Public Collaboration Sub-groups Archive
News Publication List
  List of MEG publications, Page 4 of 10  Not logged in ELOG logo
Year Type Title Conference Journal Attachments
2018Conference with proceedingsA Laser-based Time Calibration System for the MEG II Timing Counter2018 IEEE NSS & MIC2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings (NSS/MIC)  
2017Conference with proceedingsResults from Pilot Run for MEG II Positron Timing CounterTIPP 2017Springer Proceedings in Physics  
2019ArticleLarge-area MPPC with enhanced VUV sensitivity for liquid xenon scintillation detector Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 1-s2.0-S0168900219301858-main.pdf 
2018ArticleThe design of the MEG II experiment Eur. Phys. J. C Baldini_et_al._-_2018_-_The_design_of_the_MEG_II_experiment.pdf 
2010Conference with proceedingsLepton Flavour Violation in the LHC EraParticle Astrophysics and Cosmology (PASCOS2010) J. Phys. Conf. Series fc_valencia10.pdf 
2012ConferenceStatus and perspectives of the MEG experimentXXIV Rencontres de Blois   
2013Conference with proceedingsLatest results of the MEG experimentEuropean Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2013)PoS (EPS-HEP2013)   
2015Conference with proceedingsStatus and perspectives of the MEG experimentWorkshop on flavour changing and conserving processes (FCCP2015) EPJ - Web of Conferences  
2013ArticleThe MEG detector for µ+→e+γ decay search Eur. Phys. J. C Adam_et_al._-_2013_-_The_MEG_detector_for_μ_→e_γ_decay_search(2).pdf 
2012ArticleDevelopment and commissioning of the Timing Counter for the MEG Experiment IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. De_Gerone_et_al._-_2012_-_Development_and_Commissioning_of_the_Timing_Counter_for_the_MEG_Experiment.pdf 
2013Conference with proceedingsMeasurement of Inner Bremsstrahlung in Polarized Muon Decay with MEGCLFV2013Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl. Adam_et_al._-_2014_-_Measurement_of_Inner_Bremsstrahlung_in_Polarized_Muon_Decay_with_MEG(2).pdf 
2016Conference with proceedingsMass test of AdvanSiD model ASD-NUV3S-P SiliconPMs for the Pixel Timing Counter of the MEG II experimentIPRD16JINST  
2016Conference with proceedings30-ps time resolution with segmented scintillation counter for MEG IIVCI 2016Nucl. Instrum. Methods A Uchiyama_et_al._-_2016_-_30-ps_time_resolution_with_segmented_scintillation_counter_for_MEG_II.pdf 
2015Conference with proceedingsA High Resolution Timing Counter for the MEG II ExperimentIEEE NSS-MIC 2015   
2015Conference with proceedingsPixelated Positron Timing Counter with SiPM-readout Scintillator for MEG II experimentPhotoDet 2015PoS PhotoDet2015_011.pdf 
2015Conference with proceedingsDevelopment of Positron Timing Counter with SiPM Readout for MEG II ExperimentFPCP2015PoS FPCP2015_064.pdf 
2015Conference with proceedingsA high resolution Timing Counter for the MEG II experiment13th Pisa meetingNucl. Instrum. Methods A  
2015Conference with proceedingsTest and characterisation of SiPMs for the MEGII high resolution Timing Counter13th Pisa meetingNucl. Instrum. Methods A  
2014Conference with proceedingsA Pixelated Positron Timing Counter with Fast Plastic Scintillator Readout by SiPMs for the MEG IITIPP 2014PoS TIPP2014_313.pdf 
2014Conference with proceedingsThe LXe calorimeter and the pixelated timing counter in the MEG II experimentINSTR-14JINST  
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