I have a logbook including the attributes: Author, Topic Date, Phase, Reference, Subject, Start Time, End Time, Duration
The Phase attribute has a number of MOptions including: Design, Manufacture, Testing, Results, Transport
I only want the attributes Start Time, End Time, and Duration to be shown if the Transport Phase is selected. I have tried using the conditional attributes
MOptions Phase = Design{1}, Manufacture{1}, Testing{1}, Results{1}, Transport{2}
{1} Show Attributes Edit = Author, Topic Date, Phase, Subject, Start Time, End Time, Duration
{2} Show Attributes Edit = Author, Topic Date, Phase, Subject
This works to show the attributes when the relevant Phase is selected but the Edit page shows the Phase options including the {1}/{2}. Is there are way that these conditionals are not displayed?
Also, I would like the "Duration" Atrribute to be a calculated value showing the time difference between Start Time and End Time. Is this possible?
Adam |
Hi All,
Perhaps a trivial question but some issues have arisen accessing my long-running elog with SSL enabled. I suspect firewalls and browser updates are involved and I do not have the time or experience to diagnose and debug such a potential black-hole of difficulties. Instead I am looking for a quick fix, and the first step - switching off sll - seems to work. Now I would like to use redirect so that the elog is running under apache, however this is where I have stumbled; I have passwords so the plan is to eventually secure using apache. Apache works fine and is running pages on ports 80 and 443, although I seem unable to redirect the elog (port 8080). Following the instructions on the administrators guide I get:
You don't have permission to access /elog/ on this server.
The page is found at least so my redirect is doing something, and I suspect the solution is trivial, though I'm not too sure where to start.
Also, what is the best practice for updating one's elog version. I originally installed using a tarball.
Adam wrote: |
Hi All,
Perhaps a trivial question but some issues have arisen accessing my long-running elog with SSL enabled. I suspect firewalls and browser updates are involved and I do not have the time or experience to diagnose and debug such a potential black-hole of difficulties. Instead I am looking for a quick fix, and the first step - switching off sll - seems to work. Now I would like to use redirect so that the elog is running under apache, however this is where I have stumbled; I have passwords so the plan is to eventually secure using apache. Apache works fine and is running pages on ports 80 and 443, although I seem unable to redirect the elog (port 8080). Following the instructions on the administrators guide I get:
You don't have permission to access /elog/ on this server.
The page is found at least so my redirect is doing something, and I suspect the solution is trivial, though I'm not too sure where to start.
Also, what is the best practice for updating one's elog version. I originally installed using a tarball.
Still struggling with this issue, if anyone has managed to solve it let me know. I've done the obvious and checked ownership/ permissions of the elog folders and they are exactly the same as etc/var/www, which is working in apache. |
Segfault when password file is empty and not writable a segmentation fault is generated when a new user tries to register:
root# > passwd
root# chown root.root passwd
root# chmod 644 passwd
root# grep -i usr elogd.cfg
kernel: [515323.672377] elogd[31048]: segfault at 78 ip 00000000004ba780 sp 00007fff03cd2078 error 4 in elogd[400000+dc000]
I cannot reproduce this error when running within gdb.
localhost$ svn diff elog.spec
Index: elog.spec
--- elog.spec (revision 2446)
+++ elog.spec (working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Name: elog
Summary: elog is a standalone electronic web logbook
-Version: 2.8.1
+Version: 2.9.1
Release: 1
License: GPL
Group: Applications/Networking
Vinícius Ferrão wrote: |
Hello folks,
Can we have a better support under modern Linux distributions?
I'm trying to install elog in our webserver and it's becoming a boring task. First of all theres only RPM packages. And we really don't like the Red Hat method, so we use Debian Servers. More package mainteners would be nice.
The software appears to be working correctly, but there are some bugs (or perhaps missing dependencies?); the init script put in /etc/rc.d/init.d is broken under Debian:
First of all because it's in /etc/rc.d.
The second problem is in this line:
# Source function library.
#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
The file doesn't even exists.
The third problem is the echo_success; echo_failure commands that doesn't even exist. As I can see it's definitions are sourced in the functions file that doesn't exist.
After removing this missing commands or files from the init.d; I can call elogd script and start the daemon under root. Appears to be working...
And last but not least; there's a way to standardize the init script to run in other Linux distros, so we can put it to start automatically at boot time?
Many thanks in advance,
Vinícius Ferrão
PS: I'm not asking to support any creepy distros, but to support the .deb package format and system style.
/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions is part of the initscripts.rpm - so only usable on RedHat/CentOS..
Can someone also update https://midas.psi.ch/elog/download.html ? It was last updated in 2001 and the download directory contains a debian package that was last updated 2004. If debian is not supported in a current version that bit should be removed from the page.
Kind regards,