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ID Date Icondown Author Author Email Category OS ELOG Version Subject
  68410   Thu Sep 1 09:03:51 2016 Agree Antonio Bulgheroniantonio.bulgheroni@gmail.comQuestionWindows3.1.1Re: Image source url missing

The conflicting option is "Preview attachments". When this is turned off (set to 0), images are not properly uploaded. Could you please confirm it also on your side?

Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

This is another piece of information to help in the debugging. To my standards logbooks, I have added the "demo". On the demo I can upload pictures while I can't on the other logbooks.

This is indicating that the bug has something to do with the logbook configuration other than with the editor or the image upload plugin.

Thanks for your help,


Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Yes, I can confirm that the image button upload does work in the Linux Demo logbook (Windows 10 client host, Firefox 47.0 client) and it still does not work in this Forum.

Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Andreas, there is something strange. It looks the problem is "configuration dependent" because I tried to upload a picture on the Linux Demo logbook and there it works. Can you confirm this too? 

Andreas Luedeke wrote:

Okay, I can confirm this bug: with Windows 10 using Firefox 47.0 the dialog hangs as soon as I press "Send it to the server". When it returns, it did not upload anything. That is why it asks for URL after pressing OK.

Quick fix: just attach the image and use the URL of the attachment.

I did it here: Rose



Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Dear Stefan, this is to confirm that also from my personal laptop from home I have the same issue. No pictures uploaded to this server from windows 10. 

Which OS & Browser are you using? 



Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Dear Stefan, thanks for your answer. 

I tried to add a picture to this reply but I got the same error message with both Firefox and Chrome. 

For sure the pictures were not included in the message, but I have the feeling they were not even uploaded to the server. 

(I'm on Windows 7) 

Thanks for your help,




Stefan Ritt wrote:

I entered this image exactly as you described. When I click OK, the dialog disappears. Can you check if it works for you on this server? Maybe with different browsers?


Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Can anyone help me? I'm really clueless smiley


Thanks in advance,


Antonio Bulgheroni wrote:

Dear all, sorry for asking you another question, but today after I finally recovered all my logbook entries, I updated to elog 3.1.1 and now I have a problem uploading images.

This is what I do:

  • Click on the insert "Image" button in the editor toolbar
  • In the popup window I select the picture I want to upload and then press "Send to server". I see the file appearing among the attachments at the bottom of the message.
  • I click OK, but the popup complains that the Image Source URL is missing. Indeed when I switch to the other tab the URL field is open.

I have tried on your demo logbook and after the image is sent to the server, the URL field is automatically filled.

What am I doing wrong? With 2.9.2 it was working normally.


Thanks again and best regards













  68470   Wed Nov 30 02:29:36 2016 Agree Xuan Error: Entry text too big. Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogd

Thanks for your advice! I've test that dropping an image from my local disk into the text box with Elog-3.1.2. It did work. However, I still have a question want to ask that When I paste a small image into the text area, I can submit it successfully. But when I paste a bigger one, it will say "Entry text too big. Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogd". And There's the same result in I can drop the image into text area now, so it doesn't matter.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I guee you tried to paste an image into the text area, and your browser somehow converted this into a text entry, which then of course can become very long. Elog since vesion 3 supports drag-and-drop. You can drop an image from your local disk into the "Drop attachemnts here..." box at the bottom of this page. You can also drag an image directly to the text box like this one: , but some browser might not work correctly. If it's not working for you, try it in the demo logbook If it works there, please update your elog to the newest release and you should get it.


Xuan Wu wrote:

Hi all,

A error came out when I pasted a photo in the text area with  HTML Encoding. The photo is a snapshot from Print Screen. When I submitted it, it said "Entry text too big. Please increase TEXT_SIZE and recompile elogd". How can I get rid of this? I've tried changing elogd.cfg that: ;Message Height = ;Message Width = or Message Height = 500 Message Width = 500. None of these work.

By the way, I want to ask another question that whether it can load a photo on local disk not only the photo URL by click image of the Image info in CKEditor. Can CKFinder integrate in CKEditor and then it can browse local file on tab of image info. My colleagues prefer pasting photos in text area than uploading it as attachment in our site.

Any advice or sugguestion will be appreciated.



  68512   Fri Dec 16 14:44:19 2016 Agree Stefano Bonaldostefano.bonaldo.13@gmail.comBug fixMac OSX3.1.2Re: elogd crash on sorting the entries by an datetime attribute

Bug FIXED! Many thanks Stefan and my warmest congratulations for the elog project.



Stefan Ritt wrote:

Ok I found it!

