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  67316   Tue Aug 21 17:16:19 2012 Agree Szu-Ching Pecknerspeckner@nd.eduBug reportLinux2.9.2Re: kerberos authentication

Szu-Ching Peckner wrote:

Szu-Ching Peckner wrote:

Hello, I have

authentication = kerberos

kerberos Realm = xxx

I ran tcpdump and know elogd server did attempt to contact kerberos server. I could run kinit username@realm_name, and klist shows my ticket fine. 

I receive "kerberos error 256: Decrypt integrity check failed. Please check your kerberos configuration" when I entered my password wrong purposely on login page.

I receive "Invalid user name or password!' when I entered my correct password. 

Please advise. 



I forgot to mention, I also have Password file line in elogd.cfg file. Because without password file line, I wouldn't get login screen. I know my test account is not in the main.pwd file. I believe elogd does go to kerberos server to compare password. I just don't get why I get invalid username and password when I entered correct password, while kerberos error (expected) when I enter wrong password.  

Authentication = Kerberos

Kerberos Realm = xxx

Password file = main.pwd

 It's resolved.  I read the documentation again, and found out my mistake. I didnt have username defined on password file. 

  67324   Wed Aug 29 14:35:45 2012 Agree Szu-Ching Pecknerspeckner@nd.eduQuestionLinuxlatestRe: secure way to allow users create logbook

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Szu-Ching Peckner wrote:

I don't think there is a good secure way so far, but would like to have your opinion. 

If I want user to create logbook for themselves, what's the best way to do it? I guess Execute $attribute = <command> may work, have it write to cfg file, but obviously it impose security problem. Is there a good and secure way to allow user to create logbook themselves?

Actually there is no good secure way. What I usually do is to give users admin rights on individual logbooks, then they can change the config of that logbook. Many times adding some attribute is as good as creating new logbooks. Like if you need two logbooks "home" and "work", you can create an attribute "type" and let the type be "home" or "work". With conditional attributes you can make the logbook behave differently for the two values of "type" and get most functionality of two separate logbooks.

- Stefan 

 Thanks, that is good option. 

  67325   Wed Aug 29 17:55:37 2012 Agree Zbigniew Reszelareszelaz@gmail.comQuestionLinuxV2.8.1-235Re: dynamic preset text

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Zbigniew Reszela wrote:

Dear all,

Is it possible to have a dynamic "preset text" option?

I would like to switch the template file depending on the attribute value. (Of course this attribute values will be a fixed list of options, not extandable). 

I see there one difficulty, that: if user already started editing the text body, he could lose this data. But I think that this could be left on user responsibility to take care about it.

Another option could be to always insert the template text on the very beginning of the text body.

Is this feature implemented, or maybe someone have done it by changing the server code?


This is possible with conditional attributes. An additional trick would be to not show the text body of an attribute is not selected. This way the user first has to select the attribute, then the text field with the specific preset will show up. The configuration would be something along these lines:


Attributes = Type, Subject
Options Type = One{1}, Two{2}, Three{3}
Show text = 0

{1} Preset text = text1
{2} Preset text = text2
{3} Preset text = text3
{1,2,3} Show text = 1


Of course you have to supply proper text files text1, text2, text3.

- Stefan


 Thanks, it works perfectly!

  67374   Wed Nov 7 12:56:12 2012 Agree Vinícius Ferrãoviniciusferrao@if.ufrj.brRequestLinux2.9.2Support for modern Linux

Hello folks,

Can we have a better support under modern Linux distributions?

I'm trying to install elog in our webserver and it's becoming a boring task. First of all theres only RPM packages. And we really don't like the Red Hat method, so we use Debian Servers. More package mainteners would be nice.


The software appears to be working correctly, but there are some bugs (or perhaps missing dependencies?); the init script put in /etc/rc.d/init.d is broken under Debian:

First of all because it's in /etc/rc.d.


The second problem is in this line:


# Source function library.

#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

The file doesn't even exists.


The third problem is the echo_success; echo_failure commands that doesn't even exist. As I can see it's definitions are sourced in the functions file that doesn't exist.


After removing this missing commands or files from the init.d; I can call elogd script and start the daemon under root. Appears to be working...


And last but not least; there's a way to standardize the init script to run in other Linux distros, so we can put it to start automatically at boot time?


Many thanks in advance,

Vinícius Ferrão 


PS: I'm not asking to support any creepy distros, but to support the .deb package format and system style.




  67404   Mon Dec 17 21:49:54 2012 Agree Hal Proctorhproctor2@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.92Re: Reply HTML

Hal Proctor wrote:

Hal Proctor wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Hal Proctor wrote:

Any reason why when I click "Reply" to a previous submission that the body is full of HTML code?

