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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Datedown Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  164   Fri Nov 22 09:11:27 2002 Reply Stefan   Re: upgrading
> > Of course you have to stop the old elogd program and start the new one. 
> > you done that?
> on windows i run it as a service through firedaemon, but i stop it before 
upgrading...that was one of the first things i checked...

Well, the other thing is that the previous page is till in the cache of 
Netscape. You have to hit "Reload" in order to properly update the page.

Besides these two things - browser cache and not stopping the old versoin - 
there is no possibility how you could see the old version at the bottom of 
the page, I update this very carefully on each distribution.
  163   Thu Nov 21 18:22:58 2002 Reply tony   Re: upgrading
> Of course you have to stop the old elogd program and start the new one. Have 
> you done that?

on windows i run it as a service through firedaemon, but i stop it before upgrading...that was one of the first things i checked...
  162   Wed Nov 20 20:07:58 2002 Reply Stefan   Re: upgrading
> this is happened before, and it just happened upgrading from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3
> the link at the bottom of the page shows a previously installed version.
> i don't install to the elog directory, i install to a ram disk and copy 
over the new executables, the source, readme and help html.
> the link showed 2.1.2 until i upgraded to 2.2.2 (i didn't do anything 
different than the above. now i'm at 2.2.3 and the link is showing 
2.2.2...not that it's a big deal, i'm just wondering what i did wrong

Of course you have to stop the old elogd program and start the new one. Have 
you done that?
  161   Wed Nov 20 17:55:07 2002 Question tony   upgrading
this is happened before, and it just happened upgrading from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3

the link at the bottom of the page shows a previously installed version.

i don't install to the elog directory, i install to a ram disk and copy over the new executables, the source, readme and help html.

the link showed 2.1.2 until i upgraded to 2.2.2 (i didn't do anything different than the above. now i'm at 2.2.3 and the link is showing 2.2.2...not that it's a big deal, i'm just wondering what i did wrong
  160   Wed Nov 20 14:53:07 2002 Reply Stefan   Re: Show all entries made by ME ?
> In my bottom.html file I have:
> <A Href="host/Forum/?mode=summary&reverse=1&npp=10&Status=Open">Open</A> 
> <A Href="host/Forum/?mode=threaded&reverse=1&npp=10&Status=
> Open">(Threaded)</A> /                                                   
>   <A Href="host/Forum/?mode=summary&reverse=1&npp=10&Status=C
> losed">Closed</A> /  
> <A Href="host/Forum/?mode=summary&reverse=1&npp=10">All</A>
> <A Href="host/Forum/?mode=threaded&reverse=1&npp=10">(threaded)</A> 
> tickets.
> This sort of implements some of the buttons you have in your whishlist.
> This works, because it is the same for all users, now what I would like 
> is to add some sort of linke that will "show all entries from ME". I 
> could do this on a per user basis, but that's not what I want, Something 
> general with $user would be preferable.
> Something like:
> Is this possible ?

I added this feature in version 2.2.3, so now you can click on$long_name

and see all your entries.
  159   Tue Nov 19 14:11:11 2002 Reply Willem KosterW.Koster@rc.rug.nlQuestion  Re: elog reaction is very slow
We had the same problem here. What worked in our case was:

Traffic to port 113 (identd) was blocked. Because the server didn't give any
response at all there was a time-out to which we were waiting.  Opening up
the 113 port significantly speeded things up. Even when no ident-deamon was
running on the system. (it now gets an immediate no deamon running msg, and
can go on with it's processing instead of having to wait for a time-out)
  158   Thu Nov 14 13:00:24 2002 Idea Willem   Re: Compiling elog-2.2.2 in Solaris 8


It was reported by Martin Huber that under Solaris 7 following command must 
be used to compile elog:

gcc -L/usr/lib/ -ldl -lresolv -lm -ldl -lnsl -lsocket elogd.c -o elogd

It was also reported that the keep-alive mechanism is not working under some 
Solaris systems, so you need to start the elogd server with the "-k" flag to 
turn keep-alives off. 

Yep... does the job.
(even with 2.2.2 under Sol 8)
  157   Thu Nov 14 12:16:49 2002 Question Willem   Show all entries made by ME ?
In my bottom.html file I have:

<A Href="host/Forum/?mode=summary&reverse=1&npp=10&Status=Open">Open</A> 
<A Href="host/Forum/?mode=threaded&reverse=1&npp=10&Status=
Open">(Threaded)</A> /                                                   
  <A Href="host/Forum/?mode=summary&reverse=1&npp=10&Status=C
losed">Closed</A> /  
<A Href="host/Forum/?mode=summary&reverse=1&npp=10">All</A>
<A Href="host/Forum/?mode=threaded&reverse=1&npp=10">(threaded)</A> 

This sort of implements some of the buttons you have in your whishlist.

This works, because it is the same for all users, now what I would like 
is to add some sort of linke that will "show all entries from ME". I 
could do this on a per user basis, but that's not what I want, Something 
general with $user would be preferable.

Something like:$user

Is this possible ?
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6