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  List of MEG publications, Page 4 of 10  Not logged in ELOG logo
Yeardown Type Title Conference Journal Attachments
2015Conference with proceedingsA high resolution Timing Counter for the MEG II experiment13th Pisa meetingNucl. Instrum. Methods A  
2015Conference with proceedingsDevelopment of Positron Timing Counter with SiPM Readout for MEG II ExperimentFPCP2015PoS FPCP2015_064.pdf 
2015Conference with proceedingsPixelated Positron Timing Counter with SiPM-readout Scintillator for MEG II experimentPhotoDet 2015PoS PhotoDet2015_011.pdf 
2015Conference with proceedingsA High Resolution Timing Counter for the MEG II ExperimentIEEE NSS-MIC 2015   
2015Conference with proceedingsStatus and perspectives of the MEG experimentWorkshop on flavour changing and conserving processes (FCCP2015) EPJ - Web of Conferences  
2015Conference with proceedingsDevelopment of deep-UV sensitive MPPC for liquid xenon scintillation detectorNDIP14Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A  
2015Conference with proceedingsUpgrade of MEG Liquid Xenon CalorimeterInternational Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2014 (TIPP2014)PoS  
2014ArticleDevelopment of High Precision Timing Counter Based on Plastic Scintillator with SiPM Readout IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 1402.1404v2.pdf 
2014Conference with proceedingsThe LXe calorimeter and the pixelated timing counter in the MEG II experimentINSTR-14JINST  
2014Conference with proceedingsA Pixelated Positron Timing Counter with Fast Plastic Scintillator Readout by SiPMs for the MEG IITIPP 2014PoS TIPP2014_313.pdf 
2014Conference with proceedingsDevelopment of Radiative Decay Counter to reduce the background in the MEG experiment2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2013 NSS/MIC)2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Development_of_Radiative_Decay_Counter_to_reduce_the_background_in_the_MEG_experiment.pdf 
2014Conference with proceedingsUpgrade of LXe gamma-ray detector in MEG experiment12th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics (TAU2012)Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.)  
2013ArticleNew Constraint on the Existence of the $\mu \to e \gamma$ Decay Phys. Rev. Lett.   
2013Conference with proceedingsDevelopment of pixelated scintillation detector for highly precise time measurement in MEG upgradeVCI 2013Nucl. Instrum. Methods A  
2013Conference with proceedingsDesign and test of an extremely high resolution Timing Counter for the MEG II experiment: preliminary resultsIPRD13JINST De_Gerone_et_al._-_2014_-_Design_and_test_of_an_extremely_high_resolution_Timing_Counter_for_the_MEG_II_experiment_preliminary_result(2).pdf 
2013Conference with proceedingsHigh Precision Measurement of Positron Time in MEG UpgradeIEEE NSS-MIC 2013   
2013Conference with proceedingsUpgrade of MEG experimentEPS-HEP 2013PoS Uchiyama_-_2013_-_Upgrade_of_MEG_experiment.pdf 
2013Conference with proceedingsMeasurement of Inner Bremsstrahlung in Polarized Muon Decay with MEGCLFV2013Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl. Adam_et_al._-_2014_-_Measurement_of_Inner_Bremsstrahlung_in_Polarized_Muon_Decay_with_MEG(2).pdf 
2013ArticleThe MEG detector for µ+→e+γ decay search Eur. Phys. J. C Adam_et_al._-_2013_-_The_MEG_detector_for_μ_→e_γ_decay_search(2).pdf 
2013Conference with proceedingsLatest results of the MEG experimentEuropean Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2013)PoS (EPS-HEP2013)   
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