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  65960   Tue Sep 2 16:07:34 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Is there a way to indicate when an entry has been edited?

W.Koster wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dennis Seitz wrote:

 You've probably seen my other posts on this subject.

I want to be able to re-edit some entries but I need some way to know the dates entries were re-edited.

Am I just approaching this the wrong way? Should I disable re-editing of entries and use threads to follow changes by posting replies to an entry?

The only problem with that is that if I make a mistake I will have to submit a new entry to fix it. 

Please read the FAQ


Apart from logging when and who, is it also possible to somehow log WHAT has changed (like $attribute + $old_value was changed by $who at $date)

 No, this is not possible.

  65999   Mon Oct 13 13:06:59 2008 Question Brassmanninfo@flash-networx.deQuestion  Guest Account doesnt work

Hi ,

i have a little problem with the guest access. There is no acces to the logbooks as a guest. Evereytime i see the loginbox after clicking the logbook.

Guest menu commands = List, Back, Find, Login, Help
Guest find menu commands = List, Find, Select, Login, Help
Password file = ./passwd
Self register = 1
Logfile = elogd.log
Logging level = 3
Login expiration = 24
Admin user = testuser Theme = default
Preset Author = $long_name
Attributes = Author, Subject
Locked Attributes = Author
Required Attributes = Author, Subject
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Subtext

Thanks for help, Brassmann

  66019   Wed Oct 29 05:41:02 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestion  Re: Guest Account doesnt work


Brassmann wrote:

Hi ,

i have a little problem with the guest access. There is no acces to the logbooks as a guest. Evereytime i see the loginbox after clicking the logbook.

Guest menu commands = List, Back, Find, Login, Help
Guest find menu commands = List, Find, Select, Login, Help
Password file = ./passwd
Self register = 1
Logfile = elogd.log
Logging level = 3
Login expiration = 24
Admin user = testuser Theme = default
Preset Author = $long_name
Attributes = Author, Subject
Locked Attributes = Author
Required Attributes = Author, Subject
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Subtext

Thanks for help, Brassmann


 I tried your configuration and it worked as expected. Maybe you have edited the wrong configuration file, not restarted the server, or have an old page in your browser cache.

  66039   Mon Nov 10 19:10:44 2008 Reply Dennis Seitzdenseitz@comcast.netRequest  Re: thumbnails in list and entry views?


Stefan Ritt wrote:


Dennis Seitz wrote:

It would be very cool to be able to select Full from the view menu and then scroll rapidly through all entries looking for that high res photo of a SQUID chip I took two months ago. Presently the photos are all full size so the Full view is slow to load and it takes a lot of scrolling to navigate. Can you implement thumbnails in Full view, and also in the single entry view? Clicking on the thumbnail should, of course, open the full size image.

For now, I'm just using the wysiwyg html entry format and dropping images into the entry, then right-clicking to set a small image size. Clicking on the image gives me a new window with the full size image, which works great.

I hope you don't mind the barrage of suggestions, and thanks again.


Thumbnail display in "full view" is implemented already. Let's take this entry: I insert a picture and scale it down via the "smaller" button:


Now if you display this forum in full view, the image is still shown as a thumbnail, which you are able to click in order to get the full resolution display. I don't know what is different in your case, maybe you are using an oder version of ELOG?


 Sorry for the delayed reply.

Ideally I'd like a config setting so that by default all graphics are presented at a fixed thumbnail size, so the users don't have to edit the image size every time they add one. Clicking on the thumbnail would open the image full size.

This would by default streamline loading and scanning through pages with many large images, whether in Full view of an entire logbook, or when viewing individual entries.


  66040   Mon Nov 10 19:40:43 2008 Entry Dennis Seitzdseitz@berkeley.eduBug report 2.7.3-2109Show/Hide links are displayed but don't work if Show attachments = 0

If I add this statement to a logbook config file:

Show attachments = 0

When viewing and individual entry, attached images are not displayed, which is as intended, but the links Show/Hide and Show All/Hide All are still displayed although they do nothing when clicked except switch between Show and Hide. Clicking on an image opens it in a separate window.

Could you make show/hide and show/hide all work? This way, by default the images are not displayed, but the default could be overridden on a case by case basis as desired, and the images displayed inline in the same window with the entry. 



  66051   Mon Nov 17 11:06:29 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug report 2.7.3-2109Re: Show/Hide links are displayed but don't work if Show attachments = 0


Dennis Seitz wrote:

If I add this statement to a logbook config file:

Show attachments = 0

When viewing and individual entry, attached images are not displayed, which is as intended, but the links Show/Hide and Show All/Hide All are still displayed although they do nothing when clicked except switch between Show and Hide. Clicking on an image opens it in a separate window.

Could you make show/hide and show/hide all work? This way, by default the images are not displayed, but the default could be overridden on a case by case basis as desired, and the images displayed inline in the same window with the entry. 


Very good idea! I changed that in ELOG V2.7.5-2139. The fix will be contained in the next release.

  66052   Mon Nov 17 11:10:24 2008 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chRequest  Re: thumbnails in list and entry views?
Dennis Seitz wrote:

Sorry for the delayed reply.

Ideally I'd like a config setting so that by default all graphics are presented at a fixed thumbnail size, so the users don't have to edit the image size every time they add one. Clicking on the thumbnail would open the image full size.

This would by default streamline loading and scanning through pages with many large images, whether in Full view of an entire logbook, or when viewing individual entries.

Have you tried Thumbnail size = xxx in your config file?

  66063   Fri Nov 21 09:12:31 2008 Question Niklasniklas@hoglund.pp.seQuestion  Quick filter in this forum, how to do "Text" search?



In this forum there is a quickfilter for text search. How do I get that into my elog?

When I add:

Quick filter = Date, Type, Text

into config file. I get:

Error: Attribute "Text" for quick filter not found


How do I add the quick filter text search box?



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6