Public Collaboration Sub-groups Archive
News Publication List
  List of MEG publications, Page 5 of 10  Not logged in ELOG logo
Year Type Title Conference Journal Attachments
2013Conference with proceedingsUpgrade of MEG experimentEPS-HEP 2013PoS Uchiyama_-_2013_-_Upgrade_of_MEG_experiment.pdf 
2013Conference with proceedingsHigh Precision Measurement of Positron Time in MEG UpgradeIEEE NSS-MIC 2013   
2013Conference with proceedingsDesign and test of an extremely high resolution Timing Counter for the MEG II experiment: preliminary resultsIPRD13JINST De_Gerone_et_al._-_2014_-_Design_and_test_of_an_extremely_high_resolution_Timing_Counter_for_the_MEG_II_experiment_preliminary_result(2).pdf 
2013Conference with proceedingsDevelopment of pixelated scintillation detector for highly precise time measurement in MEG upgradeVCI 2013Nucl. Instrum. Methods A  
2012Conference with proceedingsNew Positron Spectrometer for MEG Experiment UpgradeTAU 2012Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl.  
2016ArticleSearch for the lepton flavour violating decay μ+ → e+ γ with the full dataset of the MEG experiment Eur. Phys. J. C Baldini_et_al._-_2016_-_Search_for_the_lepton_flavour_violating_decay_μ_→_e_γ_with_the_full_dataset_of_the_MEG_experiment.pdf 
2016ArticleMuon polarization in the MEG experiment: predictions and measurements Eur. Phys. J. C  Baldini_et_al._-_2016_-_Muon_polarization_in_the_MEG_experiment_predictions_and_measurements.pdf 
2016ArticleTime resolution of time-of-flight detector based on multiple scintillation counters readout by SiPMs Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 1511.03891v2.pdf 
2016ArticleMeasurement of the radiative decay of polarized muons in the MEG experiment Eur. Phys. J. C Baldini_et_al._-_2016_-_Measurement_of_the_radiative_decay_of_polarized_muons_in_the_MEG_experiment.pdf 
2014ArticleDevelopment of High Precision Timing Counter Based on Plastic Scintillator with SiPM Readout IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 1402.1404v2.pdf 
2013ArticleNew Constraint on the Existence of the $\mu \to e \gamma$ Decay Phys. Rev. Lett.   
2010Conference with proceedingsSearch for lepton flavor violating muon decay: latest result from MEGThe Xth Nicola Cabibbo International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons (HQL 2010)Proceedings of science  
2011Conference with proceedingsSEARCH FOR mu -> e gamma DECAY, MEG LATEST RESULTNEW TRENDS IN HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS (Crimea 2011)   
2011ArticleNew Limit on the Lepton-Flavor-Violating Decay mu -> e gamma Phys. Rev. Lett. PhysRevLett.107.171801.pdf 
2010Conference with proceedingsIn Search of Mu->e+gamma; – The MEG Experiment Status & Latest ResultsPhysics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions – PSI2010Physics Procedia PSI2010-MEG.pdf 
2011ArticleThe architecture of MEG simulation and analysis software The European Physical Journal Plus epjp1100037-offprints.pdf 
2011Conference with proceedings{First results from the MEG experiment: search for charged Lepton Flavor Violation $\mu^+ \rightarrow e^+ \gamma$ decay23rd Rencontres de Blois  blois-meg.pdf 
2010Conference with proceedingsThe Timing Counter of the MEG experiment: calibration and performance12th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings supplements)  
2010Conference with proceedingsSearch of charged Lepton Flavor Violation decay mu -> e gamma: the MEG experimentBEACH2010Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements)  
2011Conference with proceedingsmuegamma search with the MEG experiment: results and perspectivesLes Rescontres de Physique de la Vale� D'Aoste  lathuile2011.pdf 
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