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  2004   Tue Oct 17 14:42:58 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Problem with large entry size

Dimitrios Tsirigkas wrote:
I was wondering what is the cleanest way of changing old entries already submitted in ELCode into plain text. If I do not include ELCode in the allowed encodings does this apply to already submitted entries as well or will they still be treated as ELCode?

The encoding is stored as an "invisible" attribute in each entry. You can change it in two ways:

1) Select each entry, click "edit", change the encoding with the radio buttons at the bottom and submit it again

2) Go and edit directly the xxxxxxa.log files in your logbook directory. You will see in those files something like
Encoding: ELCode

and you can change it with an editor to
Encoding: plain

Afterwards you have to restart the elogd daemon.

Did you try the new version, would be interesting to see if it's any better...
  2005   Tue Oct 17 14:47:53 2006 Reply Dimitrios Tsirigkasdimitrios.tsirigkas@cern.chQuestion  Re: Problem with large entry size
Thanks Stefan,

Stefan Ritt wrote:
Did you try the new version, would be interesting to see if it's any better...

I didn't find the time to try it yet but I will do that later today. I will keep you posted - more soon.

  2015   Mon Oct 23 12:53:08 2006 Reply Dimitrios Tsirigkasdimitrios.tsirigkas@cern.chQuestion  Re: Problem with large entry size
Hi Stefan,

A lot of performance-related trouble for us comes from the ability of users to click on "All" and display thousands of entries on the same page. Is there a way to disable that? Even if the ELCode parsing performance of Elog increases greatly, the combination of "Full" mode and "All" will still cause trouble, will it not?

  2016   Tue Oct 24 21:58:54 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Problem with large entry size

Dimitrios Tsirigkas wrote:
Hi Stefan,

A lot of performance-related trouble for us comes from the ability of users to click on "All" and display thousands of entries on the same page. Is there a way to disable that? Even if the ELCode parsing performance of Elog increases greatly, the combination of "Full" mode and "All" will still cause trouble, will it not?


What about a threshold for the "All" display? If a logbook contains less than, let's say, 500 entries, the "All" link is displayed, and above 500 entries it's hidden. Would that make sense?
  2031   Thu Nov 2 10:14:11 2006 Reply Dimitrios Tsirigkasdimitrios.tsirigkas@cern.chQuestion  Re: Problem with large entry size

Stefan Ritt wrote:
What about a threshold for the "All" display? If a logbook contains less than, let's say, 500 entries, the "All" link is displayed, and above 500 entries it's hidden. Would that make sense?

Hi Stefan,
Sorry for the late response, I was away for a few days. Yes, I think that this would make perfect sense, especially if the maximum number of entries was configurable.
  2041   Mon Nov 6 17:13:19 2006 Smile David Egolfdegolf@fujicolor.comQuestion  Spell check
Sorry if this has been asked.

Is there a spell check that can be implemented in Elog or any recommended add on spell check?


David Egolf
  2042   Mon Nov 6 17:18:04 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Spell check

David Egolf wrote:
Is there a spell check that can be implemented in Elog or any recommended add on spell check?

I personally use Mozilla Firefox 2.0 which has already a built in spell checker. For MS IE, you can use IESpell (
  2043   Mon Nov 6 17:36:35 2006 Reply Fergus Lynchflynch@alternativenetworks.comQuestion  Re: Spell check

David Egolf wrote:
Sorry if this has been asked.

Is there a spell check that can be implemented in Elog or any recommended add on spell check?


David Egolf

I find that the Google spell checker works very well in IE6.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6