Re: Protect Selection page, posted by Hagelstein, Kay on Thu Feb 23 16:36:42 2006
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Hagelstein, Kay wrote: | I have a problem with the Option “Protect Selection page = 1” it doesn’t word in my Configuration. Is This a bug or a Problem with the Configuration? |
Thanks for reporting this. I could reproduce the prolem thanks to the config file you supplied. I fixed the problem and made a new release 2.6.1-3. |
It works now fine.
Thanks & Regards
Kay |
Re: eLog Version number as eLog attribute?, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Mar 1 20:22:28 2006
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Steve Jones wrote: | When a footer is used (via Bottom text = <filename>) eLog no longer displays the eLog version number at the bottom. Is it possible to somehow expose the version/revision as an eLog attribute or have the version still display even when a replacement footer is specified?
Thanks! |
I added that feature, but will not be able to commit it before the next weekend. |
Quote: | Not a problem! Thanks |
Re: Numerous questions that I am hoping to get a response on, posted by Steve Jones on Mon Apr 3 16:39:33 2006
Steve Jones wrote: |
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Steve Jones wrote: | Stefan, I have several issues/questions that I am still hoping to get an answer on. Any chance? If you would rather you can send email to me directly. |
I'm pretty busy these days, since we have a deadline on April 18th. I started already working weekends, so not much time is left for ELOG. But I hope it will get better by the end of this month. |
I fully understand and appreciate your response! |
Re: Simple math within an elog form, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Apr 5 18:56:48 2006
Steve Jones wrote: |
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Steve Jones wrote: | Subst TotalRisk = $shell(echo $Risk1 + $Risk2 + $Risk3 > /tmp/elog_out)
What comes out with my simple echo or gawk line is "+ + " so it looks like the attributes are not getting passed into the $shell code? |
The reason is that the substitutions get evaluated from left to right, so first the shell is called with $Risk1, and because the shell by itself does a subsitution and $Risk1 is not defined on the unix system, the shell returns an empty string, leading to "+ +" as the result.
I changed that in the current SVN version, so we have first the attribute substitions, then then shell substitution. The "echo $Risk1..." will of course not work, since it gets substituted by elog as "echo 12 + 23 + 45" (or whatever the numbers are), and the "echo" will just return these numbers without adding them. To make the shell to add things, you would need to define the risks as environment variables for the shell, so I guess the "gawk" method will work better for you. I tried it and it worked fine for me. |
Sorry, I waSn't clear about just why I was using "echo". Since elog removes the /tmp/elog_shell temporary file I couldn't "see" what was actually being passed to the shell - gawk was giving me an error and I was flying blind. So I used echo to create my own temporary file.
Yes, gawk should now work -- I'l download and compile the latest and provide feedback.
Thanks! |
Ok, confirming that this now works. Passing the command:Subst <attribute> = $shell(gawk 'BEGIN{ print $Attrib1 + $Attrib2 + $Attrib3 }' )
will cause the result to be pushed into <attribute>, so gawk in essence becomes a simple calculator and operates on the formula "$Attrib1 + $Attrib2 + $Attrib3". |
User review..use case: implementing GTD, posted by Marco Calf on Sat Apr 15 00:37:48 2006
Playing with elog for a day made me very happy. I was looking for a webbased thingy to support list building for 'Getting Things Done' by David Allen ( David Allen's Getting Things Done ).
Elog is simple, intuitative and very powerfull!
Less informative is the fact that i found no bugs till now 
On usablitity..maybe some more control over the the 'in between' screens (eg after a move...the 'to which log i would like to resume' question)...or have an option to be in select mode by default.
Tnx |
Re: Any way to move Replies from one logentry to another?, posted by Steve Jones on Wed Apr 19 04:48:43 2006
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Steve Jones wrote: | Is there anyway to reattach a reply within a logbook from one logentry to another? I guess it would be "re-associate"? |
No, this is not possible directly. You would have to make a new reply, and manually fill in the contents from the original reply. It is however possible by directly tampering the ELOG files, but that should be done only by experienced users. |
Kind of what I thought but needed to ask. I think I'll leave things as they are. Thanks! |
Re: Display legal banner, posted by Ed To on Thu May 25 02:28:27 2006
Thanks again. I got it to display my legal banner. |
Re: Losing field 'focus' when using Conditional Attributes, posted by Steve Jones on Fri Jun 23 19:24:12 2006
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Steve Jones wrote: | It appears to only be applicable when one defines conditional Options - when javascript updates the conditional lists the input focus appears to shift to the HTML edit area. I am still running ELOG V2.6.1-1681 and this is under Windows (my test system). |
It was some new code used for inline images. If you upload an inline image, an extra window opens which lets you select the image file. After that operation, you want to have the focus back at the text box. Unfortunately this also happened now after the JavaScript update of conditional attributes. I fixed that in the new version 2.6.1-6. |
Quote: | Just compiled and tested on Solaris 8 -- works great!! |