Email notification: "Use Email From = " always set to admin, posted by Alan Stone on Thu Oct 25 23:36:28 2007
My current syntax is:
; Email notification
Suppress Email to users = 0
Omit Email To = 1
Use Email Subject = $system: $subject
#Use Email From = Author Email
Email Report General =,
I had to comment out the 'Use Email From' option because all forwarded
entries to the CMS HyperNews or Fermilab ListServer appeared to originate
from me (, even though other users were logged in and
saving the entries to the logbook. After commenting out this line, the
entries were properly credited when forwarded, although the
There are two admins defined in the [global] section, and "alstone" is
not the first name in the "Admin user" list.
Is this a bug, or have I used this option incorrectly?
Alan |
Email Notification: Clarification on Attribute - can value be a string?, posted by Alan Stone on Thu Oct 25 23:55:28 2007
I encountered a rather insidious feature which had me scratching trying quite
a number of things over the past couple of weeks until I compared what two
different users were doing.
I had defined the attributes:
; attributes
Attributes = Author, System, Report, Subject
Required Attributes = Author, System, Report, Subject
Extendable Options = System, Report
Options System = Data Transfer, RelVal, Skimming, Reconstruction, CSA07, Global Running, T0 Operations, T1 Operations, DataOps, ProdAgent
#Options Report = General, Fix, Info, Job Report, Problem, Shift Summary, Test, Flummoxed
Options Report = General, Fix, Info, Job_Report, Problem, Shift_Summary, Test, Flummoxed
Thread display = $Subject, entered by $author for $system on $Entry time
Quick filter = Date, Report
Reverse sort = 1
and the Email Notification:
; email notification
Suppress Email to users = 0
Omit Email To = 1
Use Email Subject = $system: $subject
#Use Email From = Author Email
Email Report General =,
Email Report Fix =,
Email Report Info =,
#Email Report Job Report =,
Email Report Job_Report =,
Email Report Problem =,
#Email Report Shift Summary =,
Email Report Shift_Summary =,
I finally realized that logbook entries sent with a two-word Attribute value
(Shift Summary, Job Report) would not be forwarded to the CMS HyperNews
forum or Fermilab List Server. I incorrectly assumed that:
Email <attribute> <value> = <list>
an attribute could be a string.
Do I have to remove the spaces (replace with hyphens or underscores)?
Alan |
Exploit Browser Tabs to Make Anonymous Entries, posted by Alan Stone on Wed Jul 30 19:54:28 2008
One of my shifters just managed to make an anonymous logbook entry even though the Author attribute is required.
It turns out that he had two tabs in his browser opened/logged into the Elog. He logged out in one tab only. Then he
did some other work on the desktop. Then he returned to the browser to make a new logbook entry, finding the tab which
still showed the logged in menu, including the link for "New". The Shifer is on day two, so he did not give any special
notice to seeing Anonymous in the Author field instead of his name. He did point it out when I came in, and noted that
no warning was given about making an anonymous entry.
I tested the same scenario myself. One cannot preview an anonymous entry (when Author field is a required attribute).
A warning is given. However, one can submit the anonymous entry, and no warning is given.
Alan |
Search Find Selected or List of Logbooks instead of all Logbooks. , posted by Alan Stone on Thu Sep 4 20:49:59 2008
I am using the CMS ELog remotely as a monitoring tool. Information is compartementalized into dozens of containers. I can create a find query URL, say last day, which then reloads every X minutes in Firefox. When new ELog entries are made, then appear in the refresh and catch my attention. But, my interests are somewhere between a single logbook and all logbooks. If I choose all CMS logbooks for example for one day, I usually end up with > 200 entries.
In short, I would like the ability to:
1) Select from the list of available logbooks when doing a search
2) Have more canned choices from smaller time frames, such as 1 hour or at least one shift (8 hours).
I do not see how to do this in the current elogd.cfg syntax instructions.
