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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject
  558   Mon Jun 7 15:58:10 2004 Reply Stefan  2.52Re: Using select menu option to move multiple logbook entries to another logbook
> I've been able to select a specific logbook entry and move it, and I've 
> been able to filter and select and toggle, but I can't figure out how to 
> get the Move To option to show up on the main logbook menu....

To be able to move entries between logbooks, you have to enable the "move to"
command with the option "Menu commands" like:

Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Reply, Find, Config, Move to, Help

Having done this, the menu "Move to xxx" should show up when you select an
individual entry, where xxx is the name of the other logbook(s). If you so a
"Select" on several entries, a new button should show up which lets you move
all selected entries to the other logbook(s). See elog:/1 for an example. If
you do not observer this behaviour, please let me know.
Attachment 1: move_to.gif
  612   Fri Jul 16 06:20:40 2004 Agree Geo Windows2.53.Fixed Attribute Reply
Hi Stefan 
YOu have been a great help on the Elog problem solving .
I have another sort of bug , when i have a attribute type as date.
And i have fixed the attribute on reply , i actually get a string of 
number when i reply , and the date becomes not the orginal date in the 
first message.

So the way i work ard is that i did not place the date field in the fixed  
attribute reply which i will run the risk of pple modifying that entry .
Can this be fix?

  625   Wed Jul 28 21:25:52 2004 Reply Stefan Windows2.53.Re: Fixed Attribute Reply
> Hi Stefan 
> YOu have been a great help on the Elog problem solving .
> I have another sort of bug , when i have a attribute type as date.
> And i have fixed the attribute on reply , i actually get a string of 
> number when i reply , and the date becomes not the orginal date in the 
> first message.
> So the way i work ard is that i did not place the date field in the fixed  
> attribute reply which i will run the risk of pple modifying that entry .
> Can this be fix?

Yes, I fixed this. Revision 1.412 under CVS, new snapshot for Windows at the
download page.
  637   Fri Jul 30 02:03:59 2004 Warning Guenter   ?cmd=New&pType=PC does not work
according to the users guide,

should create an entry with the type value set to PC, but this doesn't work
  638   Fri Jul 30 09:15:39 2004 Reply Stefan   Re: ?cmd=New&pType=PC does not work
> according to the users guide,
> should create an entry with the type value set to PC, but this doesn't work

Now it works. Updated elog version under CVS and as a snapshot (see Download Page)
  639   Fri Jul 30 12:26:10 2004 Agree Guenter   Re: ?cmd=New&pType=PC does not work
> according to the users guide,
> should create an entry with the type value set to PC, but this doesn't work

  655   Thu Aug 5 10:49:21 2004 Idea Stefan AllallLogin/Logout problem with elog and their solution
Hi everybody,

several people have reported of strange problems concering the login/logout
behaviour of elog. After editing elogd.cfg, they could not logout any more
from a logbook, or they were not able to log in. Here comes some
explanation. If you are not interested in the details, skip to the last section.

The login parameters (user name and password) are sored in cookies, which of
course have to be enabled for the elog site in your browser. Each cookie can
contain an optionsl "path=..." statement, which defines for which subtree in
the URL the cookie is valid. If you use a "global" password file (one where
the "password file = ..." statement is in the [global] section of
elogd.cfg), the elogd server stores a cookie with path "/", so it will apply
to the whole site and therefore to all underlying lobooks. If your password
file is defined in an individual logbook section, the elogd server stores a
cookie with path "/<logbook>", so that it applies only to the specific logbook.

The problem arises now if one moves the password file statement from the
global section to the logbook section or back. The browser might still have
old cookies, whic can override any newly set cookie.

Long story short conclusion: If you observe this behaviour, just delete all
cookies in your browser and you should be fine. I added some additional code
to version 2.5.4 which catches a few cases but unfortunately not all.
  673   Wed Aug 18 11:12:56 2004 Question nait Linux Admin rights lost after upgrade 2.5.2 to 2.5.4
The upgrade was done by just replacing elogd from 2.5.2 to 2.5.4 from the rpm.

Somehow elogd 2.5.4 treat all users as normal user. When clicking on
"config". All admin users has no "change elogd.cfg" button. Revert back to
2.5.2 OK.

Is there anything I need to change to upgrade other than replaceing elogd?
Clearing the cookies didn't help.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6