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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  128   Tue Sep 10 17:24:25 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequest  Re: Author & pwd case sensitive ?
> Is it possible to make the author and pwd check case in-sensitive??  I 
> noticed that unless you type your userid and password in the same case each 
> time, the system doesn't recognize your or thinks the info is invalid.
> thanks,
> eric

Well, that's how it should be. All other systems I know like Windows NT 
Login, Linux login etc. are case-sensitive, so we should follow that standard.
  127   Tue Sep 10 17:22:17 2002 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: documentation fro elconv
> Hi,
> is there a documentation for the elconv tool available?
> Regards,
> Stefan

I have asked Fred Pacquier who maintains the web pages to put something on, 
but he hasn't replied.

Basically you simply run "elconv" in the directory where all the *.log files 
live. The only option is the "-v" flag for verbose output. If you have 
several directories with log files, you run it once in each directory.
  126   Tue Sep 10 17:15:15 2002 Idea Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report  Re: Problem with konqueror and pulldown menu (in config menu)
> Hi ,
> currently I am running Elog 2.1.1; when using a konqueror browser (ver. 
> 2.2.1, kde 2.2.1) the admin user cannot access in the Config menu the Login 
> infos for other users except himself. The pulldown menu "Select user" is 
> shown, but when the admin selects another user the info fields (Login name, 
> full name, email) are not updated. They still show the attribute values for 
> the admin user himself.
> Is there a solution available?
> Thanks (also for this very useful tool) and regards,
> Stefan

This operation is done via Java Script, which has to be enabled in the 
browser. If anybody knows a better way, please let me know.
  125   Tue Sep 10 17:13:32 2002 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: logical search operators
> It is posible to use logical search operators like "and" and "or" ?
> Which Operators can i use how do i so ?
> Thank you for your anwser.

No, not yet. I put it on the wishlist. I'm looking for a C function which can 
doe lexical evaluations like

  author="stefan ritt" AND (category=Question OR category="Bug Fix")

does anybody know such a function?
  124   Tue Sep 10 17:09:59 2002 Reply Stefan   Re: Multiple eLogs
> I have two different groups who want elogs for all of their members. How do
> I set elog up so group 1 uses port 8082 and group 2 uses 8083 (and they
> don't see each other's messages in the initial "menu" screen.

You run two instances of the elogd daemon like:

elogd -p 8082 -c /usr/local/elog/elogd1.cfg
elogd -p 8083 -c /usr/local/elog/elogd2.cfg
  123   Wed Aug 28 20:59:05 2002 Question Tom   Multiple eLogs
I have two different groups who want elogs for all of their members. How do
I set elog up so group 1 uses port 8082 and group 2 uses 8083 (and they
don't see each other's messages in the initial "menu" screen.
  122   Sun Aug 18 23:18:00 2002 Question Marcel Pilsmarcel_pils@web.deQuestion  logical search operators
It is posible to use logical search operators like "and" and "or" ?

Which Operators can i use how do i so ?

Thank you for your anwser.
  121   Fri Aug 16 22:56:44 2002 Idea eric wootenwootene@verizon.netInfo  self - registering - How It Works - or at least how i've gotten it to work
Create a blank text file (called mine passwd.txt)
Place the text file somewhere in the elog directory structure
(I placed mine in c:\elog\passwd.txt because i wanted to use it globally 
for all logbooks.  I believe this forum places it in \elog\logbooks\forum 

For the Elogd.cfg:

; general options
Password file = c:\elog\passwd.txt
Admin user = user1
Self register = 1
Theme = default


logbook tabs = 1
tab cellpadding = 2
SMTP host =
URL = http://myelog
Password file = c:\elog\passwd.txt
Admin user = user1
Self register = 1

For the first time logging in, Click Login from the Forum Pages, then at 
the login screen, click Register as New User
Fill out all the appropriate information

Login name: user1 (seems to be case sensative)
Full name: First User
Automatic email notification:  (box checked)
Password:  password (seems to be case sensative)
Retype password:  password (seems to be case sensative)

Then click Save

If you open up the passwd.txt file you should see something like:


Some other examples based on what info you provided during the 

user1::First   (password left blank)
user1:cGFzc3dvcmQ=:First (NO Auto email Notify)
user1::First User::all (password and email address left blank)

If you leave the Full Name blank then the logged in user will not be 
reflected correctly in the logbook.

Hope this helps.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6