Was tricky. In my development environment (XCode) it worked fine. Only when I compiled elogd under Sierra on the command line, the probelm occured. That's why I did not see it earlier. It has to do with some functions Apple apparently changed ("strlcpy"). These function now have a new "functionality": When two parameters overlap, the function just aborts the process. This is specific to Sierre, so on any other Linux this does not happen. I changed now the soruce code to take care of the modified functions, and now it works fine. Please update to the newest GIT revision of elogd and recompile.



  68534   Fri Jan 6 11:05:18 2017 Agree Xuan How to make two attributes reacting with each other

So, as far as I know that ROptions and IOptions doesn't support conditional attributes.

I think what you suggest is a nice idea. An alternative way is putting Category attribute before Icon attribute and adding a tooltip to Icon attribute. However, I think your advice is better. Thanks!



Andreas Luedeke wrote:

IOptions does not support conditional attributes.

I think the proper solution would be to remove the icon selection field from the input form:

Show Attributes Edit = Author, Author Email, Category, System, Subject

The user would then only be able to edit the Category, the Icon would always be set accordingly. I would think that this would be the appropriate behaviour.

Cheers, Andreas

Xuan Wu wrote:

What I mean is that, when I select a catagory, the icon will change. If I change the icon, I need the catagory change too. 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

If you select a (different) category, the current icon setting simply gets overwritten, what ever it was before.

Xuan Wu wrote:

Sorry for my carelessness. What you said is definitely right. I just wonder how can Icon and Catagory change simultaneously whatever which one be selected first.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The example I gave you worked for me, I actually tested it. Please note that it contains

Options Category = ...

and not

ROptions Category = ...



Xuan Wu wrote:

Thanks for your quick reply! I just test what you suggested, even I test {1} Preset on edit Icon = icon1.gif, they both didn't work.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

You can do that with conditional attributes (see documentation):


Attributes = Author, Author Email, Icon, Category, System, Subject
Options Category = Shift Summary{1}, Report{2}, Reply{3}, Fault{4}, Issue{5}, Resolved{6}, Maintenance{7}
IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, elc_list.png, icon3.gif, icon8.gif, icon4.gif, icon14.gif, elc_anchor.png

{1} Preset Icon = icon1.gif
{2} Preset Icon = elc_list.png
{3} Preset Icon = icon3.gif
{4} Preset Icon = icon8.gif
{5} Preset Icon = icon4.gif
{6} Preset Icon = icon14.gif
{7} Preset Icon = elc_anchor.gif

Icon comment icon1.gif = Shift Summary
Icon comment icon3.gif = Reply
Icon comment icon4.gif = Issue
Icon comment icon8.gif = Fault
Icon comment icon14.gif = Resolved
Icon comment elc_list.png = Report
Icon comment elc_anchor.png = Maintenance



Xuan Wu wrote:

Hi all,

I have two attributes defined like following

Attributes = Author, Author Email, Icon, Category, System, Subject

ROptions Category = Shift Summary, Report, Reply, Fault, Issue, Resolved, Maintenance

IOptions Icon = icon1.gif, elc_list.png, icon3.gif, icon8.gif, icon4.gif, icon14.gif, elc_anchor.png

Icon comment icon1.gif = Shift Summary
Icon comment icon3.gif = Reply
Icon comment icon4.gif = Issue
Icon comment icon8.gif = Fault
Icon comment icon14.gif = Resolved
Icon comment elc_list.png = Report
Icon comment elc_anchor.png = Maintenance

When the Shift Summary category being selected, I wish the icon1.gif Icon being selected automaticlly, as well as when icon8.gif being selected, Fault category be selected. How can I get this? Any advice or suggestions will be appreciated.











  68535   Sun Jan 8 19:26:29 2017 Agree Alex Kühnelalexander.kuehnel@gmail.comQuestionLinux3.1.2Is it possible to add custom menu commands

hi forum,

my question, is it possible to add a custom menu entry (f.e. "Auswertung"). I will start a new php page and do some system code starting from the new page. I have attached a pic of my "Bereitschaftsdoku".

I have a filter for the week (KW1 2017). With this filer i display all my jobs for this week. At the end I have to count all minutes for class 583 (Tagesstunden) and class 586 (Sonn und Feiertage) and display the results.




  68760   Tue Mar 6 18:01:30 2018 Agree Piotr Zolnierczukzolnie@yahoo.comQuestionLinux3.1.3Re: how to insert images inline

Got it to work.  Removed "Preview attachments = 1" from the global section.

Thanks for your help.




Piotr Zolnierczuk wrote:

I did just that. The image was properly send to the server (it appears in the attachement list). However clicking OK still produces "Image source URL is missing".

