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  2041   Mon Nov 6 17:13:19 2006 Smile David Egolfdegolf@fujicolor.comQuestion  Spell check
Sorry if this has been asked.

Is there a spell check that can be implemented in Elog or any recommended add on spell check?


David Egolf
  2042   Mon Nov 6 17:18:04 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Spell check

David Egolf wrote:
Is there a spell check that can be implemented in Elog or any recommended add on spell check?

I personally use Mozilla Firefox 2.0 which has already a built in spell checker. For MS IE, you can use IESpell (
  2043   Mon Nov 6 17:36:35 2006 Reply Fergus Lynchflynch@alternativenetworks.comQuestion  Re: Spell check

David Egolf wrote:
Sorry if this has been asked.

Is there a spell check that can be implemented in Elog or any recommended add on spell check?


David Egolf

I find that the Google spell checker works very well in IE6.
  2058   Thu Nov 9 21:22:27 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Problem with large entry size

Dimitrios Tsirigkas wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:
What about a threshold for the "All" display? If a logbook contains less than, let's say, 500 entries, the "All" link is displayed, and above 500 entries it's hidden. Would that make sense?

Hi Stefan,
Sorry for the late response, I was away for a few days. Yes, I think that this would make perfect sense, especially if the maximum number of entries was configurable.

Agree. So I implemented the new config option All display limit. The default is 500. So you can see that at this forum, the All link is not shown any more, since the logbook contains more than 500 entries. The promised performance improvement of the page display will take me some more time, but I will not forget it.
  2082   Sat Nov 18 11:19:14 2006 Entry ather khanather.khan@cpjeddah.comQuestion  Attributes according to users
Is it possible to have certain attributtes available to certain user in one log boolk.
We have log book where the supervisor assign jobs to employees and we want only supervisor to have assign to attributes available and others only to view it.

  2083   Sat Nov 18 17:13:22 2006 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Attributes according to users

ather khan wrote:
Is it possible to have certain attributtes available to certain user in one log boolk.
We have log book where the supervisor assign jobs to employees and we want only supervisor to have assign to attributes available and others only to view it.

You cannot restrict the modification if certain attributes, but you can restrict edits in general with the command
Allow edit = <name of admin>

You can also restrict the New, Delete, etc. commands to be only executable by the supervisor.
  2110   Sat Jan 13 17:35:45 2007 Question Exaos LeeExaos.Lee@gmail.comQuestion  How many topgroups can be defined?
I defined 6 top groups in my cfg file as the attachment.
But ... It doesn't work as I wanted.
The 4th and 5th groups need login. But when I clicked the 4th or 5th group, the login isn't needed.
And the 4th and 5th password files are not generated automatically.
Attachment 1: cndl.cfg
port = 7466
Language = zh_CN-UTF8
charset = utf-8
Resource dir = /usr/local/elog
Logfile = cndl-elogd.log
Logbook dir = /var/elog/cndl-logbooks

;; SMTP 设置,用于电子邮件发送 
SMTP host =
SMTP username = gr13
SMTP password = Z3IxMw==

; 标题
Welcome Title = <p><b>欢迎访问核数据实验室电子记录本</b></p>
Page title = 十三室电子记录本
Usr = ntofadm
Grp = admin

;;================ 公用的显示设置 ==============
Time format = %F, %T
Date format = %F %T
Theme = default
Display mode = threaded
Entries per page = 20
Reverse sort = 1

;;============= 讨论组 ==========================
Group 0.Demo = 记录本测试
;;数据获取, 数据分析, 软件模拟, 室内活动
Group 1.Public = 数据采集,数据分析,软件模拟,十三室
;; NTOF 组
Group 2.NTOF = NTOF组,NTOF项目
Group NTOF项目 = 共振参数
Group CIHENP项目 = 特洛依木马实验,ALICE项目,CIHENP集群管理
;; 裂变产额组
Group 4.FissionYield = 裂变产额项目,CARR-ISOL
Group 裂变产额项目 = U235裂变产额测量
Group ISOL实验 = ISOL实验预研
;; 合作单位
Group 5.Coorperation = 西北核技术所
Group 西北核技术所 = 探测器标定,反冲质子谱仪