Thanks, Alan |
Re: Post appearing twice, posted by Alan Grant on Mon Jun 4 22:30:44 2007
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Dan Chitwood wrote: | We are having trouble on our logbook with posts appearing twice. Both posts contain the same ID number, time, etc. This most often occurs when the e-log entry is being written for an extended period of time (ie. more than 30 minutes), but I don't know if that is the root cause of the problem. It may also be related to posts that are edited after an initial posting. Could this be due to an improper setting in our config file? |
Besides the trivial case that people hit the submit button twice I can only imagine one possible cause: If you edit an existing entry, there is a button Resubmit as new entry at the bottom. If that button is checked, the old entry gets deleted and a new one gets submitted. If the delete of the old entry fails for some reason, you could maybe get two entries.
May I suggest following: Use a very simple config file (like the demo one from the distribution) and see if you can reproduce the problem. If not, add you config options one by one to the config file, and see at which option the problem starts. This way you might find the cause of it.
Your problem has not been reported by anybody else so far, so chances are high that it's related to a config setting. |
I was having a very similar problem. After clicking Submit, I was getting dialog box "Submit modified Elog entry?" (with Submit or Cancel options) even though it was a new entry. Whenever I clicked Submit, it added two identical lines (except for ID), but when I clicked Cancel, it added only one entry. This happened in both v2.6.3 and v2.6.5. I eventually deduced it down to the Required Attributes line in the cfg file. I removed almost all other lines and then started removing each required attribute until the field was identified. For some reason it didn't like field name called "Date/Time Reproted" and when I removed it, it added fine, although that one field had to be unrequired when it really should have been req'd. I didn't see anything in the cfg instuctions regarding the use of "/" (unless I missed it) but I assumed it has something to do with that "/". It's interesting to note however that fields by same name under other tabs work fine. It may be bug related. |
Logbook Parser, posted by Alan Grant on Tue Aug 11 00:20:11 2009
We are exploring whether it's possible/feasible to import ELog logbooks into a another database for special purposes (plotting/statisical, etc). Target database is TBD (perhaps Access).
Does anyone have or know of a logbook parser program? From cut/pasting into, for example, Excel, it does appear that the data fields are already line-feed delimited so offhand it would seem possible to parse if one really wanted to pursue it.
- Alan |
List Option, posted by Alan Grant on Tue Aug 11 08:10:21 2009
Hello Stefan.
Currently this is defined as a maximum of 100 literals in the cfg file. I would like to see the option to reference an external text file as input for this.
As a side question, I would also like to increase the max to a greater value, for example, even 5000. I assume I can change the source (I recall var was something like "List_Option_Max") and see if that would still work, but would you know offhand if that would cause a problem anywhere else?
(PS: Just getting started with ELog. Please excuse if these questions sound newbie. I also searched the Forum first but haven't found any answers to them yet.) |
Re: Logbook Parser, posted by Alan Grant on Tue Aug 11 16:25:28 2009
Steve Williamson wrote: |
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Alan Grant wrote: |
We are exploring whether it's possible/feasible to import ELog logbooks into a another database for special purposes (plotting/statisical, etc). Target database is TBD (perhaps Access).
Does anyone have or know of a logbook parser program? From cut/pasting into, for example, Excel, it does appear that the data fields are already line-feed delimited so offhand it would seem possible to parse if one really wanted to pursue it.
- Alan
You can export to CSV (comma-separated-values) if you go to "Find" and then click on "Export: CSV". These fiels you ran read right into Excel or other spreadsheet programs for further analysis.
excuse my butting in ... I've found the exports useful in the past - however, is is possible to run the export from a script in order to produce reports? Utilities like wget won't work as the export process doesn't return the data as html.
Steve, just a word of thanks for "butting in" ... my next thought was how could I schedule an export to feed the other database so it wouldn't have to be done manually each day. Your question took care of that for me! :)
Good community. Thanks. |