What is the URL that refers to an attachment? I've tried 68759/<1> and 68759/1 and even elog:1234/<1> (where 1234).


Stefan Ritt wrote:

Before you click OK on your point 4, click on "Send to Server".


Piotr Zolnierczuk wrote:


I recently upgraded elog from 2.7 to 3.1 and have a hard time to insert images inline. The attachements work just fine. I am certain it is something silly, but I cannot figure it out.

  1. In edit mode, I click the image icon
  2. A pop-up "Image Propertied" shows with two tabs "Image Info" and "Upload" (selected)
  3. Click on Browse button and select an image
  4. Now
    • if I click OK, I get an error "Image source URL is missing".
    • if I go to "Image Info" tab - what URL am I supposed to enter, 68757/<1> ?

I found an old thread elog:68410 (from 2016) but could not find a solution that would work for me. Where does "Preview attachments" option should be inserted? In the global section?

Hopefully there's a simple explanation for this





  68785   Sun Apr 15 08:03:21 2018 Agree Michael Kelseykelsey@slac.stanford.eduBug reportMac OSX3.1.3Re: "Slow script" problem posting/editing from Safari -- browser hangs, times out

Thank you for your suggestion, Stefan!  The sysadmin who handles our e-Log server implemented your suggestion earlier today (Saturday).  I have been able to successfully create and modify e-Log entries with Safari since then.  Since the "slow script" issue has been intermittent in the past, I plan to continue testing and monitoring for the next day or so.  Nevertheless, it appears that removing the waiting loop has alleviated my problem.

  -- Mike Kelsey

Followup Sunday 15 Apr (U.S. Pacifiic time):  I think your suggestion has solved my problem.  I've been able to create and modify e-Log entries through our server multiple times over the weekend.  There have been no hangs, timeouts, or lost content.  Thank you very much for your response!

Stefan Ritt wrote:

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe it should work without the 

while (in_asend);

So can you please remove that line (it's in src/elogd.c) and recompile elogd and test it?


Michael Hibbard wrote:

I dont' have a solution, but I just wanted to bring more attention to your post. I too am having the same issue with the ELOG system and the Safari browser. I have noticed that ELOG is most stabel and function on the client end from the IE browser. A few weeks ago I also had to switch from using ELOG on the client end from Safari to Firefox.

Michael Kelsey wrote:

Hello!  The CDMS collaboration is using e-Log as one of it's issue tracking systems.  In the last few months, I have noticed a problem when either creating or editing entries from my usual Safari browser (currently 11.1 on MacOSX 10.13.4):  The [Submit] button triggers a spinning beach ball, with no connection to our e-Log server, and after several minutes, Safari complains the the page had to be reloaded, discarding all of my edits, uploads, whatever.  This used to be occasional, but in the past month it has become routine, such that the only way I can edit or create entries is by launching a different browser entirely (Firefox), just for e-Log editing.

Now, I am also seeing the same problems with Firefox, but at the "occasional" level.  The difference is that Firefox produces some diagnostic information, which is why I'm posting here.  When the browser hangs, after a short while Firefox produces a "Warning: unresponsive script" drop-down box:

Warning: unresponsive script

A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.  You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let the script continue.


[] Don't ask me again

[Debug script]                       [Stop script]     [Continue]

If I use the [Debug script] button, the call stack shows "onclick 681:1" -> "chkform 681:30", and the line-by-line traceback shows the chkform function:

16   var in_asend = false;
18   function chkform()
19   {
20     if (last_key == 13) {
21       var ret = confirm('Really submit this entry?');
22       if (!ret) {
23         last_key = 0;
24         return false;
25       }
26     }
28     if (autoSaveTimer != null)
29       clearTimeout(autoSaveTimer);
30     while (in_asend);               <=== This is the stuck line
31     submitted = true;
32     return true;
33   }

I presume that in_asend is supposed to get changed from false to true asynchronously, by some other parallel communication with the server. But that doesn't seem to be happening.

Does this look like an issue with the e-Log distribution? Or is there a configuration issue with our e-Log server which we could improve?




  68790   Wed Apr 18 13:18:07 2018 Agree Stefan Werlerstefan.werler@ah-senden.deCommentWindows3.1.1Re: Email Config

many thanks

Stefan Ritt wrote:

SMTP host = ...

as written in the documentation!

Automatic email after expiration is not possible.

Stefan Werler wrote:

I´m new in ELOG,
Can u explain me how i config the Mailing?
in my Configuration i do have not the ability to set an Email Host/Server. or i didn´t find it....

I have to use ELOG as ticket system, is it possible to send an email automatically after expiration of a period?



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6