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    icon14.gif   Re: Problem with autosave functionality when combined with no 'edit' button, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Tue May 5 12:17:24 2015 

Oups, now I feel almost a little bit sorry for asking surprise    But thank you anyway!!! wink

You should see it that way: there are millions of possible applications for a smart electronic logbook like ELOG, and most possible combinations of flags and options will make sense for some of them smiley

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Arghhhh! Guess how many people asked me for the autosave feature! I worked really hard on it (including an airplane flight to Japan!), not the next guy comes "can we disable that feature?". angry

I agree that this feature has many side effects, and I have to adress one by one, but in the end the community will benefit. Think of starting a draft at one computer, and finishing at another one. Lazarus won't help you there.

Nevertheless crying, I added a "Save drafts" which you can set to zero. But I would rather prefer if people tell me their problems, and I fix them, instead of siletnly just disabling this feature and keeping the bugs there unresolved.

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

By the way Stefan: is there a way to disable the whole draft message feature?

If people are used to e.g. the lazarus addon for firefox, they might prefer their browser to keep their drafts confidential, instead of suffering from accidental premature draft postings ;-)



    icon14.gif   Re: "Leave Page" pop-up when "Submit" entry, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Wed May 13 01:40:21 2015 
> Thanks for the "boiling-down" of your config file. That helped me to reproduce the error quickly. It only occurs if you have a date/time attribute which is hidden as a conditional attribute. This is a unusual combination, that's why I haven't seen that bug before. Actually some 
> JavaScript code checks the validity of the date attribute, but since it is conditionally not there, the JavaScript code crashes, which triggers the dialog box you see. It's now fixed in the repository.
> /Stefan

Thank you Stefan!
That works nicely now.
Apparently it was less work to fix than to isolate it ;-)

    icon14.gif   Re: ELOG and Gmail?, posted by Erkcan Ozcan on Fri Jul 3 21:26:32 2015 
Using stunnel4 and the 3.1.0 version of elog, I was able to use gmail smtp without the use of iptables.

In my elogd.cfg I chose:

SMTP username = <gmailusername>
SMTP Password = <The hash produced with the perl statement posted by Christopher Lee>
SMTP host =

And in /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf:

client = yes
accept =
connect =
verify = 2
CApath = /etc/ssl/certs

FInally, run sudo stunnel4.
    icon14.gif   Re: Pasting pictures from clipboard does not work anymore (firefox 39), posted by Jan Henry Hetzel on Thu Jul 23 08:19:38 2015 


following the author of imagepaste one should upgrade the version of th CKEditor to a version >= 4.5. So replacing the folder ckeditor with a new version helped.



Stefan Ritt wrote:

I'm not aware of any workaround, so you might ask the author. Once you find a solution, I'm happy to include it in the distribution.


Jan Henry Hetzel wrote:
Hallo, as I have already written in the title, my problem is that after uprgrading my firefox to version 39 I cannot include pictures from clipboard. A downgrade to a previous version of firefox helped. But as this is not recommended I wanted to ask if there is a workaround or if I should inform the author of the "imagepaste"-extension of the CKEditor? Best regards, Jan



    icon14.gif   Re: elog client cmd line submission of attributes with spaces., posted by Darren Hollinrake on Thu Aug 25 18:32:13 2016 
Thanks for the response. You are indeed correct that the issue disappears when I comment out my required attributes line. If I just remove my "Start Time" attribute, all the other attributes work as well.

Rudy Taraschi wrote:
Try commenting out the Required Attributes line in your elogd.cfg file before submitting. I think it's a bug but this work-around gets around it.
    icon14.gif   Re: Image source url missing, posted by Antonio Bulgheroni on Thu Sep 1 09:03:51 2016 

The conflicting option is "Preview attachments". When this is turned off (set to 0), images are not properly uploaded. Could you please confirm it also on your side?

Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

This is another piece of information to help in the debugging. To my standards logbooks, I have added the "demo". On the demo I can upload pictures while I can't on the other logbooks.

This is indicating that the bug has something to do with the logbook configuration other than with the editor or the image upload plugin.

Thanks for your help,


Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Yes, I can confirm that the image button upload does work in the Linux Demo logbook (Windows 10 client host, Firefox 47.0 client) and it still does not work in this Forum.

Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Andreas, there is something strange. It looks the problem is "configuration dependent" because I tried to upload a picture on the Linux Demo logbook and there it works. Can you confirm this too? 

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Okay, I can confirm this bug: with Windows 10 using Firefox 47.0 the dialog hangs as soon as I press "Send it to the server". When it returns, it did not upload anything. That is why it asks for URL after pressing OK.

Quick fix: just attach the image and use the URL of the attachment.

I did it here: Rose



Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Dear Stefan, this is to confirm that also from my personal laptop from home I have the same issue. No pictures uploaded to this server from windows 10. 

Which OS & Browser are you using? 



Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Dear Stefan, thanks for your answer. 

I tried to add a picture to this reply but I got the same error message with both Firefox and Chrome. 

For sure the pictures were not included in the message, but I have the feeling they were not even uploaded to the server. 

(I'm on Windows 7) 

Thanks for your help,




Stefan Ritt wrote:

I entered this image exactly as you described. When I click OK, the dialog disappears. Can you check if it works for you on this server? Maybe with different browsers?


Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Can anyone help me? I'm really clueless smiley


Thanks in advance,


Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Dear all, sorry for asking you another question, but today after I finally recovered all my logbook entries, I updated to elog 3.1.1 and now I have a problem uploading images.

This is what I do:

  • Click on the insert "Image" button in the editor toolbar
  • In the popup window I select the picture I want to upload and then press "Send to server". I see the file appearing among the attachments at the bottom of the message.
  • I click OK, but the popup complains that the Image Source URL is missing. Indeed when I switch to the other tab the URL field is open.

I have tried on your demo logbook and after the image is sent to the server, the URL field is automatically filled.

What am I doing wrong? With 2.9.2 it was working normally.


Thanks again and best regards













    icon14.gif   Re: Error: Entry text too big. Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogd, posted by Xuan Wu on Wed Nov 30 02:29:36 2016 

Thanks for your advice! I've test that dropping an image from my local disk into the text box with Elog-3.1.2. It did work. However, I still have a question want to ask that When I paste a small image into the text area, I can submit it successfully. But when I paste a bigger one, it will say "Entry text too big. Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogd". And There's the same result in I can drop the image into text area now, so it doesn't matter.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I guee you tried to paste an image into the text area, and your browser somehow converted this into a text entry, which then of course can become very long. Elog since vesion 3 supports drag-and-drop. You can drop an image from your local disk into the "Drop attachemnts here..." box at the bottom of this page. You can also drag an image directly to the text box like this one: , but some browser might not work correctly. If it's not working for you, try it in the demo logbook If it works there, please update your elog to the newest release and you should get it.


Xuan Wu wrote:

Hi all,

A error came out when I pasted a photo in the text area with  HTML Encoding. The photo is a snapshot from Print Screen. When I submitted it, it said "Entry text too big. Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogd". How can I get rid of this? I've tried changing elogd.cfg that: ;Message Height = ;Message Width = or Message Height = 500 Message Width = 500. None of these work.

By the way, I want to ask another question that whether it can load a photo on local disk not only the photo URL by click image of the Image info in CKEditor. Can CKFinder integrate in CKEditor and then it can browse local file on tab of image info. My colleagues prefer pasting photos in text area than uploading it as attachment in our site.

Any advice or sugguestion will be appreciated.



    icon14.gif   Re: elogd crash on sorting the entries by an datetime attribute, posted by Stefano Bonaldo on Fri Dec 16 14:44:19 2016 

Bug FIXED! Many thanks Stefan and my warmest congratulations for the elog project.



Stefan Ritt wrote:

Ok I found it!

Was tricky. In my development environment (XCode) it worked fine. Only when I compiled elogd under Sierra on the command line, the probelm occured. That's why I did not see it earlier. It has to do with some functions Apple apparently changed ("strlcpy"). These function now have a new "functionality": When two parameters overlap, the function just aborts the process. This is specific to Sierre, so on any other Linux this does not happen. I changed now the soruce code to take care of the modified functions, and now it works fine. Please update to the newest GIT revision of elogd and recompile.



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6