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Thu Dec 15 15:42:06 2016 |
| Alan Grant | | Bug report | Mac OSX | 3.1.2 | Re: elogd crash on sorting the entries by an datetime attribute |
Hi Stefano.
This may or may not have anything to do with your specific problem but I notice you have the single word "date" as part of your attribute name and Date is actually a reserved word in Elog. Although your attribute is not exclusively called "date" I have found that even using "date" as an isolated word within an attribute name (eg: Record date vs Record_date) can cause some issues. In my case, it caused a problem with the elog client when trying to update records which was only resolved when I changed the name of the attribute to Date/Time Received from Date and Time Received. Long story short, I avoid using any reserved words as part of attribute names.
stefano bonaldo wrote: |
I'm facing with a crash, which happen when I sort the entries by a datetime attribute (sort or rsort) and then i change the display mode from Full, Summary and Threaded.
For example, the elogd crashes when I try to connect from the Full display to Summary in sort mode. The issue presents for example by entering with the following URL:
Can you please help me?
Here I reduced my elogd.cfg at minimum and I still get this issue:
port = 8080
[65 nm]
Attributes = Record date
Type Record date = datetime
Preset Record date = $date
List Display = Record date
Start page = ?sort=Record date
Sun Dec 18 08:51:47 2016 |
| Alan Grant | | Bug report | Windows | 3.1.2 | Elog crashes with null Username |
I haven't found any reporterd issues in the forum similar yet, but it appears there is a bug in Elog when logging into logbooks. If I leave Username and Password null and click Submit the daemon crashes. We've been having this problem off and on and after some verbose logging level 3 I was drawn to these recurring lines in the log:
16-Dec-2016 18:20:22 [] {SER Reports} LOGIN user "" (attempt)
16-Dec-2016 23:15:52 [] Server listening on port 8080 ..
16-Dec-2016 23:18:05 [] {Daily Request Log} LOGIN user "dmorrison" (attempt) |
Mon Dec 19 19:42:05 2016 |
| Alan Grant | | Bug report | Windows | 3.1.2 | Re: Elog crashes with null Username |
Thanks for the speedy fix.
FYI, our other Elog instances which are running ealrier versions do not exhibit this problem, as I confirmed that entering null ID/password returns "Invalid Username or password" as expected. This may be why it wasn't mentioned by anyone else before. Maybe something got inadvertently dropped in the newer version.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Ups. This bug must have lingered there since the beginning of time. Funny that nobody noticed in the last ten years or so. I have fixed it in the current git revision.
Alan Grant wrote: |
I haven't found any reporterd issues in the forum similar yet, but it appears there is a bug in Elog when logging into logbooks. If I leave Username and Password null and click Submit the daemon crashes. We've been having this problem off and on and after some verbose logging level 3 I was drawn to these recurring lines in the log:
16-Dec-2016 18:20:22 [] {SER Reports} LOGIN user "" (attempt)
16-Dec-2016 23:15:52 [] Server listening on port 8080 ..
16-Dec-2016 23:18:05 [] {Daily Request Log} LOGIN user "dmorrison" (attempt)
Thu Mar 16 15:15:34 2017 |
| Alan Grant | | Question | Windows | 3.1.2 | Duplicate entries |
Periodically (rarely) on manually adding a record into Elog it generates a duplicate record with its own incremented ID and I don't know why. I just delete the duplicate in the meantime but would like to know if anyone else has seen this and whether their is a answer/fix for it. Thanks. |
Fri Apr 21 05:27:35 2017 |
| Alan Grant | | Bug report | Windows | 3.1.2 | Re: Elog crashes with null Username |
Are you using the current git revision Xuan?
Xuan Wu wrote: |
We also meet this issue occasionally, so how can we get rid of this?
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Ups. This bug must have lingered there since the beginning of time. Funny that nobody noticed in the last ten years or so. I have fixed it in the current git revision.
Alan Grant wrote: |
I haven't found any reporterd issues in the forum similar yet, but it appears there is a bug in Elog when logging into logbooks. If I leave Username and Password null and click Submit the daemon crashes. We've been having this problem off and on and after some verbose logging level 3 I was drawn to these recurring lines in the log:
16-Dec-2016 18:20:22 [] {SER Reports} LOGIN user "" (attempt)
16-Dec-2016 23:15:52 [] Server listening on port 8080 ..
16-Dec-2016 23:18:05 [] {Daily Request Log} LOGIN user "dmorrison" (attempt)
Thu Apr 27 22:21:03 2017 |
| Alan Grant | | Question | Windows | 3.1.2 | Limiting search data |
I'm aware there is the "Show Last Default" setting for the Find page but is there (or can there PLEASE be) a similar setting for the Period filter on the List page? Our users routinely use the Quick Filters instead and it bogs down the system because we have lots of logbooks. Many thanks. |
Fri Aug 18 05:28:16 2017 |
| Alan Grant | | Question | Windows | 3.1.2 | elogd hangs |
I have a very long standing problem with elog over the last few versions where almost daily the service will hang. Cannot even Restart elogd, that just hangs. Clients experience Page not Found. I can only get the service reinitialized by rebooting the VM machine. I have Elog verbose logging On plus a number of external triage monitors running but nothing is yielding clues beyond the precise time the hang occurs. Aside from providing the Config and log files what else can I provide for you to assist, and what other triage measures can you suggest I try? FYI, there can be up to 20 users at one time doing searches (not updates), and I've trimmed the depth of log files that can be searched so that the CPU/service doesn't bog down but that hasn't helped either. Inserts happen in the background using the elog client app (about 2 or 3 inserts per batch at sporadic times). |
Fri Aug 18 14:49:42 2017 |
| Alan Grant | | Question | Windows | 3.1.2 | Re: elogd hangs |
I could begin debugging with C++. In the interim, if you think it will help, I can also provide you with my Config and log files, and the section of redacted data encompassing the time of the hang - just let me know. Regarding CPU usage, I have noted that in the past and have never seen very high CPU usage during an Elog hang. The VM itself remains responsive.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
I have to figure out where elog hangs. I guess it must be some kind of endless loop, triggered by some corrupt data in one of the elog entries. Under linux this is fairly simple (just run elogd under the gdb debugger, wait until it hangs, then press ctrl-c and enter "where" to see a full stack dump where elogd is currently executing). Under Windows this is more difficult, since you need Visual C++ from Microsoft to do the debugging. One thing you can do however without VC is to check if the CPU time is consumed to 100% by elogd, indicating an endless loop.
Alan Grant wrote: |
I have a very long standing problem with elog over the last few versions where almost daily the service will hang. Cannot even Restart elogd, that just hangs. Clients experience Page not Found. I can only get the service reinitialized by rebooting the VM machine. I have Elog verbose logging On plus a number of external triage monitors running but nothing is yielding clues beyond the precise time the hang occurs. Aside from providing the Config and log files what else can I provide for you to assist, and what other triage measures can you suggest I try? FYI, there can be up to 20 users at one time doing searches (not updates), and I've trimmed the depth of log files that can be searched so that the CPU/service doesn't bog down but that hasn't helped either. Inserts happen in the background using the elog client app (about 2 or 3 inserts per batch at sporadic times).