(How) can I hide columns in List view?, posted by T. Ribbrock on Mon Oct 20 15:32:19 2008
Originally, all information about our machines was stored in a spreadsheet with one sheet for the hardware of the machines and one for the software.
By now, I've sucessfully moved the software part to an elog logbook and am now looking at transferring the hardware part as well.
As both lists are machine-name based, one of the options would be to merge both lists, as this would place all machine-related info into one logbook. |
'Reply' removes attachments from the original message, posted by Alexander ZVYAGIN on Tue Apr 22 17:13:08 2003
It seems when I use "reply" with an attachments, the original attachments of
the message are removed.
'Inline' button for attachments, posted by Ben Shepherd on Tue Oct 10 15:32:21 2006
It would be good if when you uploaded an image as an attachment, there was a button next to it that pasted the code [code][img]elog:1972/1[/img][/code] |
'Full' mode gives incorrect results when searching, posted by Bartjan Wattel on Wed Jul 14 11:45:46 2004
I was just searching your online discussion forum for entries with the
'Deactivate' Options, posted by Uwe on Mon Feb 11 19:22:25 2008
one question regard Options: For e. g. I am using the following command: Options Categories = NT, 2000, XP, Linux
Now I would like to delete the entry NT. But that would cause, that NT is no longer available in the search function. So I wonder if there is a |
'Click through' order of elog enteries, posted by Fergus Lynch on Mon Jun 5 14:19:52 2006
Hi There,
When you find a set of records in ELOG and then 'click through' the returned list it runs through then in order of ID. - I s there a way to modify this |
$user_email variable causes problems in Use Email From setting, posted by John Habermann on Sun Feb 6 04:12:52 2005
I am running into problems when I try and use the
Use Email From = $user_email
$message id gives wrong value - Gernman traslalation of Back, posted by Ulrich Trüssel on Fri Nov 5 16:59:30 2004
I do not know if this is a problen of the 2.5.5 (11/03/04) version or of