;;=============== TOP Groups ===================
Show top groups = 1
Top group 0.Demo = 记录本测试
Top group 1.Public = 数据采集,数据分析,软件模拟,十三室
Top group 2.NTOF = NTOF组,NTOF项目
Top group 4.FissionYield = 裂变产额项目,CARR-ISOL
Top group 5.Coorperation = 西北核技术所

[global 1.Public]
Password file = public.pwd
Admin user = exaos
Self register = 1

[global 2.NTOF]
;; 管理权限设置
Password file = ntof.pwd
Admin user = exaos
Self register = 1

[global 3.CIHENP]
;; 管理权限设置
Password file = cihenp.pwd
Admin user = lixm,licb
Self register = 1

[global 4.FissionYield]
;; 管理权限设置
Password file = fissionyield.pwd
Admin user = yangyi
Self register = 1

[global 5.Coorperation]
;; 管理权限设置
Password file = others.pwd
Admin user = exaos,kogun
Self register = 1

[global 0.Demo]
Quick filter = 日期,类别
Attributes = 作者,类别,标题

Comment = 实验记录本演示
Subdir = Demo/Demo
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 属性设置
Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Options 类别 = 程序错误, 功能建议, 求助, 其它, 功能测试

Subdir = Public/DAQ
Comment = 数据采集系统的调试与开发
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别
Options 类别 = VME, CAMAC, 其它设备, MIDAS, Kmax/KmaxNT, KODAQ, XSYS, 其它软件, 程序开发, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject

Subdir = Public/Analysis
Comment = 数据分析的软件及相关讨论
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别
Options 类别 = 分析理论, ROOT, PAW, Origin, Maestro, 自备程序, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject

Subdir = Public/Simulation
Comment = 实验的软件模拟
Options 类别 = MC 理论, MCNP(X), GEANT3/4, FLUKA, EGS, 程序开发, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = Public/Lab13
Comment = 十三室的建设、活动、通知等
Options 类别 = 通知,全室活动,实验室建设, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = NTOF/NTOF
Comment = 中子能谱组的相关工作及讨论
Options 类别 = 通知,工作安排,活动讨论,其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = NTOF/RPM
Comment = 共振参数的测量方法研究
Options 类别 = 实验方案, 仪器调试, 数据采集, 数据分析, 结果讨论, 分析软件, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Comment = 中高能物理组的相关工作及讨论
Options 类别 = 通知,工作安排,活动讨论,其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = CIHENP/Trojan-Horse
Comment = 使用特洛依木马方法的相关实验讨论
Options 类别 = 木马理论, 实验方案, 仪器调试, 数据采集, 数据分析, 结果讨论, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Comment = ALICE 实验项目
Options 类别 = AliROOT, 理论, 模拟与分析, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = CIHENP/PCFarm
Comment = 中高能物理组的集群计算系统的管理
Options 类别 = 硬件管理, 软件环境设置, 用户需求, 计算技术, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = Others/NINT/DetResp
Comment = 核测试用探测器的标定
Options 类别 = 标定实验, 数据分析, 结果讨论, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = Others/NINT/MPRS
Comment = 反冲质子磁谱仪实验
Options 类别 = 实验方案, 仪器调试, 数据采集, 数据分析, 结果讨论, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = FissionYield/ISOL
Comment = 在线同位素分离器的建设与调试
Options 类别 = 仪器故障, 设备更新, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
;Guest menu commands = List, Find, Login, Help
Deny New = Guest

Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题, 电子邮件
Required Attributes = 作者, 类别, 标题
Subst 作者 = $long_name 来自 $remote_host
Subst 电子邮件 = $user_email
Quick filter = 日期, 类别

Subdir = FissionYield/ISOL-Exps
Comments = 在线同位素分离器上的实验预研
Options 类别 = 实验方案, 其它
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
;; 匿名权限:只读,不可写
... 24 more lines ...
  2117   Wed Jan 17 12:55:07 2007 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: How many topgroups can be defined?

Exaos Lee wrote:
I defined 6 top groups in my cfg file as the attachment.
But ... It doesn't work as I wanted.
The 4th and 5th groups need login. But when I clicked the 4th or 5th group, the login isn't needed.
And the 4th and 5th password files are not generated automatically.

When changing groups and to groups, one can sometimes get fooled by old cookies. Delete all your cookies and try again. You can also install the "Tamper Data" extension for Firefox ( which shows you which cookies are sent to your ELOG server. This should reveal the problem.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6