See below:

<table width="98%" align="center" cellspacing="1" style="border:1px solid #486090;">
<td cellpadding="3px" style="background-color:#486090; font-weidht:bold; color:white;">Hal Proctor wrote:</td></tr>
<td cellpadding="10px" style="background-color:#FFFFB0;"><p>
<table width="98%" align="center" cellspacing="1" style="border:1px solid #486090;">
<td cellpadding="3px" style="background-color:#486090; font-weidht:bold; color:white;">Quote:</td></tr>
<td cellpadding="10px" style="background-color:#FFFFB0;">removed the thing and the other thing....added this and that!</td>
</p><p> </p>
testing reply</td>

Here is my logbook config:

Theme = default
Comment = Maintenance Logbook
Attributes = Author, Type, Category, Subject, Shift
Options Type = Repair, Routine, Preventative, Other
Options Category = Emergency, General, Change-Over, Other
Options Shift = 1, 2, 3
Extendable Options = Category
Required Attributes = Author, Type
Page Title = Maint Log - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset on reply Author = $long_name
Locked Attributes = Author
Quick filter = Date, Type, Category

I don't see any mistake in the configuration file. Did you switch the "Encoding" from HTML to plain? (Radio buttons at the bottom just below the text window). Is there a problem with your FCKEditor? Do you see the formatting menu bar? 

 I do not get the formatting menu with HTML.  I switched to plain and code still exists.  The only formatting menu I get is when I choose ELCode.   I have no problem with this forum seeing the formatting menu with HTML (although it does take some time to load). 

 Tested it in Chrome and acts the same as IE8 (just much slower)

 It's version issue!!   2.92 does not utilize FCKeditor correctly.  Backed off one version and it works fine!  2.91 is GOOD!

  67451   Thu Feb 21 20:32:54 2013 Agree Garret Delarondegarret.delaronde@gmail.comQuestionWindows2.9Re: Sort Attribute = 0

Garret Delaronde wrote:

Hello All,

The subject is roughly what i'm asking about so here are the details. I have combed through the forums for an answer and didn't come up with anything regarding what i need.


Below is what the logbook is setup as. However once there are more than 10 entries on the page, when a user views the logbook, elog automatically puts them to the higher value page # (ie entry number 11 is on page 2).

As I am sorting the entries by status and by Dist or Beat to organize entries for quicker viewing and access, I would prefer that elog always shows on page 1 when a user views the log book. The statuses are setup for sorting properly but when reverse sort is turned on, status "3-Closed" appears at the top instead of status "1-Open" to appear at the top, Status "2-Sent to Next Shift" next, then "3-Closed" after that.

Is there a to just view page 1 without doing the reverse sort?


Theme = default
Page Title = ELOG - $logbook
Entries per page = 10
Attributes = Entered By, Call Type, Date/Time Reported, Customer Name, Customer Phone Number, Location, Dist or Beat, Description, Badge, Updated By, Action Taken, Report Time, Status
List Display = Entered By, Call Type, Date/Time Reported, Customer Name, Location, Dist or Beat, Description, Badge, Updated By, Status
Locked Attributes = Entered By, Updated By
Preset Entered By = $long_name
Preset on edit Updated By = $long_name
Options Status = 1-Open, 2-Sent to Next Shift, 3-Closed
Preset Status = 1-Open
Cell Style Status 1-Open = background-color:red
Cell Style Status 2-Sent to Next Shift = background-color:yellow
Cell Style Status 3-Closed = background-color:green
Type Date/Time Reported = Datetime
Type Customer Phone Number = numeric
Type Report Time = Datetime
Sort Attributes = Status, Dist or Beat
Reverse sort = 0
Use Lock = 0
Summary lines = 0
Self Register = 0

Thanks in advance.




 Well it would appear i answered my own problem.

Start page = page1


  67646   Tue Jan 7 04:28:28 2014 Agree John Haggertyhaggerty@bnl.govBug reportMac OSX2.9.2Due to Evernote web clipper
I investigated a little further the problem with fckedit in Chrome with the hints in the Chrome Developer Javascript window for debugging, and it seems the problem occurs when I have the Evernote web clipper extension enabled. If I disable it, I am able to make entries on any server, otherwise the cursor is missing and there is no way to enter text as reported in an earlier thread that I inadvertently failed to reply to.
  67676   Tue Mar 11 09:19:06 2014 Agree Kay Grafkay.graf@fau.deQuestionLinux2.9.2-2455Re: Author drop-down menu length

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Kay Graf wrote

Hello Kay,

I had to look it up in the source code: yes, you are right, it is hard-coded in elogd.h

English (auto-detected) » English

elogd.h:#define MAX_N_LIST      100

You can of course change the limit and recompile.

As an alternative, you could have sub-menus with less than 100 entries  (disclaimer: the following is untested example):

Attributes = author_range, author, ...
options author_range = A-K{1}, L-Z{2}
{1} options author = Andi, Bob, Camilla, Dennis, ..., Kay
{2} options author = Lily, Max, Norbert, Oscar, ..., Zeta



Hello Andreas,

thanks a lot for your quick reply - both options are valid and working. For simplicity (the author list is generated automatically from a shell script) I opted for the first one.

Best regards,



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