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icon1.gif   [BUG] attach=1 and inline imgs, posted by Emiliano Gabrielli on Mon Jul 4 18:46:25 2005 elog-showattach_bug.jpg
    icon2.gif   Re: [BUG] attach=1 and inline imgs, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 5 22:35:52 2005 
Message ID: 1227     Entry time: Tue Jul 5 22:35:52 2005     In reply to: 1223
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: All  ELOG Version: cvs 
Subject: Re: [BUG] attach=1 and inline imgs 

Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
There is a little difference in the way elog treats attachment's display in list and single message view...
It has to be, but some beaviours can be seen as bugs:

  • this is a real bug (see attachment).. if a file is referred inside the text (as shown in elcode docs) it is correctly not shown when in single message view, but it remains visible both inline and as attachment in the full list view
  • it would be nice for the user having, as in the single message view, the possibility of show or hide a single or all the attachements of a single message ..

I removed attachment displays for all views if the image is referenced inline. A potential problem is that it might confuse people. During submission (and later during editing), they see an attachment at the bottom, but the link at the botton is not visible in normal display. If they want to extract an inline image into a file, they have to know that there is a "Save image as..." in their browser. So let's see how many people complain.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6