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  Discussion forum about ELOG, Page 793 of 801  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Icon Authordown Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  69389   Mon Aug 30 03:08:15 2021 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.4Large log file sizeCan the size of the application log file
affect performance?
  69446   Tue Dec 14 19:16:57 2021 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.4Log4j exploitIs there any potential impact/concern with
the Log4j exploit in Elog applications?

  69536   Tue Jun 28 18:53:50 2022 Question Alan Grantagrant@winnipeg.caQuestionWindows3.1.2Slow performanceWe're up to 30 logbooks, 3.2GB data
total and Elog damen has now become slow.
Performance stats show 100%CPU on startup
  65805   Wed Apr 2 01:27:20 2008 Reply Alain HugentoblerAlain.Hugentobler@unige.chQuestionLinux2.7.3-2058Re: FCKeditor not active

  68310   Thu Apr 28 22:38:00 2016 Question Adam Fairbrotherafairbrother@sd73.bc.caBug reportLinuxV3.1.1-0767eb0Trouble with Find and Conditional attributesI seem to be having some trouble with Find
when using conditional attributes.

when I change the primary attribute
  68311   Thu Apr 28 22:54:08 2016 Reply Adam Fairbrotherafairbrother@sd73.bc.caBug reportLinuxV3.1.1-0767eb0Re: Trouble with Find and Conditional attributesThis may be due to how I have my config
file setup

  68314   Fri Apr 29 20:37:04 2016 Reply Adam Fairbrotherafairbrother@sd73.bc.caBug reportLinuxV3.1.1-0767eb0Re: Trouble with Find and Conditional attributesUppon closer inspection, removing the option
to preset the secondary attribute as a Option
list dosn't do anything for the find
  1599   Wed Jan 18 02:22:44 2006 Question Adam report 2.6.0Attribute substitution in email configurationIn the logbook config file I am not able to
use attribute substitution in the <string>
tag for
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6