Hi Stefan,
This has happened twice on this forum now, starting from Mon 23rd November.
Someone submits an entry (Me, 66625, Bertram Metz 66628)
I assume you post a reply (66626, 66629), but it shows up as if I or Bertram are the author of the reply, not
yourself. My reply to you (66627) was really authored by me, and I expressed puzzlement then at this point.
Is this a bug, or some wierd affect of us forgetting to log out?
David. |
Hi all :)
I try to setup my first lobgook, and have some problem.
I want that Author was preset by $long_name, and it can't change its name. That works correct. I also want, when other user click Reply, that he will be author of reply, but Author windows goes emtpy... No Author, or Reply User in that field. Is it correct?
Do you have any suggestions?
Here is part of config I use:
; preset author and email
Preset Author = $long_name
Preset Author Email = $user_email
; these attributes cannot be changed
Locked Attributes = Author
; options for reply
Subst on reply subject = Re: $Configuration Name
Remove on reply = Author, Author Email
Preset on reply Author = $long_name
Daniel. |
I started re-using after a month an elog on my linux machine and, without any apparent reason since I did not used the machine at all in the last month, every time I try to submit a post I get the following error
"No SMTP host defined in [global] section of configuration file".
The weird thing is that today I created a new logbook using the previous one as a template and, on the new one, I can post without problem (although the configuration is identical).
Do you know what could be causing this?
R |
Our setup uses "Authentication=Webserver" + no automatic user registration. Thus, logbook admins should add a user by clicking "Config" and then "New user". However, no matter what they fill in in the "new user " dialog, as soon as they hit "Save" an error pops up saying that their username (the admin one, not the new one) already exists. I found the following code:
int save_user_config(LOGBOOK * lbs, char *user, BOOL new_user)
char file_name[256], str[256], *pl, user_enc[256], new_pwd[80], new_pwd2[80], smtp_host[256],
email_addr[256], mail_from[256], mail_from_name[256], subject[256], mail_text[2000], str2[256],
admin_user[80], url[256], error[2000], sid[32];
int i, self_register, code, first_user;
PMXML_NODE node, subnode, npwd;
/* if we outsourced the authentication, use external username */
getcfg(lbs->name, "Authentication", str, sizeof(str));
if (stristr(str, "Webserver")) {
/* do not allow HTML in user name */
strencode2(user_enc, http_user, sizeof(user_enc));
} else {
strencode2(user_enc, user, sizeof(user_enc));
which seems to be the culprit: the admin user is logged using his/her Webserver (http_user) credentials and this overrides anything that he/she might fill in. If I remove the "Authentication" check then I can create a new user without problems. So, how to fix this? should the "Authentication=Webserver" check be extended with a self/auto registration check?