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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
    icon2.gif   Re: Possible to sort attribute chronologically? , posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jun 2 11:11:27 2008 
> I tried to use the command
> Subst on edit Last Edit = $entry time
> but it gives a "-" for the Last Edit value when I edit an entry. 
> I think this is because $entry time is not a variable supported by Subst. Can you add that support, or else tell me if you know a better way to go about 
> doing what I'm attempting? Is there perhaps a way to globally process a group of entries in a logbook and set one attribute's value to be equal to 
> another's?

I tried to reproduce what you said and it worked fine for me. I used:

Attributes = Author, Type, Last Edit, Subject
Subst on edit Last Edit = $entry time

And got correctly the entry time copied to the "last edit" field when I changed old entries. I used version V.7.3-2104.
    icon2.gif   Re: "preview attachement" flag not working on thumbnails ?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jun 2 12:08:00 2008 
> I would like to turn off the display of attachements when editing an entry in some of our logbooks that contains big file. 
> So I did set the flag "preview attachements"  to 0. It seems to work fine on text file attachment but 
> the  thumbnails for PDF and images (very nice feature by the way!...) are still there...

I fixed that in revision 2109.
icon3.gif   thumbnails in list and entry views?, posted by Dennis Seitz on Thu Jun 5 02:06:31 2008 

It would be very cool to be able to select Full from the view menu and then scroll rapidly through all entries looking for that high res photo of a SQUID chip I took two months ago. Presently the photos are all full size so the Full view is slow to load and it takes a lot of scrolling to navigate. Can you implement thumbnails in Full view, and also in the single entry view? Clicking on the thumbnail should, of course, open the full size image.

For now, I'm just using the wysiwyg html entry format and dropping images into the entry, then right-clicking to set a small image size. Clicking on the image gives me a new window with the full size image, which works great.

I hope you don't mind the barrage of suggestions, and thanks again.

    icon2.gif   Re: thumbnails in list and entry views?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jun 5 08:25:11 2008 Capture.png

Dennis Seitz wrote:

It would be very cool to be able to select Full from the view menu and then scroll rapidly through all entries looking for that high res photo of a SQUID chip I took two months ago. Presently the photos are all full size so the Full view is slow to load and it takes a lot of scrolling to navigate. Can you implement thumbnails in Full view, and also in the single entry view? Clicking on the thumbnail should, of course, open the full size image.

For now, I'm just using the wysiwyg html entry format and dropping images into the entry, then right-clicking to set a small image size. Clicking on the image gives me a new window with the full size image, which works great.

I hope you don't mind the barrage of suggestions, and thanks again.

Thumbnail display in "full view" is implemented already. Let's take this entry: I insert a picture and scale it down via the "smaller" button:


Now if you display this forum in full view, the image is still shown as a thumbnail, which you are able to click in order to get the full resolution display. I don't know what is different in your case, maybe you are using an oder version of ELOG?

    icon2.gif   Re: Conditional Attributes Boolean?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jun 6 11:24:49 2008 

Grant Jeffcote wrote:
After searching the manual and not finding (missing?) the answer is it possible to add conditional statements to a Boolean attribute? I would like a tick box to be able to trigger an event when submitted.

Conditions are not possible with boolean attributes. You have to define the attribute as a list like

Attributes = ..., Flag, ...
Options Flag = Yes{0}, No{1}

{0} ...

{1} ...
    icon2.gif   Re: Is there a way to indicate when an entry has been edited?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jun 6 11:26:37 2008 

Dennis Seitz wrote:

 You've probably seen my other posts on this subject.

I want to be able to re-edit some entries but I need some way to know the dates entries were re-edited.

Am I just approaching this the wrong way? Should I disable re-editing of entries and use threads to follow changes by posting replies to an entry?

The only problem with that is that if I make a mistake I will have to submit a new entry to fix it. 

Please read the FAQ

icon5.gif   Thumbnails not working, posted by Kevin O'Sullivan on Tue Jul 22 23:23:17 2008 

I get the following error where thumbnails should go: Cannot create thumbnail, please check ImageMagick installation.

I restarted elog and check the log, it does in fact detect ImageMagick and it does have the most recent version. I'm running ubuntu 2.6.24-19-server.  Is there something else I should be checking?

icon5.gif   preset type useremail with current user, posted by Peter Hirschbichler on Wed Jul 23 11:26:12 2008 

Hi, I would like to preset an attribute type useremail with $user_email but that does not work because $user_email contains mailto: like mailto:user_email@domain
Has anyone an idea how to resolve this problem?

Type Reporter = useremail
Preset Reporter = $user_email
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6