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Tue Nov 26 08:59:28 2002 |
| Stefan Ritt | | Request | | | Re: Show all common attributes |
> In the "find" command, when searching over all logbooks, it
> would be nice to see ALL attributes, which are common for all
> logbooks (e.g. typically the author name), not just
> logbook name, date and text.
That depends on how you specify what gets displayed in a search (with
the "Display search" option for example). If you try the following link:
you see that all attributes are displayed from the three logbooks in this
installation. |
Mon Nov 25 18:10:04 2002 |
| Stephan Egli | | Request | | | Show all common attributes |
In the "find" command, when searching over all logbooks, it
would be nice to see ALL attributes, which are common for all
logbooks (e.g. typically the author name), not just
logbook name, date and text. |
Mon Nov 25 09:05:06 2002 |
| Stefan Ritt | | | | | Re: upgrading |
Ooops, I just realized that the Windows 2.2.3 distribution contained the old
(2.2.2) executable for elogd.exe. I apologize for that. I have updated the
elog223.exe distribution just now, so please download it again in order to
get the new file.
- Stefan |
Sat Nov 23 09:20:57 2002 |
| egli | | Question | | | Input text gets lost |
Typing in a text for a new entry results in an error message, whenever
one forgets to fill in mandatory attributes (as it should happen !). However
after using the back button in this case (Using netscape 4.79) I made the
experience, that the text typed in gets lost. Other browsers like Mozilla
or IE do not have this problem. Any idea how this problem can be
avoided for netscape as well ? |
Fri Nov 22 09:11:27 2002 |
| Stefan Ritt | | | | | Re: upgrading |
> > Of course you have to stop the old elogd program and start the new one.
> > you done that?
> on windows i run it as a service through firedaemon, but i stop it before
upgrading...that was one of the first things i checked...
Well, the other thing is that the previous page is till in the cache of
Netscape. You have to hit "Reload" in order to properly update the page.
Besides these two things - browser cache and not stopping the old versoin -
there is no possibility how you could see the old version at the bottom of
the page, I update this very carefully on each distribution. |
Thu Nov 21 18:22:58 2002 |
| tony summerfelt | | | | | Re: upgrading |
> Of course you have to stop the old elogd program and start the new one. Have
> you done that?
on windows i run it as a service through firedaemon, but i stop it before upgrading...that was one of the first things i checked... |
Wed Nov 20 20:07:58 2002 |
| Stefan Ritt | | | | | Re: upgrading |
> this is happened before, and it just happened upgrading from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3
> the link at the bottom of the page shows a previously installed version.
> i don't install to the elog directory, i install to a ram disk and copy
over the new executables, the source, readme and help html.
> the link showed 2.1.2 until i upgraded to 2.2.2 (i didn't do anything
different than the above. now i'm at 2.2.3 and the link is showing
2.2.2...not that it's a big deal, i'm just wondering what i did wrong
Of course you have to stop the old elogd program and start the new one. Have
you done that? |
Wed Nov 20 17:55:07 2002 |
| tony summerfelt | | | | | upgrading |
this is happened before, and it just happened upgrading from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3
the link at the bottom of the page shows a previously installed version.
i don't install to the elog directory, i install to a ram disk and copy over the new executables, the source, readme and help html.
the link showed 2.1.2 until i upgraded to 2.2.2 (i didn't do anything different than the above. now i'm at 2.2.3 and the link is showing 2.2.2...not that it's a big deal, i'm just wondering what i did wrong |