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ID Date Icon Author Author Email Category OSdown ELOG Version Subject
  539   Tue May 11 11:08:33 2004 Reply Marc Neigerm.neiger@synergie-inf.comBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Extendable options
> > Is it possible to have a conditionnal attribute depend on an extendanble one ?
> In principle yes, but I never tried it...

The snapshot version you sent me seems to be locked onto port 80 and does not honor 
the port directive in elog.cfg....
  540   Tue May 11 11:18:24 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Extendable options
> The snapshot version you sent me seems to be locked onto port 80 and does not honor 
> the port directive in elog.cfg....

Thank you, I fixed that and updated the file.
  541   Tue May 11 19:35:11 2004 Reply Marc Neigerm.neiger@synergie-inf.comBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Extendable options
> > The snapshot version you sent me seems to be locked onto port 80 and does not honor 
> > the port directive in elog.cfg....
> Thank you, I fixed that and updated the file.

Tested and working, thx.
  543   Thu May 20 00:55:51 2004 Question Ralph Windows2.5.2User/Admin privlege question

For some reason if I define a "login user" that is allowed the configure
option he is also allowed to change the configuration file. According to the
documentation it seems like this should NOT be the case. Any ideas as to
what the problem might be? 

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.

  544   Fri May 21 14:43:09 2004 Reply Stefan Windows2.5.2Re: User/Admin privlege question
> For some reason if I define a "login user" that is allowed the configure
> option he is also allowed to change the configuration file. According to the
> documentation it seems like this should NOT be the case. Any ideas as to
> what the problem might be? 

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce your problem. This leaves few possibilites:

- any login user CAN change his/her full name, email address etc. but only admin
users can change ALL OTHERS as well. Admin users should see a "change elogd.cfg"
button on the config page, whil normal users will not

- are you sure you logged out as admin user and loggin in again as non-admin
user? Under some circumstances, the browser keeps old cookies which can confuse
things. Best is if you delete all browser cookies and try again (Tools/Internet
Options/Delete Cookies in IE).

- Stefan
  554   Thu Jun 3 22:22:33 2004 Question miljan dedicmde@hvidovre.dkBug reportWindows2.5.2Resubmit as new entry
Elogd crashing when "Resubmit as new entry" is executed.
Tried with demo config, same result, also tried with snapshot version.
After the first crash i restart elogd, then it crashes every time i enter 
the logbook containing the entry i tried to "Resubmit as new entry"
Anyone seen same behavior, on win2000 platform ?.

  556   Fri Jun 4 16:55:36 2004 Reply Stefan Rittstefan.ritt@psi.chBug reportWindows2.5.2Re: Resubmit as new entry
> Elogd crashing when "Resubmit as new entry" is executed.
> Tried with demo config, same result, also tried with snapshot version.
> After the first crash i restart elogd, then it crashes every time i enter 
> the logbook containing the entry i tried to "Resubmit as new entry"
> Anyone seen same behavior, on win2000 platform ?.

I fixed this problem, was a stack overflow. New snapshot is available.
  565   Wed Jun 30 11:59:57 2004 Question Bartjan Wattelbartjan@wattel.netQuestionWindowsv2.5.3Only show log entries for logged-in user

Is it possible to restrict the display of logbook entries to the entries 
created by the currently logged-in user?

I'm thinking of using the ELOG system in a school laboratory environment: 
students must write entries in the logbook about their excersises, but I 
would like that students can not "see" what other students have written. To 
make it even more complicated, I would like that students can see their own 
entries and the teacher entries.....

Is something like this possible?

Thanks in advance
Bartjan Wattel
the Netherlands
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6