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  List of MEG publications, Page 8 of 9  Not logged in ELOG logo
Year Type Title Conferencedown Journal Attachments
2006ArticleDevelopment of a Method for Liquid Xenon Purification Using a Cryogenic Centrifugal Pump Cryogenics  
2006ArticleLiquid xenon scintillation calorimetry and Xe optical properties  Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on  Published.pdf 
2006ArticleA radioactive point-source lattice for calibrating and monitoring the liquid xenon calorimeter of the MEG experiment NIMA nima.pdf 
2006ArticleA cryogenic facility for testing the PMTs of the MEG liquid xenon calorimeter. Nucl.Instrum.Meth.  
2006Article Performance of the Domino Ring Sampler in the MAGIC experiment Nucl. Instrum. Meth.  
2009ArticleDevelopment of a large volume zero boil-off liquid xenon storage system for muon rare decay experiment (MEG) Cryogenics sdarticle.pdf 
2010ArticleA limit for the mu -> e gamma decay from the MEG experiment Nuclear Physics B  
2008ArticleCharged Lepton Flavor Violation Experiments Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 0807_charged_lepton_flavor_violation_experiments.pdf 
2008ArticleFlavor physics of leptons and dipole moments The European Physical Journal C  
2010ArticleThe MEG tiiming counter calibration and performance Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research A TC_NIM.pdf 
2011ArticleCalibration and Monitoring of the MEG experiment by a proton beam from a Cockcroft–Walton accelerator Nuclear Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A  
2011ArticleThe architecture of MEG simulation and analysis software The European Physical Journal Plus epjp1100037-offprints.pdf 
2011ArticleNew Limit on the Lepton-Flavor-Violating Decay mu -> e gamma Phys. Rev. Lett. PhysRevLett.107.171801.pdf 
2013ArticleNew Constraint on the Existence of the $\mu \to e \gamma$ Decay Phys. Rev. Lett.   
2014ArticleDevelopment of High Precision Timing Counter Based on Plastic Scintillator with SiPM Readout IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 1402.1404v2.pdf 
2016ArticleMeasurement of the radiative decay of polarized muons in the MEG experiment Eur. Phys. J. C Baldini_et_al._-_2016_-_Measurement_of_the_radiative_decay_of_polarized_muons_in_the_MEG_experiment.pdf 
2016ArticleTime resolution of time-of-flight detector based on multiple scintillation counters readout by SiPMs Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 1511.03891v2.pdf 
2016ArticleMuon polarization in the MEG experiment: predictions and measurements Eur. Phys. J. C  Baldini_et_al._-_2016_-_Muon_polarization_in_the_MEG_experiment_predictions_and_measurements.pdf 
2016ArticleSearch for the lepton flavour violating decay μ+ → e+ γ with the full dataset of the MEG experiment Eur. Phys. J. C Baldini_et_al._-_2016_-_Search_for_the_lepton_flavour_violating_decay_μ_→_e_γ_with_the_full_dataset_of_the_MEG_experiment.pdf 
2012ArticleDevelopment and commissioning of the Timing Counter for the MEG Experiment IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. De_Gerone_et_al._-_2012_-_Development_and_Commissioning_of_the_Timing_Counter_for_the_MEG_Experiment.pdf 
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