> elogd ; Please use your browser's back button to go back 
> (up to now I have not yet tried to recompile - may be it works then)

That's strange. This error should only occur if someone uses a user name or 
password with more than 256 characters, which I hope is not the case. Have 
you tried changing your password etc. in this forum? It also runs 2.1.0 on 

I made a version under 


which has improved error output for this problem, maybe this helps.
ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886