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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OSdown ELOG Version Subject
  526   Thu Apr 8 16:23:00 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.5.2Re: Global password file together with guest account
> Yes, that is what I want.

I implemented a switch "protect selection page" in revision 1.318, which can be
obtained at If this
switch is not set to "1", the selection page can be seen without having to log in.
  527   Tue Apr 13 11:13:53 2004 Agree Bertram Metzbmetz@sbs.comQuestionWindows2.5.2Re: Global password file together with guest account
> > Yes, that is what I want.
> I implemented a switch "protect selection page" in revision 1.318, which can be
> obtained at If this
> switch is not set to "1", the selection page can be seen without having to log in.

thank you for the fast implementation of this feature. I compiled the new revision and
it worked as expected.

Kind regards,
  530   Tue Apr 27 17:40:25 2004 Question Paul Harringtonpaul.harrington@oup.comQuestionWindows2.5.2can attrinute fields contain more that one line
Is there any way to configure elog so that attribute fields can be edited 
on more than line like the 'text' field? 

(This would be useful so that attributes could contain larger portions of 
text including line breaks)


  532   Fri Apr 30 21:26:32 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chQuestionWindows2.5.2Re: can attrinute fields contain more that one line
> Is there any way to configure elog so that attribute fields can be edited 
> on more than line like the 'text' field? 
> (This would be useful so that attributes could contain larger portions of 
> text including line breaks)

No, but this request is already on the wishlist
( since some time. I added your vote.
  535   Mon May 10 00:00:06 2004 Warning Marc Neigerm.neiger@synergie-inf.comBug reportWindows2.5.2Extendable options

the use of extendable options in the global section seem to "crash" elogd 
when creating a new entry.
My elogd.cfg is included
the problem attribute is "Client"
Should it be possible to have it extendable only in one specific logbook ?

Are extendable and conditionnal "compatible" on the same set of attributes ?

Attachment 1: elogd.cfg
logbook tabs = 1
port = 8081
; on reste en anglais car les textes francais sont trop longs
;Language = french
Date format = %d/%m/%y %H:%M
Password file = passwords.txt
Login expiration = 24
Self register = 0

SMTP host =
Suppress Email to users = 1

; attributs communs
Options Client = CE Astrium, Cofogar, Deco Ouest, GA, Mairie StO, RTS, Subra, Swap-Data
Extendable options = Client

Theme = default
Comment = Gestion des routeurs
Attributes = Author, Client, Equipment, Category, Summary
Preset Author = $short_name
Options Category = Modification, Update, Correction, Installation, Autre
Required Attributes = Client, Equipment, Category
Locked Attributes = Author
Page Title = ELOG - $subject
Reverse sort = 1
Quick filter = Date, Client, Equipment, Category

[Liste Routeurs]
Theme = default
Comment = Liste des routeurs
Attributes = Client, Equipment, EqType, HostName
Required Attributes = Client, Equipment, EqType
Options EqType = FWL1, FWL2, VPN1, VPN2
Page Title = Equipement - $Equipment
Quick filter = Client, EqType
Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find, Help
Summary lines = 6

Theme = default
Comment = Problemes et Knowledgebase
Attributes = Author, PbType, PbStatus, Priority, Client, Equipment, Description
Options PbType = Event, System, Applic, Other
Options PbStatus = Reported, Confirmed, Investigating, Testing, Solved, Suspended
Options Priority = 1 Critical, 2 Urgent, 3 Normal, 4 Background, 5 Low
Required Attributes = Author, PbType, PbStatus, Priority, Description
Quick Filter = Author, PbStatus, PbType
Locked Attributes = Author
Fixed Attributes Reply = PbType
Preset Author = $short_name
Display mode = threaded
Reverse Sort = 1
Quote On Reply = 0

Theme = default
Comment = Problemes et Knowledgebase, single entry
Attributes = Author, PbType, PbStatus, Revisions, Priority, Client, Equipment, Description
Options PbType = Event, System, Applic, Other
Options PbStatus = Reported, Confirmed, Investigating, Testing, Solved, Suspended
Options Priority = 1 Critical, 2 Urgent, 3 Normal, 4 Background, 5 Low
Required Attributes = Author, PbType, PbStatus, Priority, Description
Quick Filter = Author, PbStatus, PbType
Locked Attributes = Author, Revisions
Fixed Attributes Reply = PbType
Preset Author = $short_name
Menu commands = Back, New, Edit, Delete, Find, Help
Reverse Sort = 1
Subst on Edit Revisions = $Revisions
$date par $short_name
  536   Mon May 10 21:57:49 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Extendable options
> the use of extendable options in the global section seem to "crash" elogd 
> when creating a new entry.
> My elogd.cfg is included
> the problem attribute is "Client"
> Should it be possible to have it extendable only in one specific logbook ?

Actually it was never foreseen to have extendable options in the [global]
section. I added now this functionality. The new windows version can be obtained
  537   Tue May 11 10:42:44 2004 Reply Marc Neigerm.neiger@synergie-inf.comBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Extendable options
Hi Stefan,

Many thanks, it works. I'm impressed by your reactivity ! thanks again.

Is it possible to have a conditionnal attribute depend on an extendanble one ?

> > the use of extendable options in the global section seem to "crash" elogd 
> > when creating a new entry.
> > My elogd.cfg is included
> > the problem attribute is "Client"
> > Should it be possible to have it extendable only in one specific logbook ?
> Actually it was never foreseen to have extendable options in the [global]
> section. I added now this functionality. The new windows version can be obtained
> under
  538   Tue May 11 10:44:55 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Extendable options
> Is it possible to have a conditionnal attribute depend on an extendanble one ?

In principle yes, but I never tried it...
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6