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New entries since:Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
icon5.gif   sorting a drop down menu in elog, posted by chris williams on Sun Jun 24 00:12:15 2007 
Hi, I was wondering, how can I insert new items into my drop down menu and have them appear in an alphabetical order? Is there some sort of code I can insert into the config file to do so?
icon5.gif   sort attributs, posted by deletoille on Wed Mar 14 11:55:54 2007 elog14_03.jpg
For 1 event, I need the date and the hour of this one. An event can be enter in elog several days after this one. The problem is that I do not manage to carry out one sorts on these two attibuts. I tested the order “? rsort” but this one works only on one entry not out of 2 at the same time (? rsort=Heure+evenement, Date+evenement&mode=threaded)
have an easy way?
Thank you very much

Xavier Deletoille
icon5.gif   sort after find, posted by Willem Koster on Fri Feb 3 12:38:57 2006 
When I do a find (like Field1 = XXX )
and then try to sort the results I get the entire list again (but sorted) instead of the sorted results.
But when I fabricate a url manually like

I do get the search-results nicely sorted.

Obviously I would like to be able to sort the result of a find-query.

Is this a bug or a feature request ?
icon2.gif   something for the wishlist: 'Recent Changes', posted by Heiko Scheit on Fri Aug 26 13:08:10 2005 
Something for the wishlist:

A 'Recent Changes'-link (option) that lists entries that were changed
recently, where 'recent' can be changed from 1,2,3...(some maximum)
icon5.gif   some menu commands formed with broken links, posted by Ken Ludington on Tue May 7 22:15:37 2013 
On many of my logbooks when I specify the menu commands to appear i will get one, usually 'List', which has a
link not back to the logbook itself but to the root of the elog web server i.e. http:/hostname.domain:8080 
But nothing will respond without the logbook name after the port number.  This also seems to be happening to the
"back" submit button.  I can't seem to figure out how to address it.  Suggestions?
    icon7.gif   solved: elogd dies upon search, posted by Christian Ludwig on Fri Jun 3 08:59:49 2016 

I would like to share my findings about the solution of our problem:

One of my collegues used elog in a way it was not intended for, he put an endry with 8021 lines of text.

So I grabbed the corresponding 160517a.log file from logdir, renamed it to a text file and created a new entry with the large textfile as attachment.

Since then, no more crash of elogs.


May this contribution be useful to other elog users...



Christian Ludwig wrote:

Hi all,

ELOG V3.0.0-21dc563

Our elogd dies alwways when searching for full text:

elogd: src/elogd.c:465: xrealloc: Assertion `*((unsigned int *) (temp + old_size)) == 0xdeadc0de' failed.
elogd: src/elogd.c:465: xrealloc: Assertion `*((unsigned int *) (temp + old_size)) == 0xdeadc0de' failed.

The only change we did was adding/editing entries.


Does anyone else encounter the same issue ?

I did not find any hint in release notes that this issue would be fixed in a later version


Please don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. Elog does a great job for us since years.




icon1.gif   size of atributes in summary mode, posted by Diego on Wed Feb 10 22:55:42 2016 elog_pic.PNG

Good night,

I would be grateful if someone could indicate me, how could I increase the size of the block where the text of the atribute are in the summary mode.I would like, for example, increase the size of the "subject" you can see on the picture.

Thank you so much!!!




icon3.gif   show/hide attachments, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Sat Jul 9 17:21:51 2005 
It would be nice ad usefull to have a "show/hide attachments" just at the side of "show only last" link ..
BTW, it would be nice if those settings would be stored in a cooky too Smile

thanx againg Stefan
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6