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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  183   Sat Jan 4 20:07:20 2003 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chComment  Re: logbook db size causing very slow response> Another thing that seems to slow the site
down, is the number of users in 
> the elog notification list (those who've
  182   Sat Jan 4 17:55:49 2003 Idea Etienne Van Caillieetienne.vancaillie@mba.beComment  Re: logbook db size causing very slow response> Was wondering if there were any tweaks/suggestions
for improving the 
> logbooks responsiviness.  Our logbook was
  181   Tue Dec 31 17:56:34 2002 Question eric wootenwootene@gao.govQuestion  logbook db size causing very slow responseWas wondering if there were any tweaks/suggestions
for improving the 
logbooks responsiviness.  Our logbook was
  180   Sun Dec 22 16:49:20 2002 Question Etienne Van Caillieetienne.vancaillie@mba.beQuestion  email notification to a specific adressI have some problem with email notification
for some logbooks I would like to notify
only to specific adress
  179   Thu Dec 19 16:16:42 2002 Reply tony summerfeltsnowzone25@yahoo.comBug report  Re: expand flag> I checked your elogd.cfg: The flag is called
"Expand default" not "Expand" as 
> you had it. With "Expand default = 0" it
  178   Thu Dec 19 15:14:34 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: expand flag> > i have expand flag set to 0 but it doesn't
seem to be working...
  177   Thu Dec 12 20:26:03 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: expand flag> i have expand flag set to 0 but it doesn't
seem to be working...
  176   Thu Dec 12 19:02:03 2002 Question tony summerfeltsnowzone25@yahoo.comBug report  expand flagi have expand flag set to 0 but it doesn't
seem to be working...
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6