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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subjectdown
  637   Fri Jul 30 02:03:59 2004 Warning Guenter   ?cmd=New&pType=PC does not work
according to the users guide,

should create an entry with the type value set to PC, but this doesn't work
  1244   Fri Jul 8 19:08:30 2005 Question Emiliano GabrielliAlberT@SuperAlberT.itRequestAll <img> in Display Attribute
My goal is to be able to do the following :

Display Category = $category <img src="icons/$category.png" border="0">

This way one can add a self explaining icon to the attribute or just replaceing it (only in visualization)

Is there another method to accomplish this ? otherwise I's in my wish list Smile
  65699   Mon Jan 21 15:03:48 2008 Question Carl Shireycarl.shirey@pw.utc.comQuestionLinux2.7.0.180 column Message width.


First thing we have been using the Elog for 2 yr for a shift carryover and it has works out great.

Now for the problem I have. I heave the message width set to 80.  It works for plain Encoding but it does not work for HTML or ELCode. The text does not wrap around when viewing using Explorer or Fire Fox or printing out the Elog.  Is this a problem or do I need to modify the Config file?


  65701   Mon Jan 21 15:32:06 2008 Reply Carl Shireycarl.shirey@pw.utc.comQuestionLinux2.7.0.180 column Message width.

That is the the problem the text does not resize with the window or sending to the printer.

  67716   Fri Nov 21 12:38:07 2014 Entry harish cannot decode AUTH parameter

 Dear Team,

I am having a log book and would like to activate the email notification. I have made the changes as per the guidelines but I am getting the error message while submitting the entry - Error sending Email via "": 5.5.4 cannot decode AUTH parameter

The details are as below : (Please note I have replaced the password with the * marks)

21-Nov-2014 16:58:28 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} NEW entry #0

21-Nov-2014 16:58:28 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} Email from <> to, SMTP host

21-Nov-2014 16:58:28 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} 220 ESMTP Smtpd; Fri, 21 Nov 2014 15:32:52 +0400

21-Nov-2014 16:58:28 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} 

21-Nov-2014 16:58:28 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} EHLO localhost

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} Hello [], pleased to meet you

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} 250-PIPELINING

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} 250-8BITMIME

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} 250-SIZE 32235520

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} 250-DSN

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} 250-STARTTLS

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} 250-DELIVERBY

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} 250 HELP

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} AUTH LOGIN

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} Username

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT}

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} Password

21-Nov-2014 16:58:29 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} ******

21-Nov-2014 16:58:30 [harish@] {SCREENING VISIT} 501 5.5.4 cannot decode AUTH parameter ******

Please help me to resolve this issue.

Thank you

Harish Amin

  66654   Fri Dec 11 18:53:17 2009 Question Ian Stokes-Reesijstokes@crystal.harvard.eduQuestionLinux2.7.8401 Authorization problem

Grrr.  Forgetting to pick an icon means my message was blasted.

I have installed elog 2.7.8 and it is running.  When I connect to it and get a login window, I am always denied.  If I remove the passwords, then I can login with no password information.  I have tried both command line for setting passwords and directly in the elogd.cfg file.

Suggestions on what I might be doing wrong would be appreciated.



PS - are there RESTful interfaces to automate the generation of log entries via an HTTP POST or HTTP GET?

  69646   Tue Feb 7 12:51:54 2023 Question Cryptagecryptage@hotmail.frBug reportLinux3. - Mass edit bug + Wrong version


I've just installed the news 3.1.5 version and I have 2 problems.
I don't know if it works with older versions because I started with latest.

- When using "select" menu then "edit" for multiple entries, the text is replaced with "- keep original text here -" instead of keeping the original values. Really annoying...

Another problem too, if I want to edit after, I have the error message "only author - keep original text here - can edit" although the author column is OK..
It looks like this problem is global and not only on text column.

- Version number is indicated "ELOG V3.1.4" instead of V3.1.5.

My config file :

port = 8888
language = french
Authentication = Webserver
Page title = XXXXX
SSL = 0
Interface =
Usr = elog
Grp = elog
Logfile = /var/log/elog.log
Logging level = 3
Self register = 0
Password file =
Logout to main = 0
Max content length = 10485760
List after submit = 1
Search all logbooks = 0
Refresh = 300
Show last default = 7

Theme = custom
Menu commands = List, New, Edit, Reply, Find
List Menu commands =  List, New, Find, Select, Config
Guest menu commands = Login
Admin user = xxxxxx
Login user = xxxx, xxxxx, xxxxxx
Restrict edit = 1
Restrict edit time = 1
Login expiration = 2
Allow password change = 0
Comment = Test suivi technique
Attributes = Auteur, Intervenant, Quand, Objet, Categorie, Centre, Statut
Type Quand = date
Date format = %d/%m/%Y
Options Intervenant = xxxxxxxxxxx, Autre
Options Centre = xxxxxxxx, Autre
Options Categorie = xxxxxxxx, Autre
Options Statut = A faire, En cours, En attente, Termine, Autre
Extendable Options = Categorie, Intervenant
Required Attributes = Intervenant
Page Title = ELOG - $Categorie
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Categorie, Centre
Preset Auteur = $long_name
Option Auteur = Filled In Automatically
Locked Attributes = Auteur
Use lock = 1

I'm using Apache as reverse proxy with SSL and transparent Kerberos authentication (Microsoft Active Directory).
URL via Apache is (no subdirectory).

Thanks for your help.

  66571   Mon Nov 2 21:23:38 2009 Question David Spindlerdsspindler@gmail.comBug reportWindows2.7.7 22462.7.6 and 2.7.7 crash upon opening logbook that runs on 2.7.5

I upgraded 2.7.5 rev 2175 to 2.7.7 rev 2246 last Thursday. I tested it with several logbooks with no problems. However I received a rep[ort today that it was down. I discovered whenever I tried to open a logbook entitled "Equipment Reservation" in the folder "EquipmentReservations" Elog would crash. I checked the elog.log file with no entries in it other than showing when it was restarted. I backed up to 2.7.5 and had no porblems with the same logbook. I repeated the upgrade to 2.7.7 with the crash problem returning. I am now back on 2.7.5 with no problems.


I just decided to try 2.7.6 rev 2239 and had the same results as 2.7.7.


This is running under Win2K with SP4 as an automatic service on port 80.


I am also running Elog V2.7.4-2118 on a different port (8080) simultaneously with no problems.


If you wish I will send the elog.cfg file. Anything else I can do to help, please let me know.




ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6