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Thu Feb 21 20:32:54 2013 |
| Garret Delaronde | | Question | Windows | 2.9 | Re: Sort Attribute = 0 |
Garret Delaronde wrote: |
Hello All,
The subject is roughly what i'm asking about so here are the details. I have combed through the forums for an answer and didn't come up with anything regarding what i need.
Below is what the logbook is setup as. However once there are more than 10 entries on the page, when a user views the logbook, elog automatically puts them to the higher value page # (ie entry number 11 is on page 2).
As I am sorting the entries by status and by Dist or Beat to organize entries for quicker viewing and access, I would prefer that elog always shows on page 1 when a user views the log book. The statuses are setup for sorting properly but when reverse sort is turned on, status "3-Closed" appears at the top instead of status "1-Open" to appear at the top, Status "2-Sent to Next Shift" next, then "3-Closed" after that.
Is there a to just view page 1 without doing the reverse sort?
Theme = default
Page Title = ELOG - $logbook
Entries per page = 10
Attributes = Entered By, Call Type, Date/Time Reported, Customer Name, Customer Phone Number, Location, Dist or Beat, Description, Badge, Updated By, Action Taken, Report Time, Status
List Display = Entered By, Call Type, Date/Time Reported, Customer Name, Location, Dist or Beat, Description, Badge, Updated By, Status
Locked Attributes = Entered By, Updated By
Preset Entered By = $long_name
Preset on edit Updated By = $long_name
Options Status = 1-Open, 2-Sent to Next Shift, 3-Closed
Preset Status = 1-Open
Cell Style Status 1-Open = background-color:red
Cell Style Status 2-Sent to Next Shift = background-color:yellow
Cell Style Status 3-Closed = background-color:green
Type Date/Time Reported = Datetime
Type Customer Phone Number = numeric
Type Report Time = Datetime
Sort Attributes = Status, Dist or Beat
Reverse sort = 0
Use Lock = 0
Summary lines = 0
Self Register = 0
Thanks in advance.
Well it would appear i answered my own problem.
Start page = page1

Tue Jan 7 04:28:28 2014 |
| John Haggerty | | Bug report | Mac OSX | 2.9.2 | Due to Evernote web clipper | I investigated a little further the problem with fckedit in Chrome with the hints in the Chrome Developer Javascript window for debugging, and it seems the problem occurs when I have the Evernote web clipper extension enabled. If I disable it, I am able to make entries on any server, otherwise the cursor is missing and there is no way to enter text as reported in an earlier thread that I inadvertently failed to reply to. |
Tue Mar 11 09:19:06 2014 |
| Kay Graf | | Question | Linux | 2.9.2-2455 | Re: Author drop-down menu length |
Andreas Luedeke wrote: |
Hello Kay,
I had to look it up in the source code: yes, you are right, it is hard-coded in elogd.h
English (auto-detected) » English
elogd.h:#define MAX_N_LIST 100
You can of course change the limit and recompile.
As an alternative, you could have sub-menus with less than 100 entries (disclaimer: the following is untested example):
Attributes = author_range, author, ...
options author_range = A-K{1}, L-Z{2}
{1} options author = Andi, Bob, Camilla, Dennis, ..., Kay
{2} options author = Lily, Max, Norbert, Oscar, ..., Zeta
Hello Andreas,
thanks a lot for your quick reply - both options are valid and working. For simplicity (the author list is generated automatically from a shell script) I opted for the first one.
Best regards,
Tue May 5 12:17:24 2015 |
| Andreas Luedeke | | Bug report | Linux | 3.1.0 | Re: Problem with autosave functionality when combined with no 'edit' button | Oups, now I feel almost a little bit sorry for asking But thank you anyway!!! 
You should see it that way: there are millions of possible applications for a smart electronic logbook like ELOG, and most possible combinations of flags and options will make sense for some of them 
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Arghhhh! Guess how many people asked me for the autosave feature! I worked really hard on it (including an airplane flight to Japan!), not the next guy comes "can we disable that feature?". 
I agree that this feature has many side effects, and I have to adress one by one, but in the end the community will benefit. Think of starting a draft at one computer, and finishing at another one. Lazarus won't help you there.
Nevertheless , I added a "Save drafts" which you can set to zero. But I would rather prefer if people tell me their problems, and I fix them, instead of siletnly just disabling this feature and keeping the bugs there unresolved.
Andreas Luedeke wrote: |
By the way Stefan: is there a way to disable the whole draft message feature?
If people are used to e.g. the lazarus addon for firefox, they might prefer their browser to keep their drafts confidential, instead of suffering from accidental premature draft postings ;-)
Wed May 13 01:40:21 2015 |
| Andreas Luedeke | | Bug report | Linux | 3.1.0-dev | Re: "Leave Page" pop-up when "Submit" entry | > Thanks for the "boiling-down" of your config file. That helped me to reproduce the error quickly. It only occurs if you have a date/time attribute which is hidden as a conditional attribute. This is a unusual combination, that's why I haven't seen that bug before. Actually some
> JavaScript code checks the validity of the date attribute, but since it is conditionally not there, the JavaScript code crashes, which triggers the dialog box you see. It's now fixed in the repository.
> /Stefan
Thank you Stefan!
That works nicely now.
Apparently it was less work to fix than to isolate it ;-)
Andreas |
Fri Jul 3 21:26:32 2015 |
| Erkcan Ozcan | | Info | Linux | 3.1.0-5be245e | Re: ELOG and Gmail? | Using stunnel4 and the 3.1.0 version of elog, I was able to use gmail smtp without the use of iptables.
In my elogd.cfg I chose:
SMTP username = <gmailusername>
SMTP Password = <The hash produced with the perl statement posted by Christopher Lee>
SMTP host =
And in /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf:
client = yes
accept =
connect =
verify = 2
CApath = /etc/ssl/certs
FInally, run sudo stunnel4. |
Thu Jul 23 08:19:38 2015 |
| Jan Henry Hetzel | | Info | Linux | 3.1.0 | Re: Pasting pictures from clipboard does not work anymore (firefox 39) | Hi,
following the author of imagepaste one should upgrade the version of th CKEditor to a version >= 4.5. So replacing the folder ckeditor with a new version helped.
Stefan Ritt wrote: |
I'm not aware of any workaround, so you might ask the author. Once you find a solution, I'm happy to include it in the distribution.
Jan Henry Hetzel wrote: |
Hallo, as I have already written in the title, my problem is that after uprgrading my firefox to version 39 I cannot include pictures from clipboard. A downgrade to a previous version of firefox helped. But as this is not recommended I wanted to ask if there is a workaround or if I should inform the author of the "imagepaste"-extension of the CKEditor? Best regards, Jan |
Thu Aug 25 18:32:13 2016 |
| Darren Hollinrake | | Question | Windows | V3.1.1-3f311c5 | Re: elog client cmd line submission of attributes with spaces. | Thanks for the response. You are indeed correct that the issue disappears when I comment out my required attributes line. If I just remove my "Start Time" attribute, all the other attributes work as well.
Rudy Taraschi wrote: | Try commenting out the Required Attributes line in your elogd.cfg file before submitting. I think it's a bug but this work-around gets around it. |