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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  65654   Wed Nov 21 14:21:08 2007 Agree Richard reportWindows2.7.0Re: Quick Filter including Subtext applied overzealously?

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Richard Stamper wrote:

When there are two or more Quick Filters available, and one of them is on the Subtext attribute, once one of the other filters has its value changed the null text for the Subtext selection criterion (namely, "-- Text  --") is used as a genuine selection criterion, thus typically preventing any entries from matching. 

This is for v2.7.0-1961 with both Mozilla and IE 6 on Windows XP Professional SP2, and I think has appeared with this release.  You can demonstrate the behaviour on this forum: 

  • Go to
  • Quick filter on dates in the "Last Month" and nothing is listed.  The URL is now
  • Set the date filter back to "-- All Entries --" and the spurious subtext filter remains; the URL is now
  • Delete the "-- Text --" value in the filter box and everything reappears; the URL is back to

Thanks for reporting this. I fixed it in revision 1964. You can test it in this forum.

Working perfectly!  Many thanks for your usual quick response.


  65663   Thu Nov 29 18:58:32 2007 Agree Uweuweho@web.deQuestionWindowsV2.7.0-196Re: Summary view - Umlauts

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Uwe wrote:


when using the summary view, the text field displays umlauts as HTML-charachters, for e. g. diesbezüglich. 
Is there a chance that also this view displays umlauts as ä, ü, ö?

Thank you!


I fixed this in svn revision #1971. The fix will be contained in the next release. You can test it already in the demo logbook.


Thank you for the fix and the quick solution!


  65667   Thu Nov 29 19:38:03 2007 Agree Uweuweho@web.deQuestionWindowsV2.7.0-196Re: Summary view - Umlauts

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Uwe wrote:

Just another thing I would like to admit. We are often using the summary view. Sometimes the summary view shows the text like the following:

This  is just  a test

When using the Full view or clicking on the entry, those html-codes are not shown. Thanks again for the great software!


Ok, that's fixed now as well.


Thank you very much!! I will install the new release as soon as it is available.

Best regards from Germany,


  65673   Mon Dec 3 11:25:54 2007 Agree Uweuweho@web.deQuestion 2.7Re: Icon comment

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Uwe wrote:

one idea for improvement. When using the option 'Icon comment' this comment is shown when creating a new entry and moving with he mouse over the icon but it is not displayed in full or summary view. In full or summary view the filename is shown. Not really important, but perhaps an improvement.

I implemented this request in SVN revision #1974.


Thank you!


  65692   Thu Jan 10 15:32:40 2008 Agree Uweuweho@web.deQuestionWindows2.7.0-1985Re: Unknown toolbar item 'ShowBlocks'

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Uwe wrote:


I just made an update from version V2.7.0-1964 to V2.7.0-1985 and I am receiving now the error message Unknown toolbar item 'ShowBlocks' whenever creating or editing an entry.  When clicking onto Ok, everything seems to work fine. Can you help please? Error message occurs in Internet Explorer and also in Firefox.

  65703   Wed Jan 23 15:37:58 2008 Agree stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frRequestLinux2.7.1.2004inline button for upload image


In elog version, when I want to upload an image, after browsing I obtain a error message like < Upload command not unauthorized>. That is strange is the file is right uploaded in the logbook directory but not appear in the entry.

Thank you for your help.



  65752   Thu Feb 21 12:55:56 2008 Agree stephanestephane.brisson@synchrotron-soleil.frQuestionLinux2.7.2.2041elog hand once mirror started


When I started elogd on the mirror server, I can access to the website on it until cron job started. Once cron job started, the elog mirror server hang and I can't obtain any response on it.

How can I solve this problem ?

Kind regards



  65773   Fri Mar 7 13:07:34 2008 Agree Yoshio ImaiRequestLinux | All2.7.3Re: #include statements and attachment visibility
Thank you, works perfectly!
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6