, posted by on Mon Nov 15 09:38:39 2004
> I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
> http://midas.psi.ch/elogs/Forum/elog.rdf
> works fine in with Bloglines (http://www.bloglines.com/myblogs
You need Firefox 1.0 Preview or later.
> I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular
> logbook?
It's on by default for all logbooks. |
, posted by on Mon Nov 15 09:54:45 2004
IE 6 chokes on the XML, below is what I get for
(sorry this is in french).
So I assume all rss reader parsing the file with the MS XML parser shall also
have a problem, this is the case with Avant Browser integrated RSS reader.
La page XML ne peut pas être affichée
Impossible d'afficher l'entrée XML en utilisant la feuille de style XSL.
Corrigez l'erreur, puis cliquez sur le bouton Actualiser ou réessayez
Un caractère incorrect a été trouvé dans un contenu de texte. Erreur de
traitement de la ressource http://midas.psi.ch/elog...
<title>Re: $message id gives wrong value - Gernman traslalation of Back, posted
by Ulrich Tr |
, posted by on Mon Nov 15 12:51:44 2004
The |
, posted by on Mon Nov 15 13:24:44 2004
> > I didn't see the RSS button in Firefox, however the URL:
> >
> > http://midas.psi.ch/elogs/Forum/elog.rdf
> > works fine in with Bloglines (http://www.bloglines.com/myblogs
> You need Firefox 1.0 Preview or later.
> > I've installed the lastest elog (v2.5.5)--how do I turn it on for a particular
> > logbook?
> It's on by default for all logbooks.
Hmmm, I've made some entries to several logbooks (running 2.5.5), but I still don't
see the elog.rdf file:
find /usr/local/elog -name elog.rdf
<no files found> |
, posted by on Fri Dec 3 08:43:49 2004
God really STRANGE and problematic effect on 2.5.5-1 (can't remember it this
was with 2.5.5 or 2.5.4-X but i'm nearly sure it worked well):
Entering a date (Formate Bithday = date) may crash down the server:
Value is 22.2.2004: Everything is well
Value is 22.2.1962: Server crashes emmediatly (menas restarzing several
times, always the same problem)
I do not have time to check true all the years for finding out where the
problem may beginn, sorry. Also I was not able to check on other systems
right now. My system: Win XP Pro SP 1, IE 6 as well as Mozilla Calssic 1.7.3.
Didn't check it under Linux right know in case of a lot work.
Clould you this fix please Stefan??? THANK'X!!! |
, posted by on Tue Mar 1 19:41:29 2005
For some reason it looses the "m" so line 5 instead of having
"hh:mm" has "hh: m"
Please ideas ;)
GL. |
, posted by on Tue Mar 1 19:41:29 2005
For some reason it looses the "m" so line 5 instead of having
"hh:mm" has "hh: m"
Please ideas ;)
GL. |
, posted by on Tue Mar 1 19:41:29 2005