Public Collaboration Sub-groups Archive
News Publication List
  List of MEG publications, Page 5 of 10  Not logged in ELOG logo
Year Type Title Conference Journal
2013Conference with proceedingsUpgrade of MEG experimentEPS-HEP 2013PoS
2013Conference with proceedingsHigh Precision Measurement of Positron Time in MEG UpgradeIEEE NSS-MIC 2013 
2013Conference with proceedingsDesign and test of an extremely high resolution Timing Counter for the MEG II experiment: preliminary resultsIPRD13JINST


2013Conference with proceedingsDevelopment of pixelated scintillation detector for highly precise time measurement in MEG upgradeVCI 2013Nucl. Instrum. Methods A
2012Conference with proceedingsNew Positron Spectrometer for MEG Experiment UpgradeTAU 2012Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl.
2016ArticleSearch for the lepton flavour violating decay μ+ → e+ γ with the full dataset of the MEG experiment Eur. Phys. J. C

arXiv:1605.05081 [hep-ex]

2016ArticleMuon polarization in the MEG experiment: predictions and measurements Eur. Phys. J. C
arXiv:1510.04743 [hep-ex]
2016ArticleTime resolution of time-of-flight detector based on multiple scintillation counters readout by SiPMs Nucl. Instrum. Methods A


2016ArticleMeasurement of the radiative decay of polarized muons in the MEG experiment Eur. Phys. J. C
arXiv:1312.3217 [hep-ex]
2014ArticleDevelopment of High Precision Timing Counter Based on Plastic Scintillator with SiPM Readout IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.

arXiv:1402.1404 [physics.ins-det]

2013ArticleNew Constraint on the Existence of the $\mu \to e \gamma$ Decay Phys. Rev. Lett.
2010Conference with proceedingsSearch for lepton flavor violating muon decay: latest result from MEGThe Xth Nicola Cabibbo International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons (HQL 2010)Proceedings of science

2011Conference with proceedingsSEARCH FOR mu -> e gamma DECAY, MEG LATEST RESULTNEW TRENDS IN HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS (Crimea 2011) 

ISBN 978-966-02-6199-0

2011ArticleNew Limit on the Lepton-Flavor-Violating Decay mu -> e gamma Phys. Rev. Lett.
2010Conference with proceedingsIn Search of Mu->e+gamma; – The MEG Experiment Status & Latest ResultsPhysics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions – PSI2010Physics Procedia
2011ArticleThe architecture of MEG simulation and analysis software The European Physical Journal Plus

That is the paper about offline software architecture.

2011Conference with proceedings{First results from the MEG experiment: search for charged Lepton Flavor Violation $\mu^+ \rightarrow e^+ \gamma$ decay23rd Rencontres de Blois 

Here is the proceeding for the Blois conference I just attended.

I plan to send it in a few days, so there is time for corrections.

Comments and corrections are welcome.

Ciao Paolo

2010Conference with proceedingsThe Timing Counter of the MEG experiment: calibration and performance12th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings supplements)
2010Conference with proceedingsSearch of charged Lepton Flavor Violation decay mu -> e gamma: the MEG experimentBEACH2010Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements)
2011Conference with proceedingsmuegamma search with the MEG experiment: results and perspectivesLes Rescontres de Physique de la Vale� D'Aoste 

 Dear all,

in attachment the conference proceedings prepared for the Les Rescontres de Physique de la Valeè D'Aoste conference.


Any comments and suggestion even if the deadline for the submission is next Monday, sorry for

the very short notice.


Luca Galli

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