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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Categorydown OS ELOG Version Subject Text Attachments
  1475   Thu Oct 20 16:01:49 2005 Reply Stefan Linux2.6.0beta4Re: Howto force users to supply an email address when registering?[quote="Johan Nyberg"]Is there a way to force
the users to supply an email address when
they register?[/quote]
  1476   Sat Oct 22 00:21:03 2005 Reply Johan Linux2.6.0beta4Re: Howto force users to supply an email address when registering?[quote="Stefan Ritt"][quote="Johan Nyberg"]Is
there a way to force the users to supply
an email address when they register?[/quote]
  1514   Fri Nov 18 08:40:13 2005 Question Dinesh Windows2.6Send a email to E-log?Is it possible to send an email to Elog and
record an entry automatically?
  1518   Fri Nov 18 21:09:01 2005 Reply Stefan Windows2.6Re: Send a email to E-log?[quote="Dinesh Bapat"]Is it possible to send
an email to Elog and record an entry automatically?[/quote]
  1542   Wed Dec 7 02:37:40 2005 Entry Jesse   Proxy questionI'm trying to run elog 2.6.0-beta4 under Apache
2.0.  I follow the directions, and everything
works fine, so my
  7   Mon Mar 24 13:05:02 138            
  65620   Sat Oct 6 14:05:01 2007        

I ended with 125384 entries like the one
  Draft   Thu Sep 24 00:13:31 2015 Warning Stefano Linux3.1.0Elog command not working properly    
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6