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  752   Mon Oct 18 13:47:20 2004        
> > I have a problem here which the ELOG service get terminated unexpectedly
> > on the Windows Server.
> > Is there any way to debug this problem ?
> One can start the elogd server manually. So stop the service, and start 
> c:\program files\elogd\elogd.exe -v
> The "-v" flag shows all network traffic between the server and the browser. So
> maybe the last conversation before the crash can tell us something. Make a
> screendump of it and send it to me.

Here is the screen dump after we perform a deletion .
Another my the other thread , i show another dump when a move is perform


GET /IFSOCC+Current/1?cmd=Delete&nextmsg=0&confirm=Yes HTTP/1.0
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/
powerpoint, application/, application/msword, application/x-shockwav
e-flash, */*
Accept-Language: en-us
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: urem=0; unm=ifsocc; upwd=dHBmc3Bk; SMSESSION=uvdhD3MUFAkDID0huNAnYhdoJxb

xrealloc: not enough memory
  770   Mon Oct 25 23:16:39 2004        
I implemented experimentally RSS feeds into Elog. Before releasing this new
addition, I would like to collect some experience with it. This forum now
supports RSS feeds, for which you can subscribe with a RSS feed reader like
Mozilla Firefox. Please give it a try and send me any feedback.

For an introduction to RSS feeds, please see
  754   Wed Oct 27 09:04:46 2004        
This problem has been fixed in version 2.5.4-6
  753   Wed Oct 27 09:04:46 2004        
  757   Fri Oct 29 20:14:17 2004        
> 1) elogd should report quota or disk-full problem:  In case a logbook           
>    entry cannot be saved (quota or disk full) then a message like               
>    'Could not save last entry.  Please contact administrator.' should           
>    be displayed.  Currently nothing happens.  Only the submitted                
>    entries 'vanish'.                                                            

That has been fixed in meantime.

> 4) mark messages as unread/read on a per user basis: The                        
>    implementation of this might be quite involved but it would be               
>    rather useful.  One way would be to add a default attribute 'Seen            
>    by' to each entry, which lists the login names of the users.  Or 
>    files LOGIN_NAME.has_seen can be created which contain the entry 
>    IDs of the viewed entries for each user.

There is an elegant way to achieve this already now: Use an RSS reader (like
SharpReader for Windows or Straw from Linux) and subscribe to a logbook. Then don't
read the entries directly in the logbook, but read them in your RSS reader. Once you
read them, they become automatically marked read.   

> 5) alignment of attribute table (using <td colspan=2> for multi line            
>    stuff): see elog:669 :)                                                      

Has been fixed as well.

> - Use "and" and "or" operands in queries                                        

Elog supports now regular expressions. So for a "<str1> OR <str2>" one can write


and for a "<str1> AND <str2>" one can write


Looks a bit complicated, but maybe some day we will get some code which rewrites
"AND" and "OR" as regular expressions.
  782   Mon Nov 15 01:02:29 2004        
I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
works fine in with Bloglines (

I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular


> I implemented experimentally RSS feeds into Elog. Before releasing this new
> addition, I would like to collect some experience with it. This forum now
> supports RSS feeds, for which you can subscribe with a RSS feed reader like
> Mozilla Firefox. Please give it a try and send me any feedback.
> For an introduction to RSS feeds, please see 
> To subscribe to a logbook, enter following URL into your RSS reader:
> http://<your-elog-host.domain>/<logbook>/elog.rdf
> From the newest Mozilla Firefox browser, you can also click on the RSS box at
> the lower right corner of the browser (see attachment).
  781   Mon Nov 15 01:02:29 2004        
I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
works fine in with Bloglines (

I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular


> I implemented experimentally RSS feeds into Elog. Before releasing this new
> addition, I would like to collect some experience with it. This forum now
> supports RSS feeds, for which you can subscribe with a RSS feed reader like
> Mozilla Firefox. Please give it a try and send me any feedback.
> For an introduction to RSS feeds, please see 
> To subscribe to a logbook, enter following URL into your RSS reader:
> http://<your-elog-host.domain>/<logbook>/elog.rdf
> From the newest Mozilla Firefox browser, you can also click on the RSS box at
> the lower right corner of the browser (see attachment).
  771   Mon Nov 15 01:02:29 2004        
I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
works fine in with Bloglines (

I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular


> I implemented experimentally RSS feeds into Elog. Before releasing this new
> addition, I would like to collect some experience with it. This forum now
> supports RSS feeds, for which you can subscribe with a RSS feed reader like
> Mozilla Firefox. Please give it a try and send me any feedback.
> For an introduction to RSS feeds, please see 
> To subscribe to a logbook, enter following URL into your RSS reader:
> http://<your-elog-host.domain>/<logbook>/elog.rdf
> From the newest Mozilla Firefox browser, you can also click on the RSS box at
> the lower right corner of the browser (see attachment